Research and Socializing at Qatar Uni
I was wondering if anybody could enlighten me about the use of interlibrary loan at Qatar Uni? Does it exist? Is it easy to request items? I am always in need of slightly obscure editions for my research and ILL has often been a lifesaver in the States and in the UK where I got the PhD.
Also, I am not the traditional, married-with-two kids faculty member. Are there plenty of opportunities to socialize and have a life outside of research and teaching?
Lachalla; Id look forward to hearing about your experience at QU.
Finally, is it easy enough to live on 15,500 a month?
hi there! I suggest you look into the library itself. the Linguistics section is good, but i don't know what your field is. They are always open to requests for aquisitions. I just requested Athens access.
check the other databases here:
mail me: rochester07 at gmail dot com and we'll chat .
"When you believe in things that you don't understand, then you suffer...Superstition ain't the way, no no no..."
Stevie Wonder.