The Golden Gun

A golden Tabuk (AK-47) supposedly owned by Saddam Hussein has gone on display in Australia.
A golden Tabuk (AK-47) supposedly owned by Saddam Hussein has gone on display in Australia.
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good idea indeed.
No. Melt it down and then give the proceeds to the needy in Iraq. While they are about it, why not melt down every gun in the world.
Victory attained by violence is tantamount to a defeat, for it is momentary. Mahatma Gandhi
i do think they should auction the gun and send the money towards people in Iraq. School, food, shelter whatever in need for Iraqi people.
From the Link>
On Monday, the Australian War Memorial accepted a golden Tabuk rifle -- the Iraqi equivalent of the AK-47 -- from the Australian military, which in turn received it from allied U.S. troops in thanks for taking part in the Iraq war.
Tsardoz tell me, it's DaRude's rifle eh?
hmmm but i still like it silver plated i mean white gold.
I told you i dont read the link article, i was thinking that it was stolen, lolz!
Suspect? I don't understand.
any suspect?
sorry i did not read the whole article, damn lazy!