Saudi prince 'spends on girls, guns and cars'

By joewilliams •,,2212067,00.html
Quite a story by the boys and girls at the (Manchester) Guardian.,,2212067,00.html
Quite a story by the boys and girls at the (Manchester) Guardian.
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All five fingers arnt same,,,
I did look ar glossy mags when i was a teenager. Though they were very hard to get in Qatar and still are.
The problem with people here is that they want to show the world a very noble society with no sins in it and everyone living like an angel. Sadly I am not an angel and dont want to perceived as one.
But what happens when the society comes to know that the saints are actually devils?
We know what some people from middle east do when they go to Europe. But at the same time they dont want to show the world their real face.
As the society might not be able to tolerate their hideous face.
What about Saudi women spending money, damn it!!..LOL
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
@hjsawar, Oh so THAT'S what I've supposed to have been doing while in London! Thanks! *rolls eyes*
Yup sounds like a good day's shopping :P
But on a more serious note, i guess they dont understand the value of money because they have a lot of it.
Knoxcollege, thanks for clarifying your view on women. And for sharing that you look at porno mags. Very enlightening.
Love is the answer...
you have a point about the hypocrisies in life but when traveling in an aircraft national laws are not applicable, international law applies.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Big spender and they do not know the value of money.They don't know how many children are hungry right now.
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You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Albert Camus
But I am also of the view that if a women willingly wants to sell her image/body she should be allowed to do so. Though I do not condone of women appearing in playboy/Hustler magazines but from the looks of those mags it appears they do it with their own will plus porno movies
Regarding women appearing fully covered it was with referene to Islam but it seems that Islam is only being applied/implemented on the common/poor people. The poor if he drinks and is caught is punished whereas in the first class section of airlines all the Good Muslims drink. Dont you think its a pity that if a muslim is found drunk in Qatar he is lashed and the National Carrier serves alcohol to the muslim dignataries in its Business Class.
We say something and we do something else
Well thank you very much for the (unexpected) compliment Knox :)
Actually these expenses were incurred before he took up his ambassadorial role in London. The ex-employee of the defendant worked for his father I believe. It is unclear whether this was his own money or his expense account.
Anyway, the point is that is is a huge amount of money that has been spent that some find offensivve and wasteful.
I'm surprised that you would have no objection to him purchasing hookers with his own money. Didn't you say on another thread that you believe that women should be fully covered and not appear in front of non-relatives? However you did say in the same sentence that there were some seriously hot chicks at Tehran Uni or some such words.
Ooer, I'm a bit confused.
Love is the answer...
You are really good in making comparisons. But your forgot that Britney's money is hers. She earned it by singing. Whereas the prince's money is people's money. The people of Saudi Arabia. If the prince had also made money by singing. I would have no objection whether he spends it on hookers, drugs or cars.
Hope you get my point. Please tell me I am being negative
So it's not just Britney Spears then...apaprently she gets through just under a million dollars a month...and that's a conservative estimate ;)
hjsarwar...some...not all, watch it with the generalisations if you please.
Love is the answer...
dont say arabs in general ...
its just sum people...
every bodys know what arabs do during their visit to Europe n related countries
Wow, that sure is ALOT of spending, I just find it pathetic!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield