Realistic family budgets !

We are thinking about moving the family over from Dubai to Doha at the end of the summer and are trying to get our head around potential costs whilst my husband decides whether to accept his offer. We are a family of four with two young kids, one of which - 5yrs - would need schooling. Having researched the message boards and spoken to a few people we think we may be getting a handle on our budgets! I would appreciate anyones comments on how realistic or not these budgets are...
Compound 3 bed villa with maids 16 - 18k per month
School 9-12k per term
Car hire 3-5k per month
Your budget calculations are good. Factor in some of the items brought up above and you're set.
Also consider medical care if you don't have insurance.
be such bill as Qr1000/month for W & E. believe me.
Unless you're paying for the whole building!
Many thanks for the replies ! We are going to be on the DESS and DMBS school, these are both good I have heard.
Is 16 -18k per month going to be OK for a compound 3 bed place ? Are there loads of dodgy agents like here in Dubai or is it easy to get somewhere direct with a landlord ? Thanks
Well, we pay for our 3 kids QAR 71,775 School fees for the year.
Monthly food budget is Q3,000
Petrol about QAR 250 a month.
Eating out once a week for the month Q450.
Hope this helps.
If you are drunker 500 QR Per month
my son 6 yrs old school fee 7500 QR per term. And normally go up 10 percent yearly.
If your 3 bedroom + living room + kitchen + den + dining room
= 5 aircons in a house, i guess you'll spend 700-800 riyals.
Let me see, the house where we live in has 8 aircons (including the kitchen); 20 people in the house and we pay 20 riyals per person and that is including water...
....Yay!!!!! Diana that means more savings for me (-:
By the way? 300 QR pm with air conditioning on 24 hrs????
Bilabong, how you do that? We live in 3BR but never saw a bill from Kahramaa bigger than 300 QR.
Blighty budgets vary a lot!!
based on my research (which incidentally is restricted to QL)I have worked out the following essential costs for my family (self & wife)
2 BR apartment 8500-9500 pm
Electricity + Water 1000 pm
Telephone+Internet+Cable 1000 pm
Auto lease + Ins. + Fuel 2000 pm (if you drive a Corolla etc)
Groceries 2500 pm
Hope this helps and hope I am right. Otherwise I am in trouble as I have accepted the offer!!! )-: