PlayStation 2

we're coming to Doha in 2 weeks, with 2 teenagers and want to buy a PlayStation 2 when we arrive (we have several PS2 games to bring, but want to get the game system there). Any suggestions for the best place to shop? We don't want to get the PS3 (too expensive!), but hopefully can find a PS2 somewhere.
The price is about QR500 I think. You could probably pick up a secondhand one for cheaper!
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thanks for the comments! so- it sounds like our games from here in the US should be ok, we head to Carrefour for the PS2!
Well most of the games and consoles here are NTSC which is the American system. So that won't be the problem, you can get them from Carrefour in City Center or Villagio. You will find it everywhere and in cheap prices compared to before. PS3 can also play PS2 games, but most of the games that i tried ... and for unknown reason the Graphics of the game would be really bad. It won't work properly there while they mentioned that it should just work fine with the previous versions of the game.
One more issue about PS3, it has a security lock for the DVDs. Once you put the DVD in your console and play it for once on your console, then forget about giving it to anyone to try it. It will work only on your machine and on the other consoles, it is nothing but an empty blue ray DVD :(
do the games have the same format here as in the US?
better double check that.
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