is there a chance for a single father to get married again?

By singlefather •
Am a muslim single father who is looking for to get married once again, to start a new begining, to try to forget the past. to create a new hope. to raise a lost adorable 2 years old boy.
Do i have the chance? do you think that there will be any interested ladies?
am seriouse people, please dont try to make fun of it. am suffering alot........ tears.
for private messages and more details, please email me at
[email protected]
Yeah.............hes a good the rests of the posts this morning............he was quick........think he was freighten he was going to loose sabina.......LOL
yea tha event is on you can check who ese has joined.
and Black Prince you just missed the last show last night he was so quick in 15min he was done with pizza and in 5min he was in corniche and in 10min he was in his home go check the thread again we still were here till 10pm man that kid is really a fun LOL
can you dance for me too while singing
just see that thumb on ur hand stick em up ur azz and start to dance plz
:D Punk
Hi Da hows things?..................spill the beans how was dont be shy..........try not to be too explicist..............we are on an open forum
But seriously was good to have some good old harmless fun yesterday, broke the boredom and was a giggle
the trip on saturday is on???
whATevER yoU giVE to LIfe, IT giVEs YOu BAck.
DO noT haTE anYBodY.
thE HAtrED thAT COmeS ouT frOM yoU, wiLL coME baCK to YoU.
LOve OTheRS & LOve wiLL coME BAck TO you.
am getting bored of this clown show :P
sing me a song ummm
Boring hmm feeling sleepy hmmmm ummm
The heading of Qatar Living only tells u about....
Darude.... U are the most foolist of all idiots.... It was a simple post... let it be any thing ....Dont wanna help... Keep u A shut and atleast dont make harsh statements who is already in terrible situation...
you simply have to love the helpful ways of the QL community!
Singlefather, i feel for you completely, and you have just been torn apart by this stupid thread. Just forget about it - delete it if possible. People are not here to help you, they would rather poke fun, and pick at every single oppurtunity.
Not a dating site? Of course it isnt, but he wasnt doing anything wrong. I thought this was an advice site, and it sounds to me like he was asking advice.
I have learnt already that there are plenty of people on here who simply want to jump at your throat. Forget about it, and in future, i wouldnt post anything personal.
Come on man, why are you lingering on to this topic with Darude anymore if you think he can’t help you....Darude is good or's another matter....he has his own way of life….why are you trying to change a thing that is not for you.
For you.....if you got yourself in a shit….you can't clean yourself unless you get out of that shit......why you want to remain in the topic that is panic for you? And even why you come again and again on the forum, if it is not useful for you.
I am not opposing you to be on QL, but share with them only who are willing in listening you.
Be cool, and spend your time on what you are looking for. Life goes on!
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
i can never get nuts by a guy like you, i dont know you and you dont know me. even if QL is not a matchmaking site, who are you to judge whats wrong and whats right? some other users did worse "offering pleasure to ladies" , some Users offended Qatar, the culture, the way of life here. and now you are considering it as a mistake to post such a some other people its not.please people always remember that we are all humans, not pigs, not wolfs and we all have feelings. and remember always that the shortest way to happiness is to give happiness to others.
thanks for being supportive.
keep on moving.
frankly speaking, it doesn't make difference as most of us know that on open forums, especially fun forums, majority of the people are using fake names, age, gender and nationality....
if it matters to anyone, i can say only that don't share your thoughts to someone unless you know him/her personally, in case you think that his/her opinion may hurt you....a lesson for singlefather.
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
Might be singlefather is naming him because of country name in his (Darude) profile on QL....I also name in Darude profile is Israel.
Anyway, if Darude has mentioned fake country of origin in his profile that is also not good thing but single father has not right to abuse.
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
The religion is to advocate and not to hide...but it is useful to advocate on an appropriate forum and at right time.
I just said (keeping in mind nonsense remarks of few QL members and visitors regarding religion) that QL is not appropriate forum to discuss religious thoughts. Religious thoughts are part of one’s belief and any bad words for that may hurt someone.
There are other more useful forums and blog sites to discuss this kind of things with more concentration and you can learn further without getting crazy by someone’s nonsense remarks on your religion.
Anyway, I am not opposing to discuss anything on this forum. As long as it is acceptable for one you are talking to, you can discuss anything.
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
It's quite an interesting one this. I wonder how many of you would have rallied to support a single Muslim woman with a child of two years old?
Theres such a thing as destiny. If it has to happen, it will. But dont be banking on a remarriage, nor think it will never happen.
I do not interpret your thread as an advertisement, so for advice's sake I can just say there are many people who have been in similar situations but have come through it with flying colours.
I am divorced too and rarely get to see my daughter because of geographical distances and my ex-wife's stubbornness, so in my shoes I am thinking you should actually be bloody glad that you have someone to return home to instead of an empty house. Focus on what you have and not what you don't.
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it"
ahh much etc..etc...etc.....
love can make impossible things possible.....
Love is blind so need of eyes, You fall in love and when you get up the love is over. When you fall in love you hurt yourself as the slope of love is very slippery.
If only you know what I mean:)
This is how the verse is translated
Chapter 24 Surah Noor verse 26
YUSUFALI: Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honourable.
PICKTHAL: Vile women are for vile men, and vile men for vile women. Good women are for good men, and good men for good women; such are innocent of that which people say: For them is pardon and a bountiful provision.
SHAKIR: Bad women .are for bad men and bad men are for bad women. Good women are for good men and good men are for good women
It is a religious concept and I don't recommend to discuss this on a forum where people are abusing frequently just for fun.....what a nonsense that fun is.
You should discuss this on one-to-one basis with Eco-saavy can discuss this with me also through PM on QL or regular e-mail.
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
But your approach was wrong..there arent many muslim females here in QL
I know there are no matrimonial columns in arabic newspapers but you have many online Zawaj sites.
And why should you tell ppl about ur feelings, isnt it better to speak directly to Allah. Remember good women are for good men and corrupt women for corrupt men. Seeking alliance is much easier if you go to masjid on regular basis
I believe both guys are abusing....and it should be reported to QL administrative......
singlefather called darude....Israeli is clearly abuse.
darude said......o kuri yuwa haiga :D… is also an abuse as clear as one singlefather did…....if someone has doubts....please get it translated from an Indian / Pakistani / Neepali guy....
I request that we should not support abusing at QL matter who is what and how long on this portal.
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
ehhhhhhhhh I like pigs.
there are pink with curly tails and they have funny noses and ehhhhh
they are tasty
and look at piglet
anyway single father I gave you some good advice......
DaRuDe is a very compassionate person actually.... now i have any image of him being cuddly and pink :)
forget it guys, it doesnt worth it. after all its just a divorce to the most of you. i know i will move on.
im not sure what exactly singlefather wants.....looking for someone or looking for some fight...hehehehehehehehhehe peace be with you brother!!!
and by the way da rude is right this is not a match making site...all we can give you is advise that will help you move on...but its all up to you... are big enough to look after yourself are right when you said this isnt a mating agency.......but then again its an open forum for a laugh, discussion and lastly for people to get some good the advice is depends on the people in Ql and there advice reflects in the end who they are and what QL is like. Normally actions speak louder than words but in the case of QL its words that speak and tell everybody who you are............and you aint an Israeli Pig or Wolf......unless your words show you to be one
Have a nice day
alexa do you really want to know that
Many people on this site to have gone through divorce - however, remember it takes two to tango so it is mostly never one sided.
is any one responsible for your destiny here no right
so go on and make it urself. you in first place were wrong to post such a topic here why because this is not a match makin site.
No matter the comments he is just being light hearted there is no room for name calling it is just such a childish way of expressing your feelings.
He is not making fun out of your tragedy.
forget it guys, it doesnt worth it. after all its just a divorce to the most of you.
well i feel ur pain for sure if its genuine...but i dont agree with u calling people names like a kid urself very very bad.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
kuri yuwa haiga ????????????
o kuri yuwa haiga :D
he is not from israel so why are you calling him IP
if any one comes again i will get you first to face him for me :D
i asked a general question, and darude started attacking me out of nothing. what do you expect me to do ? just let hem make fun out of my tragedy?
wow people. whats wrong with the world ?
you were supposed to advice, not to make fun. and the rest of you (hassan1024 , Smoke) : i really wish you face the same. i called hem an israeli pig becoz simply he is.
Darude..................just hope you never get in the situation....and if you do hope you dont get answers like he did...........
Alexa.........agree whole heartedly...........seems QL is just going down the tubes.............quickly
this man is seriously getting sick after his wife left him :D
[img_assist|nid=21285|title=.|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] god you are sometimes as subtle as a 40 ton Truck with no brakes......have a heart
Singlefather............dont you go the route of insults..........doesnt get anybody anywhere..........just conter insults and anyway Darude is a wolf not a pig
i think there might be 2 kids in the house not sure which one sent that last message :)
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Let's be thankful that a two year old isn't going to be raised by someone who uses words like 'Israeli pig'
no name callin pls or ya gonna stand in the corner.......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
what is this name calling here and who is the Isreali pig? No matter it is not nice boys.
no wonder ur wife left u...ur acting like a freaking kid...grow up
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Israeli Pig
Israeli Pig
Israeli Pig
dont find love it will come to you like a thief in the night...
love conquers all...and though you have a 2 yrs old son if the girl who will come your way really loves you for what you are it doesn't matter at dont lose hope...just relax...
remember everything happens for a reason....
Don't be are not so old that you can't find a reasonable addition to looking at QL, try other match making sites as well and look into your own community with help of your family and friends.
At the same time, analyze your past relation and try to find out the exact reason(s) that ended in divorce. If the reason(s) were on your part then try to change yourself so that you can accommodate your new life partner. And if the reasons were on part of your ex-wife, don't be desperate and be hopeful for a good future.
There is no reason that you could not find that you are looking for, if you are true and sincere.
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
oh he's edited his post...grrrrrrrrr coward!!
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
i need to paste my teeth first man :D
who are u calling israeli pig?? cant u see he's a wolf? :)*waits for darude to start his biting now*
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Yes of course you will have change to get married again. I married a wonderful man with two kids.
give a damn about feelings. not a crying baby like you who lost one and is ready to find one more and soon losing it again.
this could happen to anyone including you SILLY DARUDE. dont you have anything else to do in your life ? trust me, you have a problem, not me. am just a normal guy who respects people. in fact, i really wish you to face the same and even worse. so you know exactly how it feels. you think that you are better than people, well i cant even consider you a "People". what shall i tell you? its better not to talk coz you dont even have feelings.
hey QL ... anyone has noticed such repeated words "please dont try to make fun of it"
"am seriouse people, please dont try to make fun of it. am suffering alot........ tears."
Seems like someone is playing in QL ?
I am sorry but I have strong feelings with post like these now a days !!
its you who is going through psychological stage that you come and ask on site this is not a dating site its about living in Qatar.
and second its you who need to grow up and make strong bonds so not to get divorced again or left alone with kids.
Maids are humans just like you and me. who do you think your self?
i know that this is not a dating site. i really believe that you have nothing else to do but to bother people by fooling and making jokes of them. GROW UP AND GET A REAL LIFE.
i only asked a simple and general question. do you think with your tiny head that QL members will love you more for such an attitude ?
you really have psychological problem.
and if there is real love between you and her she will love your son and take care of him the same way as he is her own kid.
good luck and dont loose hope.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Of course there is a chance-it happens all the time. If you are a muslim I guess the thing to do is ask your sisters/mom/aunts for help. But like Orynx said-not until you get over the loss of your first marriage. You just have to push through it.
yea my neighbour's maid is willing to get wed to any one she got 2 daughter as well. should i talk to her about you.
if you are open to find love, love will find you!! It does not discriminate if you are a single father, divorced, widowed, etc.
Just be patient.
tra la la
1. How much dowry are you willing to pay?
- you can get brides from Russia and SE Asia
2. if it is just to bring up the children why not hire a nanny?
3. Also marriage isn't a band-aid - have you considered counselling to reflect on past events and come to terms with your sorrow?
4. What can you give to marriage partner emotionally? - you are asking but not offering anything here.
This is a lot of emotional baggage to put on the shoulders of someone you haven't met. Maybe you need to give yourself time and the marriage isn't going to get off to a good start with all this emotional pressure on it.