
Hi all, I need information on jobs as a psychologist in Qatar. I am a Malaysian but have an Australian degree and graduate diploma in psychology. Am currently completing my Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) degree in Australia. Husband was offered a job with Rasgas. If all goes well, I intend to join him in Qatar later. But would like to be able to work too. Have experience tutoring in private and at uni. Want information on joining a university or college or working in health care delivery. Speak fluent Malay and English. Am conversant in Indonesian.Intend to take up Arabic. Can anyone help me please.
If you would like to email me through my contact page, I can't offer you much advice in terms of working as I am still testing the water here myself. I am due to finish my Bachelor of Science Psychology at the end of this year and I hope to be a clinical psychologist myself. Email me if you are interested.
Thanks a lot han19. Will check out Qatar Uni.
your shouldnt have any problem. you could try the qatar university, but if you stay in khor, it will be a long drive for prefers doctorates.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home