Kids, Bambini, Kinder, Enfants, Childrens....

By swissgirl39 •
Do you have any kids?
If yes,how many?
And how old are they?
Boys or Girls?
Me i have 3 Kids.
A Girl 21
A Boy 20
And the youngest son 14
How about you all?
And if you do not have childrens yet,do you want to have in future?
And how manys?
Gutan Abend swissgirl.Wie geht es ihnen?
Not yet but one son and daughter are the best.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
Are you back in Doha now? Have you heard of Small World? I got the numbers from Maei but got no response when I called. Maybe they are out of town :( At what age do they start regular school ie nusery?
I had the luck that my kids went in Swiss to Scool and for the first 9 years it was free.Here you pay only for privat scools or High Scools.Now the older ones found theyr Jobs and only the youngest still in Scool.
Good luck for you and your Son.
*Create your own destiny,fighting against your dark sides,raise your
spirituality.Every day is a new day.A new life.
Keep the faith!*
Hi Swissgirl39,
My son will turn three on 10th September,2007. We moved here from India in mid June. In the process of gathering information about his schooling. Pretty expensive I must say. I guess you must thank your lucky stars that you are past this stage with your kids.