Advance Happy 40th Anniversary for Mr and Mrs. Dweller ...

Hi Dweller ... i remembered you said sometimes this month would be your 40th wedding anniversary.
So i thought i post here and say :
'May your joy ride goes on forever, we wish you a very happy 40th Anniversary'
xxx novita77 and family
PS : Hope the party goes well ... and dont forget to send some lasagna that Mrs.Dweller plan to cook for us QL'ers :D
why thats nice to hear...congratulations Dweller..:) maybe one day you could put up some counselling booth for us..:D
Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
May god bless you both.
It's actually on the 25th and unfortunately the family won't be joining us (unless you count by PC cam).
jassKat. So long as you are both pulling the same way and show tolerance things tend to work out.
Thanks again for the lasagna Novita. For the uninitiated, it's impossible to buy the green lasagna in Turkay and Novita kindly brought us two packets when she visited.
The party arrangements are going well
Thanks again for the wishes
Alf mabrouk, may Allah grant you many many more happy years together.
BTW, you did follow my suggetion and get her a big red ruby sparkler, didn't you? :)
Love is the answer...
Congratulation may God bless you both :D
wow... congratulations!!!
Congratulations, that is amazing! Perhaps you would share with us some words of wisdom?
tra la la
Hope you have many more years together....
Hope the family will be joining you to mark this special occasion...