Death sentence in Qatar (from today's Peninsula)

via Peninsula
Doha • A higher criminal court yesterday sentenced a 43-year-old Qatari national to death after he was found guilty of having sexual relations with his daughter, a 14-year-old girl.
Taking a serious view of the offence, the court in its verdict said the convict must face the firing squad.
Details of the case presented to the court by the prosecution suggest that the convict's son saw him in the physical act with his minor sister.
As was expected he was immensely shocked but somehow managed to inform his mother. The family immediately decided to report the matter to the police.
The father was arrested and interrogated and the case was subsequently forwarded by the prosecution to the criminal court.
The convict was additionally accused of forcing her daughter to have alcohol before the crime. She was found to be under the influence of liquor when the matter was reported to the law enforcement agencies.
It is so heartrending.... have heard some stories like that in opera show and seen some victims in the same programme....when something like that happens one really has to think....what man has made of man (wordworth) and where are the claims of sublimity of human development
Can any one tell me what kind of support does this child gets from now on??
I have seen so many ways to get even with the father but what about the victim .. how will we or the community help her?
Media must protect the identity of the victim,
Even if culprit is killed once,victim will die every day with some coments .
Gypsy is the above comment an argument against mine? I can understand it....
Sputty I've missed you! I knew you hadn't dissappeared!
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
To add to the above even the guy behind the Virginia Tech Massacre was a stalker....
He had a long history of stalking and his handwritten notes were posted on the net..... Such sicknesses are just a manifestation of frustration
he's a monster... let's just pray for the kid and her family... that's the least we can do...
I agree with charmed....I remember they were disscusing the issue of children beauty pagents in Dr. Phill show a couple of month ago, and the whole thing looked so unnatural and sick
such serious crime of incest...
luckily enough that she wont get pregnant or else they gonna have the same father...sad news..
[img_assist|nid=13272|title=nice baby|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=158|height=180]
This is just disgusting....where is this world heading to?? Is there any difference between such men and animals? How can a sane person do this? unless he is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. He should be slaughtered like an animal.
Hats off to his wife for reporting this to the police…. Most women hide such incidents because of the shame she will have to face within the family & society.
Thank GOd they sentenced him to death.
This shows how people take their own offsprings lightly.this is very bad.
I remember sometime ago leader of a jihadi group in pakistan which is fighting in indian kashmir has given a statment
"Produce as many children as possible and give them to us to fight against indian goverment in kashmir"
this shows how some societies value their children. And what will be the moral standing of these generations!!! using their own children for political gains really shows moral bankrupcy.
i agree with charmed. media does have a lot to do with it.
poor girl...
i salute the mother of this child for reporting to the police the crime, even if it means losing her husband.
think we are thiking the wrong way around, they think we just need to open our eyes and realize its " normal" to do what they do, then we go and put them in prision in a special section with all the other paedophiles and they go crazy together! Its madness how we treat them! they make me sick it really upsets me how people can do that kind of thing!
and what upsets me is seeing bikinis for toddler girls and short skirts and todders walking around with tops on them saying sexy! the media is making kids look not like kids anymore which doesnt help! like the bratz dolls dont get me started on them - those kinf of things dont help at all.
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
I have read even animals differentiate with their own siblings and dosent involve in to such act.
If he can not differentiate between wife & daughter, he will be looking at every female at same greedy lust.
As we take out a thorn out thorn,we have to eliminate such before he repeats at some one else.
Born with it or not. It still doesn't make it right.
Regard homosexuals, is it not legal only between consenting adults?
In most cases of pedophilia if you look a the background of the individual he or in some cases she, usually has had an abusive or abnormal childhood, or is suffering from some kind of mental illness. I don't know if this means that they have any control, but it means that it's not something you are born to be.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
just in case, and before people start attacking me for my previous post, I declare that what he did gives shocks me, but am just wondering about the motives of such people
The thing he did is horrible, no one can argue, but am wondering do pedophiles have any control or choice over their desires, in the past people used to condemn homosexual behavior, and now it is widely accepted in the modern world that no one choose his orientation, can this be also the case for pedophiles?
It is the sad news.
On a lighter note a Qatari male raped, beat and murdered his Filipino maid and he's only getting 10 years in prison. What justice. :P
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
my heart goes to the little girl...she must've been traumatized with what to his father, what on earth is he thinking?! his own flesh and blood...really upsetting.. :S
A young man was disturbed raping an 86 year old woman in a nursing home here last week.
I can't begin to imagine what goes on in these peoples heads.
just cut his p***$ then put him in crocodile pool
I think just killing him is being merciful. You're giving him the easy way out.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I believe that the squad, electric chair, etc... is the best and only options for such an action.
Those who might think of mercy to the guy, would you think differently if she is their daughter?
Killing this criminal will stop others of even thinking of such a terrible action.
And God may help this poor child and her family.
Very good on the mother and brother. And I also agree castration and throwing him into the general prison population. In Canada he wouldn't last a week, I assume it would be the same here.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
I think the sentence is too lihgt for the crime he has comitted ..hope the girl gets right guidence from the people around her .. God help her
Now that the sentence has been passed I hope they have the right kind of social and psychological support for the girl.
This sounds horrible! Things like these happen everywhere unfortunately but i don't know if i agree with the death sentence. Though, if he was to be imprisoned for life then the family would probably have harder time getting over it since he'd be constant reminder of what happened.
Hands up for our Islamic rule....guy have to be fired...or have to be died by throinh stones on him.......
Nobody will ever think about to do the same after his execution now
[---"Death ends a life, not a relationship"---]
I thought the same thing. Castration would have been a much better option.
thats so disgusting! Im so glad hes getting in trouble for it, thou i think castration is a much better option that the firing squad, they should do that to all paedophiles
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
OMG! this is so heartbreaking for the girl... well done for the mother and her brother, there's a lot of case like this everywhere but most of them just shut their mouth and pretend nothing is happenning....
I don't agree with the death sentence thou..
Poor kid... she needs some good counselling now or else she'll never be able to look up to the people around her...
Good thing the culprit is going away.... FOREVER!!!
Due credit must go to the wife and son who reported this to the cops... there may be so many others who just choose to ignore it and deal with it within their four walls.
Good grief things are going from bad to worse... Tht was really disgusting though, i guess some people have no limits even when it comes to there children... Either way its good that they are taking up these cases seriously and taking action against those responsible !!