Why India & Egypt are poor?

By mask_of_zorro •
Sorry if its a repost. find the attached .pps file . this is some facts about countries like India and Egypt. have a nice weekend all QLs !!
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The protestant work ethic and a love of education are only a starting point. If they were the important part of generating wealth, India would be far richer than the UK, where most of the population are lazy and distrustful of education.
The real generators of wealth are the middle classes. It doesn't matter what the leaders or the workers do in any country. If the middle classes feel they can live a better life in Europe or North America, the country is stuffed.
No I don't think it's God's will because I can't imagine any God that cruel as to condemn someone to poverty. And I do believe religion plays a part in that it keeps people stuck in the same cycles (religion feeds off the poor uneducated masses).
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
and the civil service. All rich countries have good legal systems that for the most part serioulsy punish corruption and again, for the most part, protect the citizen. Most poor countries are rife with corruption because the legal system is weak and corruption is not punished and there is no reliable independent civil service to safeguard the institutions of the state. No country can grow and reach its potential until it has a proper legal system and civil service.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
Gypsy, I think religion also one thing...
Believe everything, Trust nothing . . .
I think there's a grain of truth to this, but it mostly defintely isn't the whole truth. There's a lot of reasons for poverty, lack of education, lack of resources, etc. Attitude is a small part I think.
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
but people living on the street are very less there compare to other countries. Also that is just because of some financial matters.
Believe everything, Trust nothing . . .
I think there is a misconception about the so called rich countries, first of all there are many people living on the streets because they are jobless and have no home, (please don't foget how cold these countries are).
Many of the so called educated people can't even afford the houses they are living in and have a constant struggle to put food on the table. Unfortunately because of the well know credit card many families are living without a hopin in hell of clearing their debt.
If there are no social systems in poor countries then there are social systems who swallow a lot of money but no there is no end to the suffering and too many living on the streets.
Japan, Germany, US, Britain etc. for instance have many people living in the subways in carboard boxes or on streets because they can't afford appartments, so before judging take a real look behind the scenes.
As long as you said : it's alla bout people's attitude. So, in other words , it's all about Education. That's what I belive too. Good one mask. However, you could attract more readers if you change the title. It's a bit insulting to some here. Thanks
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
This is just a comparison between subcontinent, Egypt and other rich countries. no need of start an argument.
Believe everything, Trust nothing . . .