Mother care boutique doesn't care of mothers

Good morning mums, new mums and potentiel mums
I have a 4 months old baby boy and used to do all the shopping in mother care boutiques around the GCC (UAE, Oman)
I landed in Doha 2 months ago (because of my husband job)
I was in City center and needed to breast feed my baby, so I went to mother care boutique and asked the sales man if I can use the breast feeding room.(as per the catalogue) he told me, (sans meme prendre la peine de me regarder)that they don't have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In other branches they let you use the fetting room if there's no breast feeding room
I decided to boycot mother care....there's Chicco and they are very helpful.
one more thing, I was surprised when I couldn't find any baby's changing room in the ladies toillets in both CC and Villagio.
I had to change my baby's pampers in the Pram!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much for your help...
I though that I'm the only one facing difficulties in feeding and changing my baby in Malls
Thanks again
sometimes the mothercare chaging room is locked as a store room. i have had this problem while i was in landmark and had to rush to marks n spencer to feed my baby, while shopping in mothercare.
however the mothercare in hyatt was pretty good.
and city centre should have provision for changing infants. the last time i went for a movie, i had to change my little girl while she was standing, fortunately she was wearing her pull-ups.
happy heart
DRIVE SAFE,someone is waiting for you at home
Yes i agree with baby's changing room in each floor ... but i think it might take longer for the City Centre management to realize.
Mothercare shops all having a seperate baby changing room / feeding room.
We use them especially when out at City Centre or Hyatt Plaza. They are noramly fitted with baby changing mat and have chair if your require to feed your baby.
Sometimes they are locked but if you ask the sales assistant they normally open it for you.
In city centre its directly across from teh changing rooms. i suggest next time you are near go in and ask again.
I'll. I heard that they have nice bedding (home linen)
But, don't you think that we need to have, at least, one baby's changing room in each floor along with the ladies toillets???
Thanks again
I used to go to Debenhams and change my son nappy there. The staffs always friendly and helpful.
Guess u got thru a bit of a flight filled with Turbulence...
Oooops...dont think anyone saw that coming for Baby's changing rooms...
Take care...
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