Martial Arts Seminar at ASPIRE in December

Just found out there will be a martial arts seminar at ASPIRE between December 13-18, 2007
Master YANG will be holding three martial arts seminars:
1. Chin Na - Type of Chinese Jujitsu (12 hours)
2. Tai Chi (12 hours)
3. Kung Fu - Shaolin Long Fist (12 hours)
You can find out more about Master YANG on his website or search youtube for his demos. Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming
Contact the Martial Arts Instructor at ASPIRE Farhad and Im sure he will give you more info on seminar content, cost, times etc
Farhad Lotfi: PH: 4134247 MOBILE: 5138177 EMAIL: [email protected]
I went to his seminars last year when he was in Doha and the guy really knows his stuff and is a leader in these martial arts disciplines... see you there.