Max base salary for grade-14 sr engineer in QP for definate contract of 4 years
By rajnaik1985@yah... •
Dear all,
i am being offered grade 14 ,definate contract for 4 years.
basic is 16500 (i already informed here in the forum)with QP.
any one can give me realistic ( or actual idea for max basic salary one can negotiate)
what is max base salary for grade-14 for asian national. please remember this is definate contract.(for indefinate contract it is 16500 max , i heard)
one more question,
definate contract employees are eligible for annual incriment.? it is not mentioned in the offer.
you are saying there is no fixed structure for definite contract. But again you are writing max 18000. Is it for indefinite contract u mean?
Contracts were introduced to allow QP to recruit at a level above the salary mid-point.
Special contracts were introduced to allow recruitment at levels outside the scales.
Definite contract employees are not eligible for increments. That is why the Basic is generally higher than that for Indefinite contracts. At least that is my understanding.
Have a nice day.
" I have a mind that ticks like a Clock, and like a clock it regularly goes Cuckoo "
There is no maximum for definite contracts. These contracts were initiated to recruit on short term and can carry a salary below the minimum (if individual agrees) and above the maximum. Minimum & maximum for grade 14 is approx. QR 10200 to 18000.