International Driving Licence

By littlemissme •
Apologies if this has been discussed before , but couldn't find what I needed through searching!!
I hold a qatari driving licence and want to get an international one so I can drive when I get home. Where would I go to get one and any ideas on how long it will take??
Grateful for any advice!!!
I remeber seeing a sign about issuing international licenses at a travel agency just by Janna Al Khaleej hotel on gulf street. I think (although not sure) that it was called intercontinental travel. Good luck
They issue International license... its located somewhere opposite to Hardees in Al Saad. It wont take long to get one.
For what i know, with Qatari license you can drive for a year, then you will have to take the test within the year like getting a new license.
Have a look at the link above.
better late than never
littlemissme, I'm not sure you can drive on an international driving license in the UK if you're British.
What! No Wasta! Horror!
Here in UK most of the International Licence does not work.
Few of the countries licence is exchangable and almost all those countries are in Europe. May be Australian licence is exchangable.
Almost all those middle east driving licence is useless here.
I had two of them.(Oman and UAE)
As per the law you can drive for one year (From the date of your first Entry) with the foreign country licence. Meanwhile you should apply for the local licence and get it.
No Agency can push your applications. Everybody goes through the same process.
For more info, please
Thank you all. You've been really helpful!!! :-)
Most travel agents issue international driving licenses. Take your Qatari license and 2 photos.
I will try to get the exact name of the company and their phone number when i return home in sha Allah
I was going to post the AA website lol
I have my application waiting on the dining table at home in UK, which I get sent to me by the AA, littemiss, I just haven't sent it off yet.
If you cant get it sorted out as Hamlet says, try doing it through the AA when you get home - they can rush it through I think.
anyway, website is:
Good luck
there is a company in the same building of the General Insurance company in Hamad street, but I don't rememeber the floor, and they do it in a couple of minutes...very easy