St. Patrick's Day in Doha - The Irish Invade
Hi Guys, This is just a reminder that St. Patrick's Day will soon be upon is and yes, there will be celebartions in Doha organised by the Qatar Irish Society. So if you're a new Irish person in Doha and want to celebrate on the Friday (16th March) or on the day itself which is on a Satruday this year, then get in touch with my profile and ill let ya know what the plans are. La Fheile Padraig a chairde, Colm.
Oh I never had a proper St.Patrick's day since I left Ireland. I will bring the beer for everyone!
Hey Mez,
Well i felt you had to know me if you wanted to contact me, warts and all!. Bray is pretty much Dublin so its close enough for me. St. Patrick's Day should be good craic alright, Doha isn't the most rivetting place in the world but thats only cos i'm comparing it to the best city in the world...Dublin. Well hope the move goes well for you, look up the Irish society when you get over here.
Slan a chairde,
You certainly have told us about yourself - and I found myself reading it in an Irish accent .. miss that!! I'm from London, although living in Australia now and off to Qatar in August with my hubbie .. miss visiting my good friends in Dublin (well, Bray) and LOVE the Irish!
Shame I won't be there for this year's St Patrick's Day - see you next year, maybe!!