Internet browsing very slow in Qatar?

By sekar_qatar •
Has anybody experienced problems using Internet in the last 2 weeks?
We have 2mbps DSL line but our internet speed is very very slow.and some sites not opening!. some sites opens very fast.
I have spoken to many people - Most of my friends suggests this is because of the ISP's DNS server.
i have a doubt ,that it has happened since the introduction of Q-Tel's Mosaic service.
Can anybody please help in solving this. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
it s a qtel problem that happened for 2 weeks, some websites wont open and specially american, bt now it s working fine.this also depended on the area, not all areas were affected.
Works fine with me. Well, not FINE FINE but fine :D
I switched to Safari and the sites seem to open up as normal. I am back using Firefox again and there doesn't seem to be a problem now.
Thank you for your information,
ooops, i solved this issue, now my internet is working good enough.i can download upto 235kbps.
i change the DNS relay option in the router, from "Auto discovered DNS Servers, TO User Discovered DNS servers only" and put the DNS server address what QTEL give us, amazingly its solved all my headache
how many systems do you have?, for one systems 512kbps is more than enough for voice&video . if you are using more than 5 systems then your speed should be above 1mbps.
its all about which area are you staying at.... Thats why you can try to change your internet settings from PPoE to PPoA or vv.and make sure to setup the VPI to 8 and VCI to 35. if its dosent help send all the configration of your pc which antivirus prog are you useing. and will try something els.
the connection at office is perfect as usual, however at home my old fashioned dial up connection is getting worse all the time...I will switch to adsl if i get that new job am hoping to get (and my fuc*en boss agreed to release me!)
Skype has a perfect quality during those times, but to open a site always times out! I was thinking of reducing to 1 Mbps, but i think than the speed will be reduce as well, when capsity is reduced.
Would that be the effect? Anyone knows when I am changing from 2 to 1 Mbps, the line would be slower, or would I just reduce the overcapacity?
My browsing is unaffected, touch wood.
I have the same problem sometimes it need more than 2 min to open a page, or it will not open and some times there are very fast.It is not normal and we are using only 512.
2mbps with you and slow. May God Bestow HIs mercy on those who are using 56kbps and 512kbps :|
Pretty weird - last night I could hardly reach QL and any blogs hosted at
My friend could reach the same sites fine.
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