Thoughts on Al Dana compound
Hi I will be coming to Doha soon and we have been told we will be living in the Al Dana compound. Does anyone know of this compound and it's facilities? I have 3 children aged 6, 4 and 3 who will be starting DESS in September so information on the traveling times between both would also be helpful. Thank you
Thank you for your replies, they have been they have been very helpful.
Your compound is a few minutes drive from DESS. I have 3 children at DESS and they love it there - (we have been here for 7 months). I have driven past your compound and it looks quite nice. You should have no concerns about your move. Your children will be happy at DESS.
Your compound very close to DESS ... i been to the compound once to see a friend, and it is a good compound with a good facility. The building is new too. It is located next door to American Embassy.