Qatar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital

I have just applied for a post of Dental Nurse at this hospital.
I have read a bad post about working there. I wondered if that was just one lone person or if general opinion is not good.
Also, does anyone know what the average base salary for a Dental Nurse is likely to be?Apparantely they cover accomodation, travel, bills so I can't imagine it would be alot but I would be interested to know.
Thank you.
can u please help me in getting a job here in qatar as a biomedical engineer,i gave cv s to so many companys pls help me as i am on a visit visa for one month pls call me 6614419
can u please help me in getting a job here in qatar as a biomedical engineer,i gave cv s to so many companys pls help me as i am on a visit visa for one month pls call me 6614419
Anyway, dont worry !
Hi Canuk,
Could u please let me know how long it will take for recruting a candidate, once the initial screening is through..
Hi Helasphil. Could you please give me an idea of an avergae salary for a physiotherapist at the hospital. Thank you
Wow.. this hospital was so organized and its amazing unlike other hospital here in Qatar... they giving such a high salary with good benefits.... big flats exclusively... some of my friends was working and they told me that they are very well-standard Hospital.. had a less work but the salary so high... some hospital here... too much patients you are taken of.. lot of works.. but the compensation so slow and just an average wage... @ i dnt know why... they want to see the staffs dying of works...
Hi There..
I am thinking to come and work at QOSMH.. do you know what the housing is like for single status??
Hi all, I am from malaysia, and I lost contact with a friend who work there since last oct. He is in pharmacy Department..
Any one can help me?
please email me [email protected] so that i can tell you more about the person i am looking for...
I am senior physiotherapist from Belgrade.Can you give any useful mail or web-site Where I can apply for a job in QOSMH. Best regards, Nenad
I am physiotherapist,too.Can you give me any useful E-mail from QOSMH where i can apply for a job? Thanks in advance, Nenad
Hi i am a Physiotherapist and about to work for QOSMH as well and i was wondering about the woking conditions there?
Would like to know about the housing situation as well.
How far are they from the hospital?
How big are villas? (rooms)
Thanks for your information. Very helpful and interesting to know QOSMH housing unit can be so thoughtful.
Hi Jolene,
Thanks for your reply and best wishes for a safe arrival and a good start. I'll contact you when I arrive.
Hi Jolene,
Thanks for your reply and best wishes for a safe arrival and a good start. I'll contact you when I arrive.
Hi Jolene,
Thanks for your reply and best wishes for a safe arrival and a good start. I'll contact you when I arrive.
As that is making me feel more assured about my arrival!
I know housing is allocated by level and marrital status and much better than you can get on housing allowances with similar employers. They are flexible about furnished ( and mean fully furnished as they even put milk and bread in fridge for my arrival!), or unfurnished if you are bring your own gear.
There is housing unit to hep you settle in, not perfect but they do their best looking after the 200 or staff who have arrived.
Try [email protected] shes the ADON wards and outpatients. The hospital is styill two months from opewning but has over 200 staff and 44+ nationalities there already. I know they are keen to get good orthopeadic nurses and pay a good wage and conditions benchmarked internationally.
I'm afraid I can't be of much help as I don't arrive in the country until Friday 2nd March at night. Canuk-I belive it was-suggested that they put staff in a shared villa or apartment. I have asked the HR and they say it is fully furnished. However I have no idea who I am sharing with or where it is. I'm actually looking forward to getting off the plane and finding all this out-it makes the whole move more exciting!! I also don't know anything about transport-I'm hoping I will be living within 1/2 hours walking distance as I don't drive and will not be able to afford taxis! As for buses-from this site I have found that there is a bus service in Doha but it is not supposed to be any good. I think that is something I'll need to find out for myself though!
As soon as I arrive and get to check out the hospital and accomodation, I'll reply on this post to let you know about it all. However I don't have a computer so you'll have to be patient with me as I find an internet cafe!! By which time you may well have arrived yourself!!
You could search for Canuk (who works there) on this site.You might find quicker and more useful information that way.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you.
Hi Jolene,
I've been offered an admin post at QOSMC and I'm wondering if you can tell me anything about staff housing. I'd like to know what the apartments are like and how far they are from the hospital. Would you happen to know the price of a taxi to and from the hospital? Is there a shuttle bus?
Thanks in advance for any information you can send re the hospital, working conditions, etc.
Cheers, VS
I'm afraid I don't know! I went through an agency in the UK called Bridgewater. If that's any help? Sorry!
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Hi Jolene,
You wouldnt happen to know of any openings in QSOMC, I've heard great things about the facility and I would be very interested in working there. I've been working in the medical field all of my life as a nurse, and have worked all over the middle east in this profession, however am struggling to find available positions here.....
Any advice he would be appreciated!
Well I have been offered the job but have yet to receive a contract and I as I am aware this plus waiting for the visa can take up to 3 months so I'm not going to get too excited until the visa is in my hands!! Well, I'm trying not to anyways!
Anyway I was wondering where the hospital and provided accomadation is on the map? So I can see in relation to the rest of Doha? Does anyone have an idea?
Thank you
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Thank you for your reply. It does make me feel more at ease now.
I am now hoping for an interview!!
I am working at QOSMC. I have read the bad posts and in fact replied to them. Having been in the Middle East for over 7 years now, i can tell you one thing, the Expat community LOVES to gossip! It is the expat past time.
As with any start up, there are bound to be hiccups. Working in the Middle East has advantages and disadvantages. You will find some things better here and some things worse. In some ways life is easier and in other ways harder. it is a diffeerent culture and things are not always doen the way we expect.
As an employee here I can tell you I am very happy. i think salasry expectations are best left as a personal matter between you and the employer, but in general i think the salaries here are competative. The housng provided is is really nice and annual leave is generous. We have a great staff so far and (most) everyone gets on well. I know that is less likely to continue as staff expands and there are bound to be personality conflicts, but in general everyone helps everyone else. Your potential future manager is a really nice guy and I think he would be a good boss. Our hospital is an excellent opportuntiy for those who want to take advantage of the opportunity in front of then.
Best of luck with your application process!!!!
Hi Jolene,
I have started a topic on my own interest in this Hospital.
There have been some good replies. It may be of assistance.
Good luck.