Language Exchange

Anyone interested in participating in a language exchange? With the languages represented in Doha, it seems a waste not to take the opportunity to attend to your linguistic skills. If so, you can make posts here describing in which language(s) you can provide help and which you would like to practice.Hopefully, you can find a suitable partner. And maybe one day QL will include a Qatar Language Exchange Group.
Myself, I'd be glad to help any other ladies with Arabic or English in exchange for such help in another language. I have quite a long list of languages that I am interested in learning or languages that I have studied and would like to practice. Anyone else interested?
guys did u realize that the last post was in 2007 ?????????????
Having a skills in speaking lot of languages is really cool and its very helpful specially when applying job. :)
I'm interested in learning Portuguese language,if you are confident to teach me, please don't hesitate to contact me on my email, [email protected]
I need to learn basic Portuguese language to be able to communicate, any one confident to teach me please contact me for paid lessons, on my email, [email protected]
Regards to all
hey guys , well i speak arabic , english , french , aand finnish (the language of inland :P) well if anyway 1 need help i can help tooo and ill b happy 4 it
My Confession Booth is open for Papal, frog, Afghani/Doggy languages contest and other ecclesiastical languages out there.
The Red Pope of Qatar Living
i'll exhange my "tunisian" with a spanish.
"This is where you lose your mind, And just let your heart on wind !"
Maybe somebody of you guys wants to learn Polish in exchange for lessons in Arabic?
I'm going to be the first student ...
Let's Arrange for spanish group
1- Nass
2- Ram
3- .....
Who else gonna join the spanish group ???
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
I certainly want to find a suitable partner who speaks a different language! :-P
Hey if you guys are interest in learn spanish lets make a teaching-learning group. spanish is my language.
I will be back in doha at the end of the month. am interest in any language. good and bad words. LOL.
I'm fluent in Arabic and good in English
I need to learn Spanish ... i've a book but it couldn't help me with pronunciation ... i wish if someone could help me ..
"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
I can help in Arabic and English
Arona, any interest in an exchange? If so, how many hours and times would you be available a week? And, what variety of Chinese are you willing to teach? Just send me a message. Thanks!
you are right!
you said: "CQM ...
I assuming all Indian speaks Hindi and they have their own dialek depending where they come from. Like in China everyone speaks mandarin and have their own dialek like Cantonese or Hokkien. "
usually, north of chinese speak mandarin,people from Guang dong province speak Cantonese ans also there are a lot of Chinese languages in west ,east,middle and ...of China. because China is so big. the difference between China & India is affected by English.China is less and India is more. so now Indian enigeers is more easy to find a job in english company than Chinese engineers.Anyway, Chinese religion in folk custom,such as Buddha is imported from Indian.So WEST is advanced,civilized in Chinese opinions so far.
In my opinion, languages are culture in concepetion. so just keep your native one. you can learn more if you want to enjoy a specific culture then u can learn it language. such as I find Arab culture is very interesting, so i love to learn it if i can. English is same. but now we have to use english well as she is the common language worldwide.
share your life with me as we are different:)
so sweet jaunts thanks
do it right - the first time!
Sounds good to me - I've never been a shopperholic. Well I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time. I wish you a safe journey.
nope not a shopping trip(pssssst the wife doesnt know that)
lol...have planned it as pure sightseeing to ny,washin...,boston.
that wouldnt give much time for shopping would it? lol
cqm has impish grin
do it right - the first time!
to catch the first of the Christmas sales, I guess. Gawd help us all lol
Hub brought home a couple of table candles for me today - said the shop 'Dreams' is full of Santas - oh he just informed me they have them all year round.
*licks tip of pencil and crosses off another misnomer* sigh
just an eid break ...taking the family along to the big apple
back in 2-3 weeks hopefully.....
do it right - the first time!
Is this just an Eid break you are taking - couple of weeks, a month?
I'm panicking now .... how long are you going for!
lol jauntie life is so complicated isnt it????to know and do so many things?
am in midst of packing bags and getting ready to say goodbye doha(albeit a short while)
do it right - the first time!
although I am now reduced to adding ruby grapefruit juice to the champagne, since hub doesn't like champers and I'll NEVER be able to finish the whole bottle without diluting it :D
Our driver is from Kerala and he doesn't know Hindi either - he speaks Malayalam.
Anyway, I now know it isn't only spoken by Hindus. Glad we cleared THAT one up!
*licks end of pencil and ticks off item on sheet of paper with numerous notes on it*
novi yes i do speak hindi rather fluently because i worked in those parts for a couple of years but am not a hindi speaker by native tongue. do it right - the first time!
lol no jauntie i dont think it would have offended anyone, not me in the least.
actually i assumed it was a typo and thought id just straighten things out. so sweet of you to be apologetic...did u have a good birthday?
do it right - the first time!
Maximum nepali speak Hindi.But I am not perfect in Hindi.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Do you speaks Hindi as well? But i thought Senti is from Nepal? Does Nepalese speaks Hindi too?
novita actually not. hindi is mainly spoken in north india. to the west its like marathi gujarathi the south there are 4 states with their own languages and they are not well versed in hindi(though they might speak ir smatteringly). the northeast is yet another story as is kashmir.
but hindi is the most widely spoken if thats what you sre asking.
do it right - the first time!
I actually thought Hindi was only spoken by a Hindu, so thank you for that piece of knowledge and my apologies to your National Language and to any Hindus who I may have offended.
And anyone else!!! (one can never overdo it when it comes to apologies)
I assuming all Indian speaks Hindi and they have their own dialek depending where they come from. Like in China everyone speaks mandarin and have their own dialek like Cantonese or Hokkien.
jauntie i suspect its a typo but nevertheless
'hindus'refers to people who follow hinduism. it has little or no relation to hindi which is the national language of india.
do it right - the first time!
Senti does have a good sense of humour lol ...
since when was it the world's second lingo! OK, there are a lot of hindus around, but all the same I suspect our Senti is pulling our proverbial thingie ;o)
Just saw Senti's sneaky, cheeky 'lol' after he said that :D
Sometimes she speaks.
JAunti.....I have to asked my teacher May be ours.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
jauntie ... since when you speaks Hindi ??????
yours or ours! :P
my teacher told me,hindi may be the second language spoken by the people all over the
"Drink Beer Save Water"
the main languages in the world are below
share your life with me as we are different:)
It is a very good idea.
So strange, no one want to learn Chinese. But many businessmen are going to learn it because China will be the biggest market in near future. Not you can find many goods made or from in China.
I want to learn English,also Arabic and teach others Chinese. Is anyone like my idea? pls. contact with here:)
share your life with me as we are different:)
has this nice thread died like all others
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
I would like to learn Spanish coz i like it ..
know few thing about it
I can teach you, but then u have to teach me that nice british accent :)
Crazy Frog
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait....without you
I want to learn French.
Good Good , but don't ever listen to Char :D
Crazy Frog
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait....without you
i will start to learn.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Crazy Frog
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait....without you
bsolutely, well done dude :)
Senti - Frog can thech so many other things as well like Techniqes ...etc.,
La langue népalaise n'est pas si dure. (Nepali language is not so hard) Is it correct?
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Whenever you want. I understand the fact that pronounciation is hard. Nepalese language is very different from French :)
Crazy Frog
[img_assist|nid=38314|title=Crazy Frog|desc=|link=node|align=left|width=180|height=179]
On a bed of nails she makes me wait
And I wait....without you
Lets starts.I need to learn from basic.I don't know how to pronounce it.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
senti, I can teach you French :)
Crazy Frog
I want to learn French.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
somebody teaching me Tagalug. In exchange, I can offer Urdu, Pushto or Punjabi.
actually i wanna learn all languages:)
I speak Spanish, and I know Some Italian and Portuguese.
Yo Hablo Español!
Io Parlo Italiano!
Eu Falo Portugues!
I am going on holiday to Armenia for Eid! Are you armenian?????
I speak Spanish/English fluently
I would like to improve my French, Arabic and Portuguese
i can teach turkish:) and want to learn russian,german,swedish,finnish:)
I'm good in Bosnian and German :)
I would love to learn Italian. I am good in English
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
i can teach you armenian!!!
well the bad words at least!!!
do it right - the first time!
i will teach you afghani, arabi :D
Do you speak German? I used to learn, but because I didn't practice, I forgot a lot, but would love to learn again.
I am highly interested in any linguistic issue, especially things relevant to language Exchange or what we can also call translation. The languages I can manage are : Arabic English and French. I enjoy translating to/ from those languages. Ready to help anytime.
Crazy Frog