THE POWER OF APPLE....QL loads really faster and looks more awesome !!

This is not abt the apple fruit.This is abt the Apple company product MACHINTOSH.
Most of them in Qatar use windows xp as thier operating systems and have not experienced mac power.Its really amazing and super graphics.I really recommend u to experience it.
MAC OS can be istalled only on mac hardware and mac PC r costly than the normal PCs.and that is y most of them havent experienced MAC and it's not common in Qatar.
But still MAC can be installed on the very PC which ur using rite now but u need sumone who knows to do it and who got the rite software for it...this one is totally different!
Atleast feel it using thier internet browser amazing and fast.QATAR LIVING really loads fast in SAFARi.
What more....its free and ur just a click away...
Plz give ur comments!
when u open the youtube site in safari, u will get a msg saying that either javascript is not installed or disabled and there will be one option to install, click on it and wait for the installation to complete.After that, restart ur browser.If still its not working, just give a restart to ur PC, everything would be fine for sure!
Ramadan kareem.
Thanks Muhammed, I will try this and 'll let you know
plz install javascript into ur safari browser and restart ur will be all rite!
Ramadan kareem.
One more question King Edshel, Why I am unable to open Youtube videos thru Safari, when everything else is just fine?
--DP-- :)
1- First of all download this file [Fonts file]:
2- Check your folder options to make sure that the option 'Show Hidden Files' is checked, to do that open any folder that you got there. From the main menu there go to Tools --> Folder Options and navigate to 'View' tab then to 'show files and folders' and check the 'show hidden files and folders' and we are done here.
3- After downloading this file and showing hidden files navigate on your computer to the following directory [Assuming that you are using Windows XP]:
C:\Documents and Settings\Your user name or account name\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer\Safari
4- Copy the downloaded file to this directory, right click on it and choose 'Properties' then check the 'Read Only' option down there, you will find a similar font file there from before, rename it to anything that u want and we are done here.
5- Open your Safari browser now to see the difference :)
Hope this would be in a help.
Best Regards
sorry as iam unable to give a solution now coz i have uninstalled it coz my hard drive is full..not even 1mb was i had to delete safari.When i install again, i will give a solution and for now, i will try to contact king edshel or mx0100
Ramadan kareem.
Just now I have installed Apple Safari browser to my PC. No doubt it looks really great and really faster too. But my complaint is the text appears somewhat blurred and I found it not soothing eyes. Any solution?
I can say YES INDEED POWER OF PRICE! well I'm not really into paying a software application just to use in your day to day work. Why pay more like M$ Window$ Vi$ta or XP or Mac OSx when there is a FREE ONE! Try using UBUNTU Festy Fawn (Ubuntu 7.04). Ubuntu is one of the Linux distribution.
Official Site:
Download the Operating System:
Here some tips to do;
1. Download the .iso file
2. Burn it to CD
3. Boot your computer from CD/DVD Drive
4. Enjoy using the free world
I used Linux since mid '95 and it rocks it gives me a lot of options to do. I started with Slackware 3.6 in that year people are comparing with window$ 95 but HUH who cares why should I but license and the free one can do what I need.
Ok I know people why they want the shiny (as they say) Window$, it is because of Games???? Nah that is wrong on linux we got tons of games actually I play War Craft, Call of Duty, Grand Thief on my box...
And here's more! I can run Window$ application on it by using CrossOver
Last thing! NO VIRUS/SpyWare to worry!
Hope this can give some insight to the people....
Is HD Hi-Density Video Playback content avilable on Apple?
Is HDMI Output Available on Apple? (to connect Laptop to 42" HDTV at 1080 resolution)???
Is HD-DVD OR BlueRay-DVD Playback available on Apple (leave alone Write/RW on HD-DVD or BD-DVD)???
Apple ruled the roost because of higher Bus-speed. Now Apple does not lead the hi-end.
Yes apple PCs r now equipped with intel processor, doesnt mean that u can buy a retail DVD and install in on any PC...coz though it is intel processor , the hardware platform is the same MAC platform and not X86.
Ramadan kareem.
A browsers loading speed depends on the pages saved on Hard disk.
Since a browser cannot increase your internet line speed.
The more MB you let your browser have to save pages & cookies the faster it loads.
And as for the claim for "executing JavaScript faster" a user cannot detect that as the processors today can do that in a second.
And Apples today (2006 onwards) ship with INTEL processors.
Apples Forte:
1. Apple beats every competing product on "looks".
2. Apple ships with a laptop/desktop ready with all software so as to work "right-out-of-the-box."
try surfing with opera... you will not revert to any other browser again ...
" Winning is not everything, it is the only thing. Second place goes to the first loser " - Jinu Johnson
oh...that awesome!..ur the one who handles and manages everything on QL rite?..i guess it is u who is mentioned as the technician in the website's domain registry!
Ramadan kareem.
At last a comment from QL IT MASTER!..ur absoluetly 1000 percent rite :)
Ramadan kareem.
You are right, I tried Safari 3 Beta like 3 or 4 months before. I know that Safari browser is much faster than IR when i experienced MAC before when I install it on my machine.
You can install MAC OSX on the PC, but you can't expect the same performance and efficiency that you will get it if the same operating system was installed on a MAC machine. Some of the drivers won't be available fro the PC and you can't even find them over the internet easily. You will go with some drivers compiled by some people and it will work, but not the perfect way it is supposed to work. The processor of MAC and Graphics cards are highly recommended for designing purposes.
The MAC machines are so powerful, but you will not find that much of support for games and software that you are using for windows. The only ting that makes windows so popular is its support to most of the software used around the world, when other operating systems can overcome this issue, then te glory would be for Linux and the Red Hat.
BTW, QL was designed on a MacBookPro :o)
Qatar Living. Where do you live?
really apple is best and a master piece as its different from HP,DELL and other laptops....
have a good day
contact Darude abvt it coz he owns it, I didnt understand abt the At^T sim free completely.u can ask him coz he is cool owner of iphone.I like N95 more than iphone and i havent increased my knowledge abt iphone yet.according to my info, u can import one to qatar from anywhere in the world and unlock it just for 30 dollars and its guaranteed!just tell me when u come to know what is AT&T SIM FREE
Ramadan kareem.
Whats your thoughts about buying an apple iphone from USA. Will it work here? Whats that thing you wrote about "unlock with AT&T sim for free which doesnot work here in Qatar". Does it mean the apple store can unlock it for me if I pay the AT&T subscription for 2 years, then come and change the SIM to Qtel's. idea abt ur prob.It is natural coz it is very new and still in beta version..I dont think there would be any prob when the proper version comes out!
Ramadan kareem.
Has anyone had trouble opening excel sheets on safari? With safari I had to save the file to my HD and then open it with excel. Whereas with Firefox it just opened by itself not having to save it to my disk.
The other problem was opening a video attachment(.wmv) on the safari, it wouldn't open and showed some error, but with Firefox no probs. Any inputs!??
However looks like apple comps are far ahead of windows based computers.
Your right Muhammed12 but Safari still has annoying bugs....hey maybe it's just me and I'm crap :p
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
rock doesnot accept my challenge for a safari walk am not gona try it. :/
hummer rocks in safari dunes :D
u must try out safari coz its user inteface and speed rocks!
Ramadan kareem.
its not international Roaming sim. guess local.
and Hums yea fire fox is pretty good than IE specially for QL.
what is At&T sim for free?..can u make calls thru Qtel now or not?
Ramadan kareem.
Still think Firefox is better, although I really do like Safari.
'Our freedom is but a light that breaks through from another world'
unlock with AT&T sim for free which doesnot work here in Qatar. now will wait for AT&T company to come to qatar so i can work it out here :D
U got it unlocked or u unlocked by urself?
Ramadan kareem.
i ordered from UK for 850pounds. still not available in Qatar. and i cant wait coz i really dont need arabic version.
GR8.where did u buy iphone in qatar and how much is it?
Ramadan kareem.
i was surfing QL on iphone and was really faster. specially the downloads just in few second. wifi connection at corniche ipark.