Women drivers

this could also happen in qatar
Driving to a Istanbul the other day on the motorway, I looked over to my left and there was a woman in a brand new BMW doing 180kph with her face up close to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner!
I looked away for a couple of seconds and when I looked back she was halfway over in my lane still working on that makeup!
It scared me (and this coming from a bloke....) so much that I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the bacon roll out of my other hand. In all the confusion of trying to straighten up the car using my knees against the steering wheel, it knocked my mobile from my ear, which fell into the coffee between my legs, causing it to splash and burn BIG JIM AND THE TWINS, causing me to scream, which made me drop the cigarette out of my mouth, ruined my shirt and DISCONNECTED AN IMPORTANT CALL.
Bloody Women Drivers!!!!!!!
If you think it's good! you're welcome to do it yourself! you do not need to influence other people, what you think is right for you! We are all stranger here and telling people to be arrogant is not a good advice! ;-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
I got same advice re Abu Dhabi.
Good morning to you! :)
Feel free.
Abu Dhabi is good, I was there for 3 months last year
HAHA that sounded like a wonderful experience dweller!
Stork ...I think you did good. At least you have to make them know that what they did was wrong. But dont go overboard. 90% of the time no body tells them anything so why would they do otherwise.
It happens all the time here. They are like 5yr old kids.
As long as its a male I always ask they WHY? especially while jumping queues. They usually reply in Arabic pretending not understanding english.
In fact your shouting will have effect on her. Next time she will be a lot more carefull. Trust me.
let's move, just call me hi! hi! hi!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
I'd like to answer your questions, but we are not in the right thread. Uncle Dweller will shoot us:P
Abu Dhabi?
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Hope Big jim and the twin are doing fine!!!
Hey there r ppl drinking and drinking so what u done is no big deal
We used to go to a forest when I was 12, to shoot birds! and I showed my husband how I can target the beer bottle top 20 meters! And that's my secret, why he's Andres de saya ;-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
I'm actually starting to pack up my bags:D
I dont want to put the whole details but yea its true! it happends sometimes. That was at Women's hospital parking lot. As a result,
I arrived late at our training programs. Grrrrrrr!
Nah! Mystica....are you trained to shoot a bat on top of coconut tree like I was? I bet you don't, LOL!
Same thing happened to me once was drivin on corniche around 1am midnight just took a hotcup of tea from that bander side a person in sudden rush overtook me the cup in my hand fell on my zip and aaaaaahhh damn hot don ask how much i screamed damn situation was weird was wearin a jeans the hot tea went through out it was burnin like hell and rushed home.
Gotta admit Mystica you are very right in what you just said.
though i hate it but i have to admit that what you just said is the fact. nothing can or will ever make Qatar my country. One day we all have to pack our bags and leave her in the desert (it is a desert) whether we like it or not. So till then have patience.
This is not our own country and we do not have the same rights as them! so to avoid serious problem? learn to be patient!
If it is my country? I'll grab my gun and shoot the damn biatcha! joke! ;-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
sl, Mystica, you're both right.
What I SHOULD have done is bitten my tongue, quietly driven away, and gracefully accept defeat....
then snuck back later and let her tires down
Are you fluent in Arabic? can you explain to the policeman all what happen? if you get into a serious argument with this local woman? if not! you're husband is right to stop you to get into trouble. ;-) lucky you have your hubby with you! take it easy and be careful girl! ;-) Kalma!
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
The answer is this is my country I do what I want If you don't like it go back to your own country
Methinks one or two think this is true
Grrr...I am SOOOO ANGRY! I've just come back from City Centre Mall, bad move on a Saturday as it was heaving. No parking spaces anywhere, cars weaving slowly up and down the lanes waiting for someone to leave. Finally I spot a guy backing out....I wait patiently as he slowly vacates the space... I start backing in....AND A WOMAN SLIPS ROUND BEHIND ME AND TAKES THE SPACE!!! I swear I was so angry, I leapt out and stood in front of her car and told her to get out of my space. She put her foot on the clutch and nudged me out of the way with her bumper! This was a woman clad in burqa and hijab so I assume she was Qatari. I shouted at her really angrily, until my husband told me to get back in the car as he was worried I would get arrested for "insulting" a national. Believe me, I although I was very restrained in my language, she knew exactly how I was feeling. How can people be so rude? And is it true you can be arrested, even when the person you're yelling at is as ignorant, inconsiderate and selfish as this woman? (I feel better already getting that off my chest).
While driving if they r applying red lipstick,.....,.....,
finally will land up in a pool of red blood.
Take care
well atleast some women love signals.. if they reach office without any signals, it will be a total mess. so at each signal, they make up!!!
Does that mean because woman has fewer accident that man? ;-0.
I think so! ;-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
sorry ... but in the UK you have a cheaper insurance if you are woman :-)
Nothing to be happen whenever the worst drivers should learn themselves. no penalty / purnishment can make them right. there is no difference those are male / female.
god may save us all.
Except for few expatriates many other
1.women drive with maximium speed
2.Mobile is a must on one hand while driving
3.Cutting lanes and Jumping Signal they are no less than their men folk.
mirror should be replaced with picture showing perfect face...
But the men on the road are can be lethal...roflmao
1. you must be fined for using mobile phone while driving.
2. You must be fined for Speeding.
3. You must be fined for Reckless driving.
4. You must be jailed for Dangerous Driving.
Correct your own stupitidies first.:)You get all 4 if you drive in a country like Singapore. On top of that your licence will be cancelled for at least 3 years.
very funny! ;-)you can do all of those at the same time? :-)
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...