Any comments, advices anyone?
Hey I attatched the same file on some other forum topic but anyway, here is one of the events or if u prefer experiences, that will hopefully be published and included in my up-coming book. Your comments will be printed also in the book, of course your name will be written too, if u like that is...(it's optional)
Anyway this is just a sketch, i would like from u to review it and simply add ur comments, advices, suggestions...etc. but make sure u send ur personal comments, that might get also published in the book at my e-mail [[email protected]]...
if there is any mistakes whatsoever, please do tell, and mind that it's a sketch once again. Thanks u guys u r the best!!
please open the attatchment attatched....
thanks xena..I'll surely wait!
it out and will read it this weekend, Q-P... will let you have my feedback on Saturday....
thanks owen,
would really appreciate that..
have printed it, will go through it over this weekend and will get back to you again..:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
Thanks jauntie 4 ur precious time wasted on my essay, glad u liked it, and thanks also to alik, and i'll try to atleast pretend not being weak...
its a nicely written story...
i would say that, u shld be more confident and strong.. life iz full of bad experiecnes and when people c that u r being weak, they will try to overpower u..
gud wwork
I was a little worried when I started reading your story, thinking it was going to be one-sided, but as I read on I saw it was indeed a very balanced essay.
You managed to cover just about every emotion under the sun in this piece of work. I was up and down with you every step of the way, one minute seeing beauty and the next the ugliness in all of the people, places and objects you encountered on your day trip to Chelmsford :D
I wish you well with the 'finished' product.
thanks mx1o0o, I really sppreciate your review, i was actually flattered!!
Check ur email inbox, and may you have the best of luck throughout Inshallah
./`I don't wanna waste another day-Keepin it inside, it's killing me./`