Rugby World Cup Final: England vs SA
Any pot shots at the score on Saturday? Might be interesting to see who guesses the final score, or is closest to it.
Here's a link for anyone wanting more info:
I just received that by e-mail but it's the other way round.
The little girl was sat in a South African classroom.
Good one though!
Star, yeah for 30 years....still got thescars, the pain, the limp and the great memories of great times with great people............and of course of great beers.........long live Rugby
have you played rugby?
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
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cant see why anybody would shoot you for that statement, its an old one but till true, even more so today. Was some bad tempers running around during WM but then that was always so, it wasnt anything too nasty or too much..........Ive ssen and lived worse during a game.
... my opinion is that rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen (although you'd wonder sometimes at some of the antics during this world cup season), and.....
soccer is a gentlemen's game played by hooligans!
Holding my arms up in defense!!! I'm gonna get nailed here............. byyeeeeeeee - I'm outta here :))
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
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Funny, always thought that Rugby was a game for Gentlemen, one doesnt Belittle ones adversary, its bad form and the game and the spirit of it are more important.
Can see that the spirit of the game is lost on some people..........shame.
I hope England win but more than that I hope its a good game as it is the show piece of the sport
The Springboks were playing England, and after the half-time whistle blew they found themselves ahead 56-0, Brian Habana getting eight tries.
The rest of the team decided to head for the pub instead of playing the second half, leaving Habana to go out on his own.
"No worries," Habana told them, "I'll join you later and tell you what happened."
After the game Habana headed for the pub where he told his team-mates the final score: 95-3.
"What!!!!" said a furious John Smit, "How did you let them get three points??!"
Habana replied apologetically, "I was sent off with 20 minutes to go."
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
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SA all the way !!!!!!!!1
A little girl was sitting in her classroom in England when her teacher walked in and started talking about how proud she is to be English and how wonderful it is to be an England supporter. The teacher then asked everyone who supported England to put up their hand. Every hand in the class besides one went up. This surprised the teacher and so she asked the little girl why her hand wasn't up.
"Well," said the little girl, "because I dont support England."
Even more surprised, the teacher asked her who she supported. "I support the Springboks", she replied. Now a bit irritated, the teacher asked the little girl why she supported the Springboks. "My mom supports the Springboks, and my dad supports the Springboks, so I support the Springboks." The teacher looked at the little girl and with a smirk asked: "Well, if your mom was an idiot and your dad was an idiot, what would you be?"
The little girl looked up at her teacher, smiled and replied:
"An England supporter!"
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
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Probably. That's when the other matches have been starting, so it would make sense for that pattern to continue.
I guess 10pm there by uze...
If you never did, you should. These things are fun, and fun is good. - Dr Seuss
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It'll be a good match. I'm assuming it's Saturday pm?
Jauntie, it will a hard tough game and will be close not like the quailifer game. Was in St Denis at the semi final against was a tough night or should I say long morning.....still got the hang over now.
England are getting better every game........they arent going to lie down in the final, if the springboks want it they are going to be have really special .............England will win.....but its going to be a nail biter
hopefully it will be a good game, rather than a walk over! The South Africans were superb this evening, but the Argentinians didn't have very good defence.
whn is the final
good luck 2 u jauntie
We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, and all are different colors; but they all have to learn to live in the same box.
I just watched the match - them Springboks look a bit 'tidy' as we say in UK parlance.