New Sponsorship Law Opinion

This is the opinion of lone Woman in Central Municipal Council (CMC) on the draft for new sponsorship laws in Qatar. Read right upto the end, no wonder she is still jobless despite taking an oath more than 3 months ago!
I am glad that the reporter did not question her opinion on enslaving the expatriates, the answer to which would also have been a "BIG YES".
Few people still live in the dark ages! Sigh!
2100 QL Points!!!
Yay! Way to go Ray!
person to work for us when they come way we can. They are free to come and work as they wish. They are also free to leave when they so choose. That's why we are the "melting pot".
Imprinted on the Statue of Liberty... "Give me your tired, your
poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."
THe problem is also with the way the visas are issued. If you have a visa of a certain nationality and you give him the option of release, the owner will not be given the visa of the same nationality. The reasoning being the owner is not interested in people from that nationality.
So many sponsors are not willing to give release.
The hefty commission comes out of the workers pocket most of the time.. This workers before they land they are already in debt in their own land due to the fees they have a paid the man power agency. Don't give me the bull-crap of sponsor has to paid the entrance fees..
At least there will be some respite if there are changes introduced We can change more flexibly;.....
"how can you enslave people whose mothers bore free men."
Yeah something like this . More precisely : How can you Enslave people and ( we all know) they were born free.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I remember Omar Ibn Lkhatab ( radeya laho anh) saying :
متى استعبدم الناس وقد ولدتهم امهاتهم احرارا
That, translated by Google (BETA) says
"When Astabdm people were born to the mothers free"
Can you explain please, I think it's lost something in the translation :D
(Maybe it means we are all born free?)
Xena, it feels like you read my mind!
how countries like US or UK with foreign workers that are not on sponsorship or needing exit visas to leave the country, manage to keep them in check?
If they can do it, surely Qatar can too.....
I think this lady must be terrified that without this law, her staff would make a run for it... makes one wonder what kind of employer she is.....
Oh and I am under the impression that other GCC countries have abolished sponsorships.... what kind of "political" person is she, not to know these things?
If this article is accurate lets hope that Sheikha Al Jefairi and the CMC never get consulted on anything, ever. So much for progress!
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
“What happens if I hire a worker, bring him here by paying for his air travel and a hefty commission to a manpower agency and he suddenly decides after two months or so to change the job,” asked the lone woman CMC member.
My GOD ?????? Is she serious ? This is really what I call : SLavey .
Does she think workers are slaves or what. You pay whatever you pay, but you cannot oblige people to work for you if you are unjust or if their working conditions are not what they expected. In Other countries where labor law is often updated, workers are free to stay or leave, but of course there are duties and even fees to pay. If a worker has to leave he/she could pay to compensate the employer, but by that would be a big mistake to enslave people just because you spent some money on their plane tickets .
My God.... I remember Omar Ibn Lkhatab ( radeya laho anh) saying :
متى استعبدم الناس وقد ولدتهم امهاتهم احرارا
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I wonder what the internal affairs has to do with municipal affairs...
...You can't mean what you say unless you can say what you mean...