Qatar Airways a Nazi camp?

Qatar Airways a Nazi camp?
Is Qatar Airways successful CEO, running his company like
a concentration camp during the Nazi regime in germany ?
These question can not be answered in a single sentence.
Recently the CEO issued a memorandum to all his crew, where he orders strict restrictions over their freedom. Together with general rules by his company these reminds one off the second world wars Gestapo controlled concentration camps, regardless of financial compensation of the individual.
"Staying overnight, outside of Company provided accommodation, regardless, whether or not you are on duty or on a day off (vacation included) is strictly prohibited.
Failure to follow these rule will lead to immediate termination. "
Copy out of the official memorandum.
"Crew members are not allowed to get married during the first 5 years of their contracts and then if so, only with written approval by management"
Take-out of the contract/crew manual.
When you read these, it might be out of context and meaningless, so let me elaborate a bit further what these means.
Each crew member is under QA sponsorship and does get free accommodation provided by their company here in Qatar or when on duty overseas.
The nature of airlines business leads to very late arrivals, sometimes much past midnight here in Doha, or even later at the Crews home accommodation.
Crew in general is not allowed to choose who they share their accommodation with, it varies from 2-3 people per apartment. None of the crew members have a regular flying route/schedule, meaning room mates come and go and have a very much different schedule most of the time, while one room mate arrives at 0300, another has to get prepared from 0400 on to be picked up for duty a 0500.
Some crew member have family in Doha, mostly indians and asians. Visiting them and staying overnight is now strictly prohibited, even dough it might have been a welcome escape from "prison" to the individual.
Other crew members have regular girl/boy friends, some for many years, not possible anymore.
Other crew members wish to attend a overnight dessert trip, not allowed.
A nice night on the beach or in a befriended place, having a nice BBQ, not allowed.
Is Qatar Airways supporting prostitution and homosexual live style ?
Most of the implied rules affect females more then males, where males are allowed to choose
their own accommodation (with QA funded housing allowance), girls are not even allowed
to choose who they live with, unless they are willing to pay a fee of 1500 QR for relocation.
Male crew members have been know for many years for their high affinity of gay crew members, which seams to be tolerated without problems.
Restricting people from a healthy live style leads automatically to excessive behavior on
layovers out side of Qatar. Is these the intention of a CEO that their crew has to compensate
when abroad for the imprisonment in their "home base" ??
Is Qatar Airways a supporter of torture and abuse of power ?
Most of the crew members are having sleepless nights and have to be constantly on guard to not make any mistakes.
Here just a few examples of what they have to be careful about:
-No crew member is allowed to use public transportation while in uniform.
-Changing of uniform is not possible at airport
-When reporting for duty a "grooming-officer" inspects every member for wrinkles, make-up, pimples and the likes. If a problem is noted, it will be reported and termination is evaluated.
-Eating in uniform is not allowed.
-Resting in Aircraft is not allowed, even after prolonged duty times that are in general much higher at QA than any other airlines
-Use of cell phones in crew transportation or airport buildings is strictly prohibited
-etc. etc. etc.
Many crew members use reporting as a method to take advantage of weaker coworkers.
The result is a state of fear and anxiety, since no member gets a second chance.
The CEO him self is well known to randomly inspect and terminate employees on the spot.
There is no way of describing the fear among crew members of loosing their jobs.
In many cases the employment at QA feeds many people in the home countries of
the individuals, since these is a very rare job opportunity, especially for female asian
women. For these people it is very dramatic to live by such rules, living in fear of making a
mistake and loosing the existence on the spot.
Please talk to crew members your self if you have a chance, but do it in a way they don't have to
fear you might be a snitch or so that other fellow workers can use it to their advantage.
The text is interesting, but its lacking some property, it sounds like it has been written by someone who is not a crew.
Ive read some of the posts about it and there are people pleased and not pleased about it.
I worked there for a 18 MONTHS and I can say some things when it comes about rules. I had quite a normal life after having decided to ignore them, what led to my ¨Termination¨ later on. Hold on, we gonna get to this point later.
One of the most annoying rules is:
... "Staying overnight, outside of Company provided accommodation, regardless, whether or not you are on duty or on a day off (vacation included) is strictly prohibited.
Failure to follow these rule will lead to immediate termination. "; this is TRUE and not only that. If you happen to have a friend over, of the oppiste sex, for dinner, and by some unexpected trouble the dinner came out later, grab your dishes and walk out to finish eating at the street as I did a couple of times, otherwise, both you and your friend may be fired for having dinner after 22:00 Hs.
So far, I havent heard an argument that made me to understand the fact that you must sleep and be back in your place every single night before 03:30 Hs, on those days off. Be aware Im talking about the Days OFF, I understand the rules in your duty days, even though they are extreme under my point of view. However, your Day OFF is to be OFF, you should be supposed to have the chance to do any fucking crazy thing you feel like as long as your not going against the goverment laws.
About the 22:00 Hs time limit rule for friends of the oppsite sex to live your place, I wont even talk about. Everybody is enough grown up to know that people will do what they want to do regardless this rule, it is only there to fuck you up a bit more.
Its quite a bad move to compare these rules to a Concentration Camp, for the simple matter of respect to the Jewish people. However, you may compare Qatar Airways to the German Police, Gestapo, and I can give you a clear picture of my reasons to say so.
As I said before I ended up fired for not following the rules, particularly the one about being back home before 03:30hs. I got a call from the office asking for my presence after being back from a flight. I showed up for the meeting at the time and I was led to a smaller room by a performance officer. Right after someone else joined us and this guy started talking about my minimun rest. Such is the way they track you down in that company that I was shown a picture of myself with the exactly time I had swaped my ID card at the entrance of the building printed at the right upper side of the paper. He asked if I could recognise myself and if I would agree with the time shown on the paper. The way the whole thing were conducted made me feel like I was being caught at a crime scene. Seriously, It may sound silly for you, but when you are there, attending to a meeting that can change your life and this crazy people come up to you with reports and pictures of yourself coming home later, 14 min. in my case, everything appers to be surreal. You feel like a small powerless piece of shit with your life totally in somebody´s hands. So, take care, if you are in Doha, you gotta to know you are being watched and they will get you for the things you do in your free time, for the way you live your private life, in other words we could put things like this: you´ll probably be fired for something you gonna do and it won´t have any relation to you job at all.
Thats why I was actually happy when I was fired and this whole bullshit life had ended up. On the top of that the people who works with you in the aircraft are the most lunatic, rude, stupid and non-sense I have ever had the chance to meet. If you are flying, you know what Im talking about.
Another point I should make a point about is the gossiping and the crazy things you hear about how people get fired. Ok, some of then may be exaggerated but where there are so many people saying similar things, some must be true. I heard myself about a girl, wellfare officer, who after working for 10 years at QR, got fired because she received a crew member, at the Wellfare Villa, and this crew member was wearing converse shoes, since this crew member was sitting, the wellfare officer couldnt see the converse shoes, but still, she got reported by a co worker and was fired. I was told that by a wellfare officer who once refused to receive me since I wasn´t wearing a belt.
The reporting culture is also something that you must learn to live with if you either living or planning to live in Doha as a QR employee.
About your accommodation bare in mind you and only you will use it.
About your uniform, well, to make a long story short, the only thing you can do in uniform is to work. Eletronic gadgets are not allowed in any place, not only in the crew bus as mentioned on the article. People go get fired for this reason, trust me.
There are good things about this job, you do get to travel a lot, its quite an amazing experience to see places and to have this kind of live for a while, however, what really made me to be able of keeping happy memories from Doha time, are the friends that I made during my time in Qatar. Truly amazing people that I miss and I´ll always be happy if I have a chance to catch up with them, sometime, somewhere.
Im Vinicius Barea, [email protected]
Singapore and Emirates are miles better than QA.... QA have a lot to learn yet
Well they seem to have a waiting list of people ready to apply for positions..
So, why is that ?
never saw this thread. from many buddies who are working, whats written is very true. and moreover , people in the industry dont prefer to work because of the hire and fire policy.
at Raven 1968 - I think she goes much higher up above than just being a the PR Spokeperson for Qatar Airways...I too fly alot through work and use several airlines incl Qatar. Myself and my family (including a 2 yr old kid) travelled Buss class on the so called 5 * QR and my 2 yr old kid and us decided that we will never ever travel by this wretched airline again whatever low cost they may offer as promo!!! Emirates is our first choice and Singapore Airlines is our 2nd. ..sorry nowhere in the radar of what is a good airline!!!
You seem to have an excellent experience in misguiding people with a lot of words that are flowery but not true(PR & HR) and also in being served to top class buraucrats and politicians to get yourself all these PR & HR experiences !
yup fly Etihad, or Emirates
guys its a 2007 dated thread...
at TheLucyShow what are you the PR Spokeperson for Qatar Airways...I fly alot through work and use several airlines incl Qatar but I would hardly call them the best, they are OK but personally Emirates and Singapore Airlines both are way better...finest airline in the world...sorry nowhere close!!!
1- Qatar Airways is a finest airlines in the world.
2- It is an achievement for a small country by all means of high standards.
3-Ok now your point.You wanna go out and party and drink and dance and all other things.Go ahead but who will guarantte your saftey in a middleeast male dominating country.
4-Just incase if the cab driver rapes you and throw you you out on a busy road what will you do?You will shout reverse back at the CEO that he isnot taking care and all.
5-First becoz of money and glamour you people join a world class airlines and after that when you start receiving invitations for money and honey from rich peoples you all start behaving like top class ^&*^*&
6-People are paying heft amount to travel in a five start airlines they have nothing to do with your drinking and sleeping with many habits.
7-CEO is caring that is why he is taking care of you.You better go to India and join Vijay Mallya's kingfisher airlines where you will be served to top class buraucrats and politician to save Kingfisher from taxes and other problems.
8-There is a problem with all of minds.First you leave your parents to get money and glamour and than you all start behaving like living in USA.Too open and no wonder if you all cant obey your own parents than how can you tolerate a caring and progressive CEO.
He is man of his words. Hats off to him for taming loose people like you.
You all deserve a slap on bums from him..ROtten kids.
Hello Izabela,
I don't think that Qatar Airways will sponsor your spouse with work visa. They will only give your spouse a visit visa. If your spouse would like to work for Qatar Airways or its' group companies then your spouse must apply for a job seperately. You can check job availabilities on under career
Hope this help
Hi guys,
Could any one possibly help me with answering this question:
I got to the final interview but couldnt make it to Doha now as i still have studies here so I might try again within a few months.
I am married and as far as i know this is not a problem, however, I know also that Qatar Airlines is not willing to sponsor any family members. My spouse is a highly educated professional with necessary skills and lots of international experience which I hope means he shall not have any serious problems while searching for a good job on the spot.
My question is: Could the company provide him or eventually assist with obtaining visa and work permit?
That would be probably easier if he gets a job in the same company as me which is possible.
In fact, many companies provide family members with visas but I am not sure if it works the same here.
Could any of you send me an email address to Recruitment office in Doha?? It will be very much appreciated. I received it on my Application Form but this form was taken away from me during my interview. For this reason I dont have it any more as I did not make any copies :(
I would like to contact them in person and have no option to do it. If any one could give it to me it will be much easier.
Hi I am moroccan and live in germany! I would like to join Qatar Airways but from what I hear about their treatment to employees I am really thinking about it! Well, Qatar is an islamic country and in my opinions Islamic people won`t have any difficulties to live and work in Qatar within the Qataris`culture! I think that many things have happened so that the managment board issued these rules! What I wanna clear up ist that you should not forget that islam is a completely diiferent religion and the behaviour is also completely different in accordance to may be Europeans!
Very true to what is being written above. I worked three and a half years with QR and witnessed a lot during this period. Although a huge amount of regulations seem to have been implented since but I do feel for the people who are forced to remain under this regime! I, among many of my friends, actually had a choice and none of us were forced to stay and only did it for the sake of the experience. But many of the crew haven't got much of a choice as they have to support their families in their home countries.
Keep this in mind should you choose to fly with QR! Taking you more personally and providing you with a five star service!
Feel free to hang out in my apratment until 9:59PM then...:)
I'll leave a light on...
Yes I know where you live...LOL
Well a few of you anyway...
Feel free top hang out in my apratment until 9:59PM then...:)
I'll leave a light on...
Yes I know where you live...LOL
Well a few of you anyway...
Hi to all,
Staying alive,
I don't really share your sheltered attitude as a pilots wife.
I know more or less how much a pilot makes and that renders your
comments useless.
I might even be 10 years older that you, telling from your given age. I am a grown
up mature women that knows about her job, duties and responsibilities.
As it goes with a job like these, most of my friends are working for the same company as I do. And I can promise you that none of them are they way you describe the bulk of them
You are of corse right about the description of activities some participate in.
Those people should definitively be punished and terminated. But such
a action is on the level of a individual and not "mass extinction" as imposed by these memo.
The not being polite and smiling is also a very personal thing. If everything in my personal live is good and I am happy, I will reflect these at work too.
But when some stupid person at the office complains that my hair is 5mm to short or my nails are a shade to dark, then even the happiest mood can get lost.
About the marriage part, we in the western world have a thing called birth control.
I decide when I want to become pregnant. On top of that we all have our contracts and it does not look very good on neither of us then we get terminated, we all want to finish our contract or even keep on doing it, so there is no reason of not being involved with some one. Then again, its a matter of the individual that gets hired by the company... if the person who chooses is unprofessional, then why should every body suffer for that !?
Obviously you have not learned too much from your husbands work.
It is a pretty stressful job most of the time. Your being on and off different time zones does not help very much in keeping a healthy balance in live.
Being involved with some one helps greatly, even if it facilitates the daily run to the laundry shop, or going shopping in a country were it takes 2-3 hours of getting a taxi to your door.
I personally don't know anybody that owns and drives a personal car around me and we quiet a lot of people in one accommodation.
By the way, the ones that want to engage in prostitution still do so, more limited now but as long as they come home every night their fine.
On top of things I could start talking bad about the captains too, since they are the holy grail in any airlines. Several of them have had attempts with me, mostly on layovers abroad... If I were you I would watch out for your husband, since I have not seen one trustworthy so far and believe me, we know which ones have family an which don't. Taking the wedding band off and leaving a white mark on the finger, while trying to hit on us is just not very smart... Been there seen that.
By the way thanks to every body that supported me so far through PM's or here in the forum. I am really surprised about the amount of answers.
Hi to all,
I am very familiar with qatar airways ceo memos...they seem very unreasonable to an outsider like singingdune.even unfair.but how do expect the man to run the airline ( i am not taking sides ok ) when a large percent of his female cabin crew are here for one reason ( to prostitute) and pls b4 anyone gets mad at me i said large not all.I assure u many have no idea what working as a flight attendant means...they want to come here fly around the world take photos and party...yes they can do that ....when they arent working...most complaints come from ones who want to party on their standbys assuming they wont be called...why would i party get totally wasted till early morning hrs when i know i am stby at 6 am ?so when and if they get called they are grumpy and never have i seen a smile on qatar airways...and even worse they go around and complain.Nobody gets paid for having fun....its the company rules...if they dont like them or think they r being tortured....they can simply enjoy the luxury of choice....they can leave.Arent those who are whining...the same ones who are driving cars..we cant afford to buy...arent they the ones driving drunk back from the pearl....endangering peoples lives....they came here to qatar not vegas.
There are decent people working in qatar airways...working hard,they are the ones following these rules and surviving because they have families to support.How much would the compnay loose if each cabin crew newly recruited met someone and got the first five years....marriage and being a flight attendent dont work very well..especially if getting pregnant is invovled...female crew members age requirment starts at there is no torture in waiting till 25 at least they would have matured...
Trust me singingdune...its not that bad...after all qatar is an arab some slight consideration is being accounted for in the rule for sleeping outside their accomodation....they r free to do what they please till 10 pm.if u look at these memos with the vast number of crew and their different backgrounds in mind, u will find it is hard but ok..But isnt life itself hard?..there are many rumors and facts about how qatar airways treats its people....but 90% of what we hear is the result...demotions or terminations but not everybody knows what actually happened. termination is cruel but why do something they know is illegal,or unacceptable or not allowed....they are handed MANUALS containing these rules...its not unfair to face the consequences when they dont read them...and they have been told,warned and heard from everyone.Each and every memo has an incident behind it.
As Cindy Lauper says" girls just want to have fun.....
"Crew" at QR mostly referring to Cabin crew
"Cockpit Crew" refer as Cockpit crew/captain/pilot
If you see the joining offer, you will know that these restrictions are not mention on it.
You will see these intructions/restrictions on company manuals/memos after you have already taken a job offer. So, there are not much you can do after that.
Probably wouldn't know the true feeling until you get treated this way.
Qatar Airways should implement new rules for its staff:
All women staff should cover their faces and hair plus they should also wear the Abayas (That way anyonce can come and blow up the plane)
All male staff should wear thobes of white color plus the Arabic sandals
Only halal food will be served on the plane so no alcohol
There shall be no mix gathering and no one should be allowed to drink alcohol. Failure to comply will result in being flogged and subsequently deported
Women shall not be allowed to drive (no mix gathering, how will they go for job??)
In the air female staff shall only cater to the needs of female passengers and the male staff only for the needs of the male passenger
Any female staff found missing from her accomodation after 10 pm would be considered of having an illicit relationship. Any female staff not in her accomodation after 10 pm for two consecutive day would be deemed to be involved in prostitution. For these offences the punishment will be stoning.
(citizens are requested to enlighten us with more reccomendations so that we can make Qatar Airways a truly Islamic Airlimes)
Maybe he is just trying to clean up the company's image, and this is one way that it can be cleaned up.
It has long been a standard joke for many years here in Doha that QR crew have a bad reputation, of partying, drinking, illicit goings on, and prostitution on the side, etc etc and all that that entails. Be it true or not.
You sign a contract accepting the job and all it includes. Maybe more people should read the small print.
Qatar has very strict laws about many things, in the end working and living by the countries laws is what everyone who accepts a job here has to realise. Yes drinking may be tollerated but thats just it it is tollerated, not necessarily accepted.
As for the staying out and about overnight maybe he is trying to clean up the image of easy boys and girls putting themselves about and preventing 'illicit relationships'.
I am not saying he is right or wrong with these regulations, but at the end of the day he is well within his right to run what is a multi billion dollar business the way he feels is best for the company.
I feel frustrated when I imagine myself working there. Freedom has no price people. don't let anyone enslave you .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
It is for their own protection:)Saluto Qatar Airways. Only 5 star air line that has real concern over the safety of their female cabin crew.
my female friends have had the same issues....
last sunday me and a friend went for dinner and after that instead of going for a movie she decided that she wanted to go home
when i asked her she said that there is a new rule stating that cabin crew should be home by 10 and after 10 they have to sign in and sign out of their accomodation.
and yes they are spied upon be it palomas,cloud9 or even something silly such as coffee beanery.....
they cannot stay out at a friends place all night..or even at a beach or something...
i've heard that the employees are crying and whining day in and day out cos of these rules...
i mn cmon these r mature adults who have come half way arnd the world to earn and stuff..
im sure they can take care of themselves..
any thoughts people?
Hey Frog.............understand your anger......Im afraid those sort of remarks go back to start of the Industrial Age back in the 1830s......its an old phrase that I think really cant be used anymore in this modern world.
Keep cool and have a nice day
Frog is in firing mood today
I understand whay you said, but I think that such a remark does not apply to neither 1 nor 2. I think that when we are having a job none's hand feeds us . It's our work and our own sweat. so that remark was irrelevant and has really boiled my blood . Sorry Dear Ql fellows I lost control .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Etihad has a Kangaroo as a CEO??????????????????????
"Recently the CEO issued a memorandum to all his crew"
Please note that it was mentioned all his crew.
Drinkers recover within in 12 hours depending on the liqor consumption it is a bialogical fact child. If they were intoxicated they will not recover within 12 hours.
Do you think that a little storm in a tea cup protest would break the backs of a concern such as QA you have to think again.
Hi Frog, calm down buddy, watch the blood pressure don't want a heart attack now.
1-Ok , firstly, if you take a contract were ever in this world, you get to see read your conditions before you say yes, so if you start complaining afterwards you really have to blaime yourself. If you didnt ask before hand for a copy of your conditions...then your were realy dumb.
2-Now if afterwards the company goes and moves the goalposts and changes the rules then you are entitled to moan and complain.
Now the remark "dont bite the hand that feeds you" can apply to no 1 but doesnt to no 2.
I suggest you fly Etihad - has a friendly relaxed Aussie CEO and the service is great. Has great deals too.
"One other thing I may suggest to anyone who wants to whine out about their jobs - never bitethe hand that feeds you."
God .... I thought people thinking this way have disappeared from earth???? Do you think poeple should accept whatever they're offered and accept whatever rules their work impose on then just because this is the so-called hand that feeds them. You're just a fu---- slavery supporter. Now I really get my blood boiling. If you're not happy with people complaining about their job conditions so get lost and turn off your computer. Espece d 'esclavagiste de merde .
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I meant the passengers should stop travelling with Qatar Airways.
The issue is not being drunk the issue is that the crew may not be fresh when flying out.
You silly child and don't don't talk to me like that. First go and get your pampers changed. Where was the mention of cabin crew? It was about the crew in general.
The Captain is a member of the crew.
Protesting by not flying is refusing to do the job - for this you can be fired immediately
If we people do not stop flying with Qatar in retaliation to their mistreatment to their employees and we care only about accumulating out Airmiles than I believe that Qatar Airways ought to keep on mistreating its employees and make their already miserable lives hell.
Why the hell should I give a damn how Qatar Airways treats its employees specially when neither me nor any of my relatives is at the receiving end
(Sometimes I wonder how selfish and self centred human being is....
why do we only act when the water reaches our homes. why dont we act when the water reached the previous village).
"An aircraft would never crash with a drunken crew. Yes, it will happen with a drunken Captain"
So what do you think they should do - close down the airline?
Fortunately, I have never flown with and drunken/ or semi concious crew thank godness for that but I know people who have.
Comparing airlines - well the is grass always greener on the other side now isn't it.
If they protest - possibility is they will loose their jobs there are many people waiting outside the door to take these jobs.
No way Then I can not accumulate my privilage club points:(
to do is to stop flying through Qatar Airways as a protest against its treatment to its employees. This would teach them a lesson specially when the revenues start falling.
To All Employees of Qatar Airways
Just rmember Qatar Airways is a transit point
He Singingdude, bad mistake to relate QA to a Nazi concenration camp, these where specifically for the eradication of unwanted individuals, mainly Jews............what you are saying is bad but in no way related to what went on in the concentration camps.
Alot of these rules have been running around years in other Arab Airlines, I used to have a English girlfriend that worked as a Purser on Saudi Airlines, some of these rules were prevalent there too, no marriage in the first 5 years of employment, use of company supplied accomadation etc. Some of these rules are very hard and unfair but these are normally put infront of you to read before you take a job.
By the way the turn around in Saudi Airlines in staff was pretty high, people got there training there and then moved on to better airlines.
Most of us know whats going on inside those walls or what we actually need to do is STOP this system of "cloesure" or even make a personal back ground check on all the employees of QA especially the people running the show. it is this individual who makes QA look relly bad. we heard hundreds of horrible story about how the system is being used by un-qualified individuals. its so sad very sad. my suggestion is get an indipendent company to assess and evaluate all the people in the QA then we can only find peace.
Vasques - talking based on true experience? :)
Think about the drunk crew members and crew members who have not had enough sleep - would it be ok for you if your plane would crash.
As you mentioned QA is used a basis for jobs on other airlines, why jepordise it here by getting a bad reputation.
I think you are making it sound worse than it is - it's not a death camp - just more organized slavery closer to our Blue collared construction workers. It's a shame that QA is doing this to their staff and they should feel ashamed about them selves.
I heard that about 25% of the employees just quited after this memo was released - because they can't live like that
I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
Please don't make these kind of comparisons as it is not right and the two don not have any association with each other.
One other thing I may suggest to anyone who wants to whine out about their jobs - never bitethe hand that feeds you.
All jobs have policies and regulations, Airline employees have to be fresh for their job as they have many people to cater for and secure the lives of the pasengers, and if I am flying I don't want to put my hands in a crew that has been on the binge all night as has been discovered recently on some airlines.
I am sorry if I step on any bodies toes, but here a more friendly version with no names. Maybe it will last longer.