Should i ask?

how much should i ask my employer for a housing allowance, transportation allowance? I am under my husband's sponsor and i am turning 1 year to this company. I even don't know if they will provide me a ticket going home. I did renew my visa in my own expense and i am paying my monthly car loan, when i signed my probation letter, they told me that my salary will increase twice a year, i am turning 1 (year) but still no update about it. Should i ask? or should i resign and find another one?
thanks for your help
have u heard the saying crying babies get milk first
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
thanks althaf for giving me idea rate for transport and housing allow.
althaf22 ill send you details, invite me or add me as yur buddy list
Increament depends on your salary and your job, i cant get a clear picture without knowing your job & salary. Anyway, here's the rough idea based on my assumption
Transport Allowance : Add 500-1000 Qr.
Housing Allowance : 1500-2000 Qr. (considering you as single)
But still confused cant land in a particular amount. Hope it helps...
actually i am making a letter for a salary increment and unable to put how much should i put the rate for housing allowance and transportation allowance, any idea for the amount?
Ya you can say goodbye even now if in case they deny your requests, but i want you to leave in peace and enjoy your vacation, so the best way is to postpone saying "BYE" till your vacation ends.
ya, you are entitled to house allowance even if you are under husbands sponsorship. But remember to use your negotiating skills when you talk with them.
I dont know what's the criteria for allowances, if its a private company or small-medium scale, make sure it fullfills your requirement and their acceptance level.
am i entitled to a house allowance even i am under husband sponsor? (how much should i ask?)
Transportation allowance? how much should i ask for additional?
ok i'll try to negotiate by means of letter, if they cannot provide me return ticket, additional transportation allowance and salary increment, after i came back from vacation i will find another job and say goodbye to them. I am going for a vacation and don't have any idea about the ticket etc.... was it a good idea looking and finding a job and leave the company after i came back from a vacation?
thank you for infos and advices.
There's no harm in asking? its your right to do so. Though you are under your husbands sponsorship, you have been stable there for 1 year. They should care about your requests...
Also, along with your House allowance, Transport allowance request, ask them about your annual return ticket. Try to negotiate in a polite way, it should work out.
If they aren't up to your expectations, quit them at once if you have a back up job ready or else prolong for sometime till you find a better oppurtunity.
Best of luck
why not!!! you don't have any obligation to stick with the same company. you are free to move as you're under your husbands sponsorship. So it is important that you use your negotiation skills and get the best out of them. Good luck in advance.
An old error is always more popular than a new truth.
should i ask for an additional transportation allowance? they only give me 300. How if they cannot give me housing allowance, additional transportation allowance and the salary increment, should i find another one?
Hey there Amber, You should actually go and ask about this to your employer. A few things that I have noticed was, one you are affording your own visa costs, that could be because you aren't under your company's sponsorship, you are with your husband's visa right...
Second, whenever you are under your husband's visa an employer would.t be offering you allowance towards your house (in most of the Govt. Comps) thats the way, yes you would have to ask your employer to give you allowance towards your transportation and an annual ticket. Till that much extent it is fair to be asking that. Regarding your salary I wouldn't be able to comment since I have no clue as to what you are doing...
However, if you wish to get onto the Company's sponsorship, then try and negotiate a deal that comprises of Housing + Transport + Annual Air Ticket + 30 days annual leave ... hope that makes sense...
And moreover, you are free to move anywhere, if these people dont offer you anything that is competitive to a certain limit then forget it and find yourself something else...
" Live Life To The Fullest ! Enjoy Yourself "
What are you waiting for? If they promised that salary will increase twice a year... you better check with them without any further delay. Housing Allowance is normally 35% of your basic salary. So work it out and prepare for the battle :D
An old error is always more popular than a new truth.