Popular in the U.S., Lost in Doha :-p

Hey guys (and girls).. I just landed in Doha three weeks ago from Dallas, Texas. I'm really outgoing and made a lot of friends while I was there so I'm kinda bummed about leaving them but now i've gotta start all over again (which isnt so bad) So tell me where I should go to start making friends. I don't really care what kind of people I befriend just as long as you can speak English because I'm just now beginning to learn Arabic phrases right now.. someone wanna help me with that? All I know is marhaba :)
pls. open the web below and have a look:
so many and very nice friends there waiting for u, me and everyone! So I lived a happy weekend.and u can find more...
share your life with me as we are different:)
in China, we can make friends by ICQ,QQ or Sina chat Room and etc. we call them as netfriends. this is a popular way to make new friend for whose are new in a strange city. as many of us have no more have to talk or meet in person. thus, we love to talk each other online. then making a date if find a gode feeling. Sometimes, we call this date as a blind-date:)
I think it does work in Doha or others!! To try, boys:)
share your life with me as we are different:)
I havent received any applications yet :0
and i thought u were lost some where in city center trying to location the bowling center. never knew the lady standing in front of me was you. i did disconnect the call when i saw you and you still were talking on the phone :D
after we were at sea - you seemed OK before we set sail on that White Charger.
I should say that you have a rainbow personality, Ms. JoanT!
now how did I know that JoanT recent comment was going to be from my very own Prince (the Greeker) Charming :D
You were my first bluetooth - could say I cut my Doha teeth on you, I suppose ........
You 'blue toothed' darude too? You remember blue-toothing me just before the dhow trip?
With the wind blowing on your hair, you were frantically trying on your cell phone, while prince charming was so very near you. Dont you remember him coming on top of his big white stallion and sweeping you off your feet, before riding away into the horizon? Didnt the others all stare at our receding backs before...
...The damn Landcruiser mowed the stallion down?
Does not only ME:)
share your life with me as YOU and I are different:)
hello everyone I've not been to Doha before, I want someone to inform me about Doha and the opportunity therein. Equally kindly inform me about the culture and tradition .
Who wants to be my friend? I'm currently taking applications! You've got to be able to speak English and Bonus Points if you can teach me Arabic too lol
at the bowling alley.
I rang his number and he was standing infront of me when he answered the call.
Don't get me started on bloody bluetoothing. I've actually disconnected the feature on my phone as I find it sooo irritating to be constanly hounded by invitations. I've been sent everything from phone numbers to the contents of their bank accounts (in the case of one older Qatari genetlemen at a restaurant). It's the most misused invention ever!
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
You'll be able to make friends soon enough :) I'm kind of in the same boat right now, two weeks in, and realizing that it will probably get a little better after Ramadan, when parties and gatherings start up again. For now, though, I'm enjoying the festivals at night and fine-tuning my acclimation so I'm ready to hit it. Cheers!
too many friends spoil u .so dont make friends any more exept me
Bluetooth dating is very popular here (without parents consent!) as a lot of guys and girls are not allowed by their parents to date in the normal sense of the word.
Love is the answer...
and oh CQM...hmmmmm...ok i read the last part of your comment..but but but..*mouth trying to zipped*...:D but, have to blurt this one out (or i will fart..lol)...is it worthwhile??..:P
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
so if we dont hear any from cornellian for weeks, she maybe busy with this virtual dating (are you really interested btw?)...or she may have found her date eventually..:D
good morning dear doc nemo..:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]
I didn't know ANY of this! Jauntie knows more than me!! *smacks her forehead*
Guess I'm still old-fashioned with the "boy meets girl" way, instead of the new "boy's phone meets girl's phone". So it's ike online profiles and dating, etc except the date is WAY closer.
my god, you have no idea. i ran into one of my friends from texas (she's a qatari) and i didnt even go over to her and say hi just because i was so afraid of the laws here. in fact, she walked over to me and gave me a hug. I was really amazed at how the society has evolved!
Why not start socialising and doing it the old way. I guess you will be more lost if you start with bluetooth dating. By the way, women here are different from Texas lol. Beware u can find yourself deported to the airport because of a bluetooth message lol.
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
but dont you need a passcode to initiate the connection??
you did not say anyhting about the results after all results count and so i repeat Any luck so far .... i mean how many fish did u net
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
either you didnt read the last part of my post
or you are wilfully ignoring it!!!
hmmm! why do i have the feeling its the latter.....
when my 74 year old sister told me about speed dating - let alone 'bluetooth' - I had no idea what she was talking about!
Any luck so far .... i mean how many fish did u net
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
yes there are people who do it. apparently you set the bluetooth on in your phone.if you click the search for devices in a say mall or theatre the number of compatible devices would come on your list.
then you send message to whomever u like..etc..etc
now no smartass comments about how i know all this....cos i just do..thats all.....lol
do it right - the first time!
or am I just old fashioned about how I'd like to meet my dream date ...
Looking for Love ?
Maybe your dream date is but a few metres away...
Proxidating is a totally new way for single people to meet up instantly.
All you need to do is install Proxidating on your mobile phone, create your profile, enable Bluetooth and wait for your dream date to appear.
Whenever you come within about 15m of a person with a matching profile your phone will alert you !
Very soon u will be lost no more so cheer up
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
Thanks! Yeah one of my friends here told me about it. She said people search for other devices and they exchange numbers that way. I didnt see how it works but she said it works and that her friends have done it in the past.
Bluetooth dating ? That's the first time I hear of that, would be interesting to find out what it is. So like u have a virtual date or something ? lol
Anyways, welcome to Qatar and Qatarliving. Join the social group and ur sure to find tons of friends and stuff to do around here :-)
Ive been hearing about this funny thing called bluetooth dating lol how does that work???
gives me the shivers down the back booooooooone !
Guess you came to the right place.
Where you start would can only be determined with the things you are interested in. They have different groups you can join here so whether you're a jock or religious person you'll find a place to fit in, just look around.
welcome to DOha buddy..start from this link..http://www.qatarliving.com/node/13133
[img_assist|nid=12867|title=Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.|desc= |link=none|align=left|width=44|height=180]