Barbeque.. Beach.. A friend...A Drink.. what else u need

By kejriwalrajeev •
Hey guys...Thought of this .. it would be a real fun on a weekend what else u need in life to take out a bit of tension and depression...
what do u think guys lets me know..
We can gather all the girlfriends and wifes from QL and make them belly dance...I'll make the
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
That would be all i want in this life.. Question is WHERE ARE THEY????
watching dance is not a bad... after all its only with friends not a public event ...
Nice comment to make friends saying u'll watch there wives n girlfriends belly dance hehehehe
what a adding a bit of spice to all this... getting all your girl friends.. can make them belly dance...
Vow!!!! thats great.. excellent combination..
good idea... hey pal i am a newly born to doha will be ariving soon after ramadan.. wanna make some mates... enjoy the life.. cant think with out friends..
belly dancers coming or no if yes then i am coming :D
sheesha available or no?