Interesting Pictures from Gaza
Check out these pictures found in the German Spiegel online...
on this pic a Hamas fighter is pretending to be talking on the phone with Condi Rice from the office of Mahmud Abbas!,5538,PB64-SUQ9MjI0NTAmbnI9NA_3_3,00....
This is also a creative picture:,5538,PB64-SUQ9MjI0NTAmbnI9Ng_3_3,00....
In this picture I bet Hamas fighters never had that kind of toilet luxury!,5538,PB64-SUQ9MjI0NTAmbnI9Mg_3_3,00....
There seems to be a technical problem. If you want to see the pictures go to the Topic Forum: Palestine, where will it end?
and try to access it from there. The pics are posted on the 2nd page!
whats the use of the topic even the pics are not openning here.better amend the topic.
For me the same.The link is not to open.I see no pics on that page.
Dokumet nicht gefunden. Ich kann nicht sehen.villendank