Don’t forget to THANK :
- God for giving you whatever you have
- your friends for being there for you
- your parents for giving you a life
- your hobby/wife/g’friend/boyfriend for sharing this life with you…
DO NOT take it for grant!!!
Say “thank you” to your close ones often… your life wouldn’t be the same without them…
I used WikIpedia...who is that "MOST OF US"? who are "US"? you could see a lot of referrals to this site... you mean that Wikipedia is wrong? or you personally don't like them? or what's your point, RP? and why is that unpleasant tone? did somebody/something got you pissed of that morning, or what's your problem???
BTW, my sources are not only Wikipedia...
and you better look at the original post, and add you comments on it..
CHEERS! Smile and Be Happy POP!!!!
Your downfall is that you used Wikepedia. Most of us, utilized other resources from the net.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Egomania goes with the territory of decoding your own genome.
Nouns answer the questions "What is it?" and "Who is it?"
They give names to things, people and qualities.
Examples: dog, bicycle, man, girl, beauty, truth, world.
In general there is no distinction between masculine, feminine and neuter in English nouns. However, gender is sometimes shown by different forms or different words.
Different words:
Masculine Feminine
Different forms:
Masculine Feminine
Gender is assigned to animate objects based on biological gender (where known), and to personified objects based on social conventions (ships, for example, are often regarded as feminine in English). He is used for masculine nouns; she is used for feminine nouns
IOU, what gender is SUN, based on your english ?
every noun can be classified in three grammatical gender, correct me if am wrong please!
I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell - you see, I have friends in both places. M. Twain
there are no genders in English,except of for humans... so you cannot say is SUN a "guy" or a "gal"...but yes, you are right, some people are just confused between SUN and SON.. well..there is a room for improving their English then...and what about my pic? does it look like a SON or like a DAUGHTER? lol...
well for those of us who are in the dark about arabic .. i guess some people may assume the "sun" part to have somethin to do with "son" ... just an assumption .. cheers ..
life goes on ..
are you talking about MY PREVIOUS boss??? it sounds like...specially when it comes to "enemies"
Dear God,
God you know that I'm suffering too much here in Doha
but still I have patience to stay here.
Give me more patience and wisdom
Teach me how to love thy enemies specially my boss.
Thank you for all the blessings
for the good health You have given to me, to my son and to my family
Please hear my prayers..have mercy on me.
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You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Albert Camus
God bless my ruthless boss...
[img_assist|nid=48103|title=**** ****|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=98|height=98]
You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.
Albert Camus
in general, be thankful and appreciative always...:)
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Thankyou... CHEESE
..**.. ""They walk among us. They vote & they even reproduce"" ..**..
what gender is SUN in arabic? isn't that a Female? why people think that SUN is Male? lol....and also I think my avator/pic is more than clear about
thank you very much for being my foe :D
Thank God
very nice qatarisun .. i have been noticing that people keep refering to you as bro or dude and u keep correcting them .. hehe .. guess its the "sun" part of ur handle that keep misleading the people posting :)
thank you .. and yes i am very grateful for all my blessings ..
life goes on ..
very well said!
the only remark is I am not BRO, I am SIS...
thank you for Qatarisun for reminding me :D
bro, very well said! you are an inspiration to many...
keep inspiring may the force be with you