Iran police spell out 'vice list'. Who would like to live there?

A list of ‘vices’ including make-up, un-Islamic dress and decadent movies, has been published by Iranian police as part of an ongoing moral crackdown.
The list appeared in conservative newspaper Jomhuri Eslami as part of a police drive launched in April, AFP reported.
Police have since raided underground parties, seized satellite dishes and conducted street checks on the improperly dressed.
Between April and October police warned 122,000 people, mostly women, about flouting dress codes, of which almost 7,000 attended classes on respecting the rules. Women have been warned for wearing tight, short coats and skimpy headscarves.
“Wearing boots with short pants, wearing hats or headscarves which do not fully cover hair and neck instead of the proper head veil and putting on unusual make-up that contradicts public chastity (is forbidden)” according to the list.
Also forbidden is “wearing Western-style clothes and insignias of deviant groups”, and “production and distribution of decadent movies as well as private home-made videos”.
The country’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged police last week to keep up efforts, AFP said, saying they must “fulfil their duties regardless of some opposition and propaganda”.
by Lynne Roberts on Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Waw ... I missed some interesting posts on here . I promise I'll read them all.
PM , Salam :)
yours attracted my attention. I was interested in this comparative study about shi'a and sunna. Ihope we can talk later . Good night all :)
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Why do people have to associates a law that is being implemented by the government to the religion of the country? Sometimes government uses the teachings and laws of the religion just to implement certain rules so that they can manipulate the people. Everybody wanted a little respect on their way of life and I believe Islam doesn't suppress that one. To live on the righteous way with comfortable means of life and not to endure what is the government being enforce just because they think it's against the teachings of Islam. Why do they have to control wherein the people already knows the teachings in the Quran? I think they don't want their people to enjoy living in the modern era.
@pm, you brought up a good point about Sunni and Shia that alot don't realize.
When I was in high school, during Ramadan, the Sunnis and Shias all prayed together :) It was such a great thing. No arguments, we all prayed and the Shias that stayed longer stayed.
My best friend is Shi-ee and I'm Sunni, and we hardly clash when it comes to opposing views.
I remember once asking this guy (who was Shia), would you marry a sunni girl? Yes, he answered. Would you let your daughter marry a sunni man? No, he answered. Why? Because I don't want their children becoming Sunni.
Some are closed, some are open.
Oh this is insane, I would hate to live somewhere like that. They say it's all "Islamic" and "in the name of religion..." but the fact is Islam doesn't say force everyone into it, so it's definitely not a religion thing, it's more of a suppressive control issue. Not only are they making the lives of their own citizens horrible but they're also giving Islam a bad name yet again. Arghhh...
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong :P - Garfield
Well.... what a general comment on women's side on ideas about men. Was that a relief to know that women were super intelligent over men? I don't think gender is an issue on determining the what is good and bad on the topic that is being discuss. We just share our opinions and views.
Religion is really conflict on the state matters, even the fact that what comes first, state or religion? You cannot just enforce a law that is against the religion of the country. surely, you will have a debate on that one.
I know, Knox, I really wish men were as super intelligent as us women ;)
As much as I've enjoyed you chasing me around QL and pouncing on my comments today, I must go as I have a dinner invitation. Anyway, it's soon little boys bedtime so I'm guessing you must go too.
Love is the answer...
Thanks for sharing your views about men. No wonder the family system is falling apart.
Well, Adey, I have long been of the opinion that most men don't know what they're talking about. With a few choice being one of them, naturellement :)_______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
Just to veer off the point a bit, did you read the survey in the paper yesterday that a large minority of Qatari men said that women had no place in politics because they are too emotional!!
According to my research there have been 39 women Prime Ministers since 1945 covering every continent in the world. Just a selection below that I don't think anyone would accuse of being 'emotional'.
Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir, Margaret Thatcher, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Benazir Bhutto, Tansu Çiller, Sheikh Hasina Wajed, Helen Clark and Angela Merkel.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
Yup, Adey, those men just love to micro manage the masses!
Love is the answer...
You have a very salient point, is it not men that demand the right to have control over the running of every organised religion? The three Abrahamic faiths do not allow women to officiate, make pronouncements or rulings regarding the faith. Only the Protestant sect of christianity broke with this idea and that caused an awful lots of trouble to the powers that be at the time.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
I rather think it is what comes out of the mouths of (mainly) men that will make people lose respect for them and what they are saying about religion.
I believe the spiritual connection between a person and a believed higher being will not be extinguished throught time. _______________________________________________________
Love is the answer...
"The most important fact Faith has to be without reasoning." said Knox
As we travel through time we as a species will find religion, or rather the respect we have for it and the power it holds, dwindling. The more globalized the average person becomes, learning about others beliefs and the justifications for them, the more these religions will crumble greater and greater at the edges until only the hard core rump of believers are left who subscribe to the statement above.
They will be seen for what they are and we can finally get on with the job of living and improving our lot and truly respecting humanity. They will be seen as the myths they truly are, in the same category as the Norse, Greek, Roman and Aboriginal gods etc
The Iranian use of religion is just an exercise in power, whatever tool is handy at the time. It is the antithesis of the phrase 'there is no compulsion in religion'
Please note I never mentioned Islam or Muslims once, they are just lumped in with all the other unreasoned ( sometimes unreasonable) faithful.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.
and KH, PM and DG make most sense to me. Sorry, Froggie, but comments like "When Shah was ruling the country, it was just another wastebasket for The U.S.A" don't wash with me. I know a few 'Persians' who fled when the Ayatollah took over. It all felt to me like it was a Russian Revolution of sorts but with the return of oppression to women thrown in for good measure.
"In Islam we don't really give much importance to whether you're Shi'a or Suna". You MUST be joking!
Some here like to defend some practices which does not belong to religious disciplines. Rather, religion is been taken as an execuse to horrify the community.
Taking Iran as an example. They have two laws that do not belong to Islamic Sharia. One is banning females from watching sports games. Recently they were allowed. So why were they banned and why were they allowed later? which law is true and correct?
Another law is banning neck ties for men. The reason for that is to prevent "immitating" the west. Those who are implementing this law, they are wearing trousers and shirts and jackets which are exactly like the west.
So, who is fooling who? and who has the right to object on such laws. Objection might lead to death sentence coz such people would be a "threat" to the Republic.
In my area, two consecutive generations of females were wearing in different ways. The first generation was wearing all in black with face cover and the coat would reach the feet, the next generation did not follow that and were using normal skirts or coats just to cove the knees, head cover, long sleeves. Both generation are considered correct according to Sharia. Both are allowed inside the Sharia court the way they are dressed. So, not a specific rule or code is applied, neither it is final and confirmed.
I believe I understand what you mean by Iran's Supreme Leaders Fatwas.
Dont worry I am Sunni.
I will not try to justify his or anyone's Fatwas. And just to remind you Islam is not just a religion. It is also a code of life, code of conduct. It has given us rules and laws, It also tells us how to punish those who break those laws.
The most important fact Faith has to be without reasoning. (sometimes when I cannot reason I use the statement to convince myself).
Fatwas, Mullahs and the people can be an interesting topic for a book.
Eh, hello........Frog...I am most definitely NOT an oppressed woman. Man does not oppress me, nor my religion. Au contraire. And the hijab debate has gone on for centuuries and will continue to.
A modest approach to dressing is my thought when I look at my wardrobe every day.
When woman loses the right to choose how she should dress, it is almost without exception the result of man's attempted oppression.
I am very sorry for women the world over who have to put up with this utter tripe.
Love is the answer...
PM, Iran is a state that applies the Islamic Shari'a. There's no perfect state on earth and there will never be such a thing. However, I'd expected a more objective comment from someone who probably knows more than us about History. Remember how was Iran before the founding of the "Islamic Republic".When Shah was ruling the country, it was just another wastebasket for The U.S.A. Now that some Muslim conservatives are trying to change things everybody is critisizing every minute detail about the country. I've talked with Lots of Iranian Women and the never complain about their living there. It's only those who have immigrated outside like that Gogo Dancer who was invited on a French talk show and started talking rubbish. In Islam we don't really give much importance to whether you're Shi'a or Suna as long as you believe in the five fundamental rules of Islam. and..... to be continued
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
CHRISTIAN women do NOT have to cover their a ways back CATHOLIC women did..some still do. Why..I don't know..ask a Catholic...
Decent dresses to church...define decent...a lot of our Christian churches allow jeans, shorts, and short skirts..but you know least they are GOING to church on THEIR OWN because no one is telling them that they can't go in and worship because they aren't dressed according to what someone else's decision of what is appropriate (and NO I am NOT slamming Islam... just making a point) lot of the churches lost followers a while back due to exactly that...dress codes...the young people got tired of having to be all dressed up to worship...thought it was just stopped going or would attend churches that were more relaxed...I personally do not believe that God isn't going to ignore you just because you wore a shirt to church...or shorts...
In short..what you consider decent isn't what I might consider decent...
Just recently outside Tehran in a place called Karadge (thing that's how its spellt) I read something similar - they raided a party took out all the half dressed girls and picke up all the drugs and confiscated all the movies and th TV and the satelite dish.
I think it is a phase they are going through - perhaps a change in the Government was the reason.
Lifeis Beautiful:) I appreciate your interest in Islam..... But, Why did you describe this as coersion ? So.... this way all laws are coersive and we should reject them all. The Governement in Iran has been elected in a democratic way which is not the case in so many countries. By doing this people have agreed to abide by the laws produced during its rule. Let them make their choice then . Elections will come soon and if they are not happy , they may change their gov.
In Islam we make no difference between religion and politics, science, sociology...etc Islam is a life mode and a group of norms and codes with which we may have a better life.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Many things are an interpretation thing, one small wrong comment and you get hung here when emotions are running high.
Arrogance ? when did you feel I'm being arrogant ? You must be kidding . You're misinterpreting my comments , and you are repeating the same nonsense. Did I tell you that Women should wear the same dress all over the world? The basic rule is clear and very simple: non-transparent and loose dress + hair scarf. If those elemets are respected the rest is of no importance. Color , style, shape....etc all open to choice :) .....And For your information ... I'm not representing Islam, I'm just a muslim among so many others. So, if you think I'm a bad example, please show us the good way :) That's all we want, but don't mess with Islam rules. This is something sacred and not for kids to play with :)
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
So you want to separate religion from State?
Lets do so and soon you will realize the consequences.
Just remember what came first? the State of the religion?
Who said all human beings are equal? Who said Love thy neighbour? Who told us what is right and what is wrong?
Dude if we separate state from religion than we have to change the whole constitution as it is based on religious teachings.
All religions tell us that human beings are equal in the eyes of God Almighty
I'am sorry if I hurt your sentiments. I didn't mean to offend you.
I don't need to be a Muslim to read the Quran and find out about Islam.You'd be surprised to know that my Muslims friends back home used to respect me for the simple reason that I knew more about Islam then they did :)
Quran 'prescribes' the dress code for women during 'prayers' and in the presence of strangers only. Now that's totally different from what Iranian 'Government' is doing. There is a difference etween'prescription' and 'coersion'.You have to look at religion and politics as two different things.It's the mix of both of these which has put the world at peril.
I think my point was simply this.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
Actually when I went to Iran it was my first time to the Middle East I was very young and impressionable but I fell in love with the people and the country, and, although I know that there are many changes and the traffice hasn't changed a bit in Tehran I had a great time.
Being honest I saw a lot of wierd things there, what always got on my nerves is when the traffic lights turned green the 20th car at the ack started honking lol. Now and again to upset the applecart I used to get out and open up the the motor.
Not only that but they had traffic lights and people on bicycles on the Highway.
People were great I loved them.
I agree with you to some extent. The country is very beautiful. In fact just received some pics about Iran. Very beautiful and diversified when it comes to nature or the people.
And yes, the media plays a bad role and cheat. But that is for a short period. Like their role in Romania when they conspired against Chausheskou (hope it is written properly). But the media cannot cheat for decades. I know friends who went there few years ago. They have regretted everything the time and money they wasted.
DG it's not about men dictating what to do to women ??? it's about ISLAM .............. can you tell me what does Islam say exactly about women dress ? is it ok for a woman to uncover her hair before strangers ? Why are being hypocrite ? We know that we can never abide with all Islam rules, but we 'll never deny any obvious rule, so try to be objective and forget that you're an "oppressed" woman for a while.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Aargh! Men dictating to women...again.
Such oppression.
Love is the answer...
I lived there two year at the time of the Shah and would have done anything to go back, it is a beautiful country, rich in culture, it has wonderful mountains and hs the Caspian Sea too.
To your comment on the media,
Unfortunately the media destroys the image of many countries, even when the revolution started they made reports that just weren't true and I know.
It is very easy to judge something we don't know but if you ever have a chance go there and travel around it is well worth while.
@knox, People do not HAVE to, it's their choice. Between them and God.
Regarding covering, I didn't mean everywhere is open as I said, some are some aren't, but the media does a pretty good job of making things seem worse than they really are.
Lets go to the rural areas of Iran as most of the Iran is agricultural and most of its population is in the rural areas. There I gurantee you that women cover themselves from head to toe.
Just you and me. Though Iranian university students are modern and sizzling hot (winks)
Dude seriously you dont know muslim women have to cover themselves and not come infront of non-relatives?
I'd live in Iran.
Iran is HUGE, not all areas are religious. (Just watch some Iranian tv channels to see :P)
Which Quran do you read? I did not find a place describing dress code for females except during prayers.
What minute details are you talking about when it comes to dress? Why the Indonesian woman dress in different way than the Afghani and different from the Iranian or Syrian or Egyptian or Moroccan or Sudanese.
Have you noticed women of those nationalities dress the same. DO they abide by the same extent of exposure?
Your arrogance and aggressiveness like some members here with similar mentality is a very bad example of Islam.
Guys. Bear in mind that you are not Gods and you are not prophets. Neither agents of them.
Alright & agreed.
Sorry if it has hurt you. Will keep in mind in future.
C ya around
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Sdkak, I was not trying to censor your post :) I just urged you to be less shallow while doing it. How woould you feel if your country is portrayed so awfully on Ql ? Let's try to be more objective .... and not rush into husty conclusions following QL Women revolution :d
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I thought QL is open to comment. I have never commented anything against the country I am in now.
I am not complaining anything, only writing my points. Anyway, I will keep commenting anything that I feel relevant. Dont need your or anyone's recommendation or votes for that.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Lifeisbeaut... another shallow view :) Do you know what Islam is My friend ? Who told you Islam is not concerned with the way people dress? I think you have to review your "database". Islam is concerned with every minute things that occur in muslims life. Even the way you dress is a concern and even an important issue in Islam.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
skdkak, Afgan way , Iran way .... since it's not your way, why you seem so concerned? Are you living there ? Has any Iranian complained to you ? You should be less shalllow my dear , maybe it's you who is missing your so called "present times". Respect of local laws , even traditions is an essentila part of good manners. Once in Rome , do like Romans :) Once in Tahran respect their laws and stop complaining by procuration :) No offense .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
No religion including Islam has the right to dictate what anyone wants to wear and if it does...there will be a lot of friction.
Wearing a particular type of dress does talk about your personality but a women wearing skimpy dress cannot be categorised as immoral. Morality is an inner virtue which has very little to do of all things with dressing :)
This is really ridiculous.Iran should focus more on the clear and present danger of US invasion that it's facing...The life of people in Iran is already very tough..the government should not make it a totally inhabitable place...Anyways they have the burden of a retarded prime minister.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
One more good vountry going the Afgan way. Sorry to hear that. When will they improve and live in present times.
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
Everybody is shocked ..... Women are revolted and they're ready to throw stones on Ayatollah Khumaynee.... Well this is really rediculous. Now could you remember few years ago when France has forbidden scarfs and veils at schools. Muslims girls there were confronted with such a complicated choice to make.... Islam or school. At the time the pretext was that "When you're in France you have to respect the French law". So why most of you are complaining about Iran law now . This is an independent state and if the law is reinforced about clothes, there should be a reason why. The "let-go" policy is sometimes more devastating than any restrictions. You people, please try to be objective and don't start looking for excuses to attack the Only "real" Islamic Republic that has ever existed :Iran. It's become so fashionable lately to do so. Uncle SAM is always right :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
compared to Saudi Arabia.
Wondering what will be the opinion of the people when the Dress Code is implemented in Qatar. Will those people have the same views or will they take a U-Turn?
Wait and See
I spent two weeks in Iran last year.
What I found very hypocritical is the women were faced with all these rules and regulations and the men seemed to be able to wear what ever took their fancy.
Spidey you are completely wrong... it doesn't protect women it persecutes and subjugates them in Iran. Lovely beautiful country and the ladies are bright and bubbly and fun to talk to.... but when you do the majority of them despise their heinous government. You don't have to ask they want to tell you!
On a lighter note I went to a mosque and I was asked to wear a chador. No way... but I had my lovely abaya in my bag so put that on... shayla and all.
Then came a coach party of Japanese tourists who spoke no English. I tried to tell them that I lived in Qatar near Dubai... but they all thought I was an Emarati woman and asked for a photo... fine by me.
The whole coach party queued up to have their photo taken with an 'Emarati woman in a lovely abaya'....
Spiderman...what parallel universe do you live in? 'Satanic women with body parts exposed'? And the names 'Diamond' , not 'Dimanod', unless you are deliberately calling me that in some unknown satanic lanuage. Ooer.
Em, you should rethink your Spidey costume. That would almost certainly be a heinous crime in Iran. Satanic even.
Love is the answer...
I didn't shed a tear, should I?
The end of the statement from the online magazine is this:
However, there is a government that can—and will!—and it is on the horizon according to David C. Pack.
I fell asleep so I haven't really finish reading his argument and to believe his credibility of saying those. He is a quaker before ~interesting but I doubted still!
Morning to everyone!
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
I am a Muslim and I do not agree with you.
First of all, how can you tell and prove that the Bible has changed?
Second. Where in the Quran it was mentioned clearly what to cover and the extent of that.
If you tour the Islamic countries, you will notice the differences in the way women dress from place to another. They are all true Muslims and read the same Quran.
If you talk in sense of religion ... I do agree with Spidey that it's a Satanic act of women in "Islamic point of view" even if am not wrong Christans have same view but no one follows since the Bible has been changed from time to time ... why do nun covers her hairs and body ? why do christians women covers their head and wear decent dress while going to church?
Its not Iran or Saudia ... it is the Order of Al Mighty Allah for a Muslim women to cover herself ... So i don't think any Non Muslim has right to comments of Mulim laws !!
How about those special carvers of others soul life styles? Does religion will really protect them?
I forgot they got their own religion and highway to hell.
Lets not talk about their new CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS amendments.
They are so special and pretty Bastards......
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
ALL religions protect women (and men)from evils...
and just because a woman chooses to show body parts does NOT make her satanic...good grief...
Did you shed a drop of tears and the end of your statement?
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
if they will have the same attitude as Saudi what's the point of putting make up anyway? if they will have to be hide it under their mask? funny but I tried it sometime when I have to attend a costume party and I just couldn't breath! don't really know how they manage to wear all those cover but it's their choice and we from different country should know how to respect and appreciate how they follow and respect their culture.
Someone just called my name here LOL....
and to your son, tell him to be brave as you! Being brave is not to be violent, you know that!
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
at least am not sensationalizing oopppsss maybe I am ;-)
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
The government can only push the people so far before they break...I wonder what will happen when everyone has had enough.
tra la la
Sorry if that annoys you? did you read it all? 3 minutes, yes you're fast!
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
To help combat this “foreign invasion” of Western influences, Iran’s Morality Police wander the streets enforcing the cultural rules of the regime. Alcohol, dancing, make-up, pop music and holding hands in public, to name a few, are strictly forbidden. Traditional skin- and hair-covering dress for women is mandatory.
In 2002, the Morality Police were strengthened by “Special Units,” adding to the already-large number of individuals who enforce public morality and fight against “social corruption among the youth.”
Yet a growing sentiment is that it is next to impossible to suppress the youth culture. As a result, young Iranians have been granted a bit of reprieve from cultural mandates—but still not close to the full freedom they would like.
What If…?
Calls for democracy are ringing across Iran. Calls for freedom are echoing loudly. A desire for change is stronger than ever.
What if democracy came to fruition in Iran? What if the freedom young Iranians yearn for were given to them? Would they experience a utopian existence? Or is theirs a case of “the grass is greener on the other side” mentality?
While all governments of men, especially democratic ones, promise “pie in the sky” success, they are all filled with graft, corruption, immorality and every form of deception. Political infighting and division of every kind abounds.
In democracies, there is freedom to live and act as one pleases, which appeals to those living under a totalitarian government that dictates every aspect of life. But this so-called freedom, which gives license to rampant immorality, leads to shallow lives and everyone doing what is right in his own eyes. Right and wrong becomes blurred by “individual expression” and the “right” to live one’s life as he or she desires. Lawlessness sets in. Degeneracy and vileness of every imaginable sort take over.
The democracies of the West serve as prime examples.
Government by the people means that everyone has a voice, with many advocating their view of right and wrong. A society that has nearly unlimited freedom ultimately loses its freedoms. Why? Because eventually the majority wins and forces its view upon others. The freedoms that were sought become lost. A government that was once yearned for becomes despised.
The liberty and utopian existence that young Iranians seek cannot be achieved by a democracy. In fact, no government in the hands of men can provide true and lasting freedom.
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
Well am not an Iranian but looking into deep that law protects the women right as per Islamic rule. At least there is no satanic women seen on the street with BODY PARTS exposed as in other parts of the world ....
GYPSY & DIMANOD GIRL don't forget its a Islamic state and only Islam is the religion which protect women from EVILS.
Oh yes, I have matching curtains, sheets, towels, and couches :P
tra la la
PM, what are you talking about, I love those puffed sleeves ;D
tra la la
An Iranian woman wears a cowboy hat and casual clothing while meeting with fellow students at a café high atop the mountains overlooking Tehran, Iran (Sept. 1999).
Source: MCT
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
sounds like fun dg... to bad im a man and would have to have slave women every were... that just sucks...
only kidding...
just hanging out and watching dvd's with helen keller... kind of a quite night.
Just think, PM, ooh, what fun. You would have to grow your hair very long and wear black boots along with the . Children must be barefoot, though. And you must always be pregnant.
No education necessary.
Love is the answer...
We all know that Iran is an Islamic State with civil and constitutional reforms of democracy.
and they LOVE AMERICA!
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
Saudi is a prime example of that. :P Never met bigger partiers then Saudis.
"You don't have to like me for who I am but we'll see what you're made of by what you make of me." Ani Difranco
Who did hijack your avator?
Thinking of starting a business in Iran by having "makeup booths" complying with the local regualtions. Would you like to invest?
Think Iran is a Guantanamou in the form of a republic. Poor guys there
Maybe they mean "out of season" makeup. Must have hired some Clinique ladies to keep everyone in fashion. :)
I'm having a field day in my head thinking of the unusual make-up...
Crazy, crazy Ayatollah.
Love is the answer...
Oh, KH, that is so depressing. Those poor people.
Love is the answer...