By marabustan •
I have been living in Doha since May and am loving it, how do you find out about functions that go on in the hotels like the Burns night, St.Patricks day, and the Poppy ball, I would love to get on a mailing list but not sure who to contact, do the British embassy hold functions, I lived in Jeddah before and regular functions were held
So far the only things I've heard about for St. Paddy's day is at the Ramada and Paloma's. :P
Many thanks, that will be great
ive been here only since september...but i do know there will be something organised in Garveys for st.patricks day....yipee..will let you know when i hear more
If anyone knows of any coming up, please can you let me know, Thanks
they normally by mouth to mouth through expat community.