Girl commits suicide after MySpace Hoax

Here's the full article:
A brief summary is basically after two teenage girls had a falling out the MOTHER of one of the girls created a fake user, a boy named Luke Evans, and contacted the other girl, who's name was Megan. Megan suffered from ADD and weight problems, and this mother convinced her that this boy Luke was new in town and liked her. After a couple of weeks she began sending hate mail from "Luke" to the girl and slandering her on MySpace to all the people in her school. The girl eventually commited suicide because of this.
Not only has the mother who created the hoax gotten off scott free because there are no laws against this kind of thing, but the reactions of her and the town are absolutly apalling (the mother does not feel any guilt and the town things Megan's parents should keep their mouths shut about it).
I'm sorry, but I don't think this Mother should get away with this.
Whao Wht a trick.... Technology yeo Justin cmon guy
I saw this in the news and was horrified. Not only was this mother crazy and very mean to this poor little girl, she is teaching her daughter to act the same way.
I hope that little girl finally found peace :/
tra la la
was surprised at the response from the law.
If I remeber correctly, the "guilty party" was a neighbour of the girl and lived over the road.
The woman who did this terrible thing was a parent herself of a 13 year old girl. Girls of that age are particularly vulnerable and have problems with self esteem etc. This woman would have known the damage she was doing. Unforgivable.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
I ask myself where is the belief in Justice and law when someone can do this to another human being and walk the streets free. We all in the Western Society preach to everybody how we have law and Justice in our lands and these are part of the foundation of our society. This woman killed this girl, no she didnt pull the triger but she loaded the gun and pointed it................just as guilty as if she pulled the trigger.
Anyone as cruel as that shoul not be a mother and she should be ostracized by the community she lives in until she acknowledges the error of her ways. What a horrible piece of humanity that woman is. How can she live herself? How can anyone else live with her?
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
This isn't teasing though, this is an Adult woman willfully going out to taunt and destroy the confidence of a girl with ADD and clinical depression (which are not modern diseases anymore then being fat is). Anyone who knows the slightest thing about clinical depression knows that these people can easily be pushed into this situation anyone so anyone who does that should face punishment.
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
Wasn't she just a victim waiting to happen? I mean everyone gets teased most people just get over it. ADD and weight problems sound like modern diseases to me.
....comes around. The woman may get off scott free now. Never know what may boomerang back to her. Or worse, her daughter.
Well at the very least they should be able to prove that the woman was mentally unstable! What kind of person purposly goads a young girl (or anyone of any age for that matter) they know is suffering from mental illness!
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
that's what she hasn't said she did...and that is what it will take to convict her of any crime...
granted...i fully believe she DID mean to harm the child..why else would she do what she did??? Proving intent is quite a different matter.
How this is not classed as victimisation & abuse (mental abuse can do more damage than physical) is beyond me!
It appears that it was public knowledge that the girl suffered from ADD, and this 'mother' has clearly used it against the girl in form of mental abuse.
If there is no law against it, this is a stone wall opportunity to create a precedent case!
The woman in question has admitted to doing it according to the article, what more evidence is needed?
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
it almost takes an act of Congress to get harrassing phone calls stopped, much less prosecute...which is why so many women get killed by abusive spouses ...same with stalking..those restraining orders are basically just a piece of paper...
but I wonder if they have enough evidence to do that..which is what would have to happen to set precedence...I surely hope they do because this is just the tip of an iceberg...can you imagine how often some of this stuff occurs but is never found out???
I am amazed that the police did not find it to be a crime !!! In the present times, when internet is the most powerful communication channel, i am sure most countries have enacted legislations against its misuse.
How is it different from somebody giving thretening calls over phone ? If that can be used as evidence, this should also be taken as a criminal offence... Looks like there is something more to it..
...You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...
I'm actually a little shocked Scarlett that the US isn't using this as a precedent case. Apprantely the parents are going on the Today show tomorrow to push for just that. I hope they get it and this horrendous woman is locked away.
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
I couldn't agree more.
Pre meditated and planned deception with the intention to cause distress is W R O N G. In this case, a minor and a vunerable minor it is heinous
How would you like it if you joined a dating website after a bad break up and someone started pretending to court you? Then used the private info and the situation to cause you public and personal distress?
It would be enough to get to anyone but never mind someone so vunerable.
What shedid to the child is unfair and ur right she shud be charged with something like accompany to manslaughter
Sounds a little farfetched
Yes she propably knew it wud dpress the child even more
but to presume that she wud hang herself or kill herself
i dont think so
first of all, have the viscious mindset to create a persona to "bait" the young girl, and second..say all those things to her on line and then in public forum. That woman is SICK....and to think she has no remorse for what she's just absolutely unthinkable.. How would she feel is someone had done that to HER daughter??? Do you think she'd have remained way...
Justice should prevail and a precedent made in this court case that the woman should be found, at the very least, of assisting in the suicide of this young girl.
Shuai...words can break a person's resolve and self esteem even if they DON'T have issues..and this girl had medical ones...Plus, I'd be willing to bet that a lot of the young people that the woman's daughter knew, knew about the hoax and were feeding into it at're right...
Persumably the Mother was aware of the girls condition and new what effect this would have on her. Frankly I think knowingly bashing someone that you know to have depression issues is akin to manslaughter if the person commits suicide based on your bullying.
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
She's a 13 year old who has attention disorders, depression, weight issues who had all her hopes on this "Luke" only to get bashed by him so suddenly. So it's not TOO surprising. What's surprising is the mother's cruel action and the fact that she felt no remorse!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Well my parents don't really monitor my net usage, but then I'm not one to take any stuff like this seriously, i just ignore it and move on
That is totally SNAFU.....
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
I cant believe that the hate mails are the only reason why she commited suicide
May be one of the main reasons but why not blame the bullys who must have tortured her in school because of the hate mails
I can understand the laws decision, too many reasons!
Omg she was the reason a child killed herself and she doesn't feel guilty about it ??? And everyone's "ok" with it ?? That's just insane.
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Gosh I am shocked... this is awful. Manipulating someone young and vunerable like that. It is Grade A abuse.
Sad thing is people can do/say what they want with not one spec of evidence and they aren't held accountable.
You can slander and malign someone, you can stalk them and basically mess up their lives but unless it is physical violence - so little is done.
What do QL parents do about their children's internet use?
I would be interested to know.
Makes you think twice about the effects of some of the slander campaigns on QL and other forums like QBB. People think that just becuase they aren't doing it face to face it isn't cruel or insulting.
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
She SHOULD be held accountable!
I remember a case in the media a while back, when students were expelled for being unbelievabley abusive of teachers on their websites and they took the school to court....the courts ruling backed the school considering the students behaviour as a form of psychological assault and battery!
And in this case it was an ADULT doing it to a child!!
Stay safe all.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
Frightening to know the kind of effect that things like myspace can have on people.
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