Buying Property in Qatar

Hello. I am thinking about buying some property in Qatar, but to be honest do not really have any idea where to start and what to do. I have a vague idea about the Pearl and Zig Zag Towers but have also heard something about some other areas in Qatar where expats can buy.
I am also interested in finding out about mortgages in Qatar. I have tried calling a few Banks but have had trouble getting through, which gets frustrating after a while.
So if anyone can help me out I would really appreciate it. Thanks.
As I understand it, what expats and buy is very limited. There are a couple of new high rises where we can buy (very pricey) but that's about it.
Probably already checked this out but just incase its new to you...
Qatars best known Pirate - Yaarr!
Although I know it takes ages, try using google and typing in Lagoon Plaza Qatar or Zig Zag towers. On my search it brings the threads straight up. PM for any questions, I am getting my mortgage with QNB. cheers
Ok thanks. I'll have a look at the other threads, and will PM with any questions
PM me with questions, I can help you. We bought a 3 bed with lagoon Plaza
This has been discussed on another topic with a similar name, if you do a search you should find it. We went into all the pros and cons. I have brought on the Zig Zag. As I say use the search you will stumble upon our lengthy conversation. Enjoy.