It could be the truth about 9/11

By Mofathi

Watch out the Youtube clip& tell me what do you think:

About this video:

For anyone who still has doubts about 911, weigh out the facts and the overwhelming amount of evidence supporting the reality that the events of 911 were one big set-up.

This exposes the lies, disproving every aspect of the bogus 911 commission report put forth by the corrupt government.

Judge for yourselves, but investigate the facts and evidence before jumping to a conclsuion.

A comprehensive list of over 100 lies and omissions in the 911 commission report can be found in this link: (less)

By EagleQatar• 26 Nov 2007 23:49

then tell

By Moudir• 24 Nov 2007 16:02

it was a set-up, by whom? and for what purpose? to kill your own people to have a motive to invade Afghanistan? and have the stock market plunge to its lowest lows? It is pure fantasy to think that way.

Did Americans need a motive to invade Irak? They just made up a story about WMD... that was easy!

By SpyWhoLovedMe• 24 Nov 2007 15:44


I agree with you 100%

Creating fear is such an easy thing to do and has the masses acting just as the authorities want.

I know here in the UK, not sure if it was the same there, we had the fear of the year 2000 instilled in us. People here stockpiled food and water and hid in cupboards waiting for the end of the world. Of course nothing happened.

We had fears about anthrax and dirty bombs and gas masks were sold out all over the UK!

Now everyone is scared of Muslims as they think all they want to do is blow us up.

ID cards are being pushed on us for our 'security'.

The scary thing is in the end people are asking for these things, it's not even pushed on them.

How long till we are all micro chipped like our dogs so we can be traced wherever we go? And how long till we're ASKING to be micro chipped from the fear the higher powers instill in us.

OK rant over! :-)

By MattyHardingLower• 24 Nov 2007 12:59

Thousands of innocent people died that day, any many many more since.

Could Islamic Extremists carried out such an attack, Possible! Could Bush and his mental cohorts 'set up' such an attack, Possible! Will we ever know the truth....Not a chance.

Its a messed up world, thats out of our control. Sometimes ignorance is bliss because most of the information we receive is produced to mislead the masses and create fear.

My personal interpritation founded purely on what i believe to be accurate from the media reports is that Bush was aware an attack was going to take place by Extremists on or around 9/11. He let the attack occur, maybe unaware on its severity, maybe not concerned. People in his position distance themselves from the reality of what occured, because they are driven by other things. He then most likely witheld information as well as planted seeds of false information to set up a scenario which enabled him to get the backing for his 'war on terror'. Which we all know is less about Terror and more about profit and domination.

Im not anti-Islam, anti American, anti anything really. However, thousands of people have lost their lives in a manufactured war designed to create fear between races, when in truth its all about the money!!!!

[img_assist|nid=17864|title=Chicks dig Guys with skills|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=440|height=440]

By Shuaibkazi• 22 Nov 2007 00:10

u know i just cant find the pancake theory very compelling

but thats my mind maybe it makes sense to others

and also i dont understand what kind of citizens wud like to blame their own secret intelligence agencies of wrong doing against their own people

its always the case even in serials and short movies

I think americans just like to take a shot against their countrys government now and then

Freedom of speech as they call it

I remember a thread where this guy told me that this freedom even allows stupid people to make their allegations (like the people in these videos)

BUt the unfortunate thing is when these stupid people are scientists and learned people

Sad isnt it?

By Don• 21 Nov 2007 10:38

Flash guys. The moon is made of green cheese. You can quote me on it.

By SpyWhoLovedMe• 21 Nov 2007 07:05

OMG where did that come from! LOL

Take a chill pill man. not worth getting so wound up about.

By t_coffee_or_me• 21 Nov 2007 06:49

WOWWWWWWWWWWW Shazam Ali Alkalim

no need to be so nasty chill out. If you dont like just ignore it

I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here

Than a whole truck load when I'm gone

By Mofathi• 21 Nov 2007 06:40

"And the true servants of the Gracious God are those who walk on the earth humbly and when the ignorant address them, they avoid them gracefully by saying, `Peace !'

Holy Quran 25-63

By anonymous• 20 Nov 2007 23:44

[comment and person removed from QL]

By knoxcollege• 20 Nov 2007 09:16

It is just a confession booth, from the looks and by the advrtisement it kinda looked like a confession booth in a church.

By anonymous• 20 Nov 2007 07:20

From Confession Booth to Fall out shelter, that is funny.


The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By knoxcollege• 20 Nov 2007 07:16

Al-Qaeda has the means and is planning a major attack on the U.S.

By knoxcollege• 20 Nov 2007 07:14

I was thinking if you can provide asylum to those who are under constant fear of attack by Al-Qaeda as per the heightened threat printed daily in the newspaper and also proclaimed by the U.S. administration officials

By anonymous• 20 Nov 2007 07:08
Rating: 2/5

You are totally free to give your opinion as you wish. Apparently the differences or any agreement never will be settle among our selves.

I choose to ignore your voice, Since we are not getting at nothing. I will be the one to choose to stop the finger point.

Good luck with your views.

My Confession Booth is close to you. The Purgatory is open and ready.

Good luck with your views.

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By Mofathi• 20 Nov 2007 06:51

Please check out the other article "September 11th"

as it is what I believe in, and read my comment to red pope to know that this video doesn't represent my opinion about what really happened.

By Mofathi• 20 Nov 2007 06:45

It seems to me you totally misunderstood all what I wrote. When you commented on some other article, you said that Islam encourages the violence& terrorism. You used 9/11 event as an example, so it urged me to post the Islamic point of view about what happened in this article:

Later I posted article which made by some Americans, who are NOT MUSLIMS, NOR ARAB. I didn't say it's my opinion about what really happened, or I believe it. That's why I put this word in the title "COULD" which means "the doubt".

Even the comment on this video "about this video" isn't mine. It's what the publisher of this video on youtube said about his video.

Really I expected more rationality from your side as you call your self the Cardinal of qatarliving to discuss things specially which related to religions.

Hope you remember what the Bible told you:

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7-3 (New International Version.

Hope you got the point by now.

By Lisa1004• 20 Nov 2007 05:52

Well, explain this to me. If the US government carried out 9/11 then why did Osama bin Laden take the credit? Why did he come out and basically declare war on the US?

What about the previous attack on February 26, 1993? What about the Pentagon? Why would the US government do this? Stop and think about these questions. Can you even begin to give a logical answer. From your own mind, not something you googledor heard from a very biased - agenda minded media. Stop and think and I mean really think. Why? Just tell me why?

Here is another one for you. What about the victims on the planes that called their families? I guess all of that was a lie too?

By anonymous• 20 Nov 2007 05:49
Rating: 3/5

Is hypocritical that large groups of College and University Professors with PhD degrees in Religion, Philosophy and Political Science decide to get together and form a coalition against the 9-11 reports from the US government.

What I like best is their views being giving to everyone based on their findings, Quick results of their research and opinions from others experts in the matter and areas.

Is not only that they established their own theories of the Government being misleading and informing the American People. That Includes critiques to the Politician of the US Government at that time. The reading is Fever less, intensive and very probative on its own context and information.

I like the part, when they claim is not possible for the Saudi terrorist to be able to fly those planes, because they were failing their flying course.

I could sit here and write and spell check my rebuttal all night but I’ll try to make it short to everyone.

This is my opinion to you Mr. Mofathi, Either you like it or not:

1- You are using their opinions to validate and reinforce your own secret and hiding personal agendas and objectives.

2- Respectfully you could comment all you want on peace and harmony.

But you are just blowing smoke with deception and confusion to the 9-11 events that spin the word into a collision course.

3- Unfortunately the 9-11 attacks were committed by Radical and Fundamentalist Terrorist organization; unfortunately they had to be Moslem's.

4- I made my comment to you; Because you wrote:

“This exposes the lies, disproving every aspect of the bogus 911 commission report put forth by the corrupt government”.

I know that our current government is not perfect at all. Do Remember is the only government THAT we have for the last 200 years.

The difference between you and me is that I vote in a democratic elections to elect who I choose to be my leader and to guide the American people for the next four year to make things right.

I forgot to tell you; yes I’m very radical, when it comes to Insipid and Inept disgruntled comments.

My Confession Booth is open for your listening. Just ask me questions and not bed time stories.

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

By SpyWhoLovedMe• 20 Nov 2007 02:50

Yes I agree, but so do you. You only ever look at one side of an argument.

I have seen this youtube video and it's very good, very interesting, deserves to be watched. But there will also be videos showing a different set of facts from other points of view and giving other evidences.

I certainly don't believe all I see, hear and read in the media.Whether that be the BBC or Al Jazera as they all have their own agenda's, their own financial backers they have to please and their own propaganda machines.

It is the same with the Al Gore film...An Inconvenient Truth. An excellent film and I believed everything i was told in it....till I was persuaded by my son to watch The Great Global Warming Swindle....then I doubted the Al Gore film. We all have to make our own minds up about these things and no matter how much you try to shove things down our necks, we will all in the end have our own opinions. You seem to have your own beliefs which is your right, but you don't seem to like it if anyone disagrees with you as you have been force fed from birth and brain washed yourself. I am not saying you and your beliefs are one really knows the truth about anything, but I think for your own good you should open your mind and not see everything so black and white.


By Mofathi• 20 Nov 2007 01:49

You have to watch, listen, think and evaluate the evidences the fatcs in any thing, so we can know what is right and what is wrong.

By SpyWhoLovedMe• 19 Nov 2007 22:17

Ewwwwwwwwwwww. Handbags at dawn, 50 paces!

By Mofathi• 19 Nov 2007 21:09
Rating: 2/5

I expected you are open-minded person but seems I was wrong. In fact my impression about you now that you are the radical one, and no wonder you call your self red pope. If you gave your self a chance to see the clip or the one people who made it, you will find out they are NOT MUSLIMS NOR ARAB.

Also if you surve the internet, you will get loads of websites for some people who are NOT MUSLIMS NOR ARAB, who doubt about the common story about 9/11.

These people are ones who don't believe everything the media publish, who have minds to use, and who have another point of view.

They show their ideas with some evidences and analysis. You can take a look on these websites to save your precious time of searching:

By anonymous• 19 Nov 2007 10:04
Rating: 2/5


Aliases: Usama Bin Muhammad Bin Ladin, Shaykh Usama Bin Ladin, the Prince, the Emir, Abu Abdallah, Mujahid Shaykh, Hajj, the Director


Date of Birth: 1957 Hair: Brown

Place of Birth: Saudi Arabia Eyes: Brown

Height: 6' 4" to 6' 6" Complexion: Olive

Weight: Approximately 160 pounds Sex: Male

Build: Thin Nationality: Saudi Arabian

Occupation: Unknown

Remarks: Bin Laden is the leader of a terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda, "The Base". He is left-handed and walks with a cane.

Scars and Marks: None






The Rewards For Justice Program, United States Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $25 million for information leading directly to the apprehension or conviction of Usama Bin Laden. An additional $2 million is being offered through a program developed and funded by the Airline Pilots Association and the Air Transport Association.

By Lisa1004• 19 Nov 2007 05:48

You know if it's on YouTube it must be right!!!

By anonymous• 19 Nov 2007 05:17

I will not waste my time watching it, specially from a radical islamist point of view thread.........

The Red Pope of Qatar Living

Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.

By jauntie• 19 Nov 2007 01:38

I'll get in touch with an old friend of mine, an architect I know, who was part of the team who designed the twin towers, and ask him. They were designed by a Japanese/American guy called Minoru Yamasaki (not sure of spelling -'Yamma' to his friends) who I met in Jeddah in the late 70s.

I haven't seen the clip on this thread, but I saw the one posted the other day.

By Scarlett• 18 Nov 2007 23:18

ever watching that bit of science fiction, Greeker...

By anonymous• 18 Nov 2007 22:55

ohh its more then 1 hour video lol

By Oryx• 18 Nov 2007 22:42

dont bother greeker

have a glass of milk -time to read a good book

i have had enough stupidity for one day.

sweet dreams

By Greeker• 18 Nov 2007 22:12
Rating: 4/5

...wise thread by someone wise.

Could thy explain what it actually mean? To someone less wise than thyself?

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