Finally the wind blows in th right direction
Howdy to all..
did you guys/gals see that article in thursday's paper about a filipina sueing a qatari on molestation charges..she actually went to the police station and filed a complaint against him.
now how often do you come across news like this.. i feel the "winds of change". great going girl.. i just wish every one who have been oppressed in some form out here had this courage to stand up and take action..
i dont know what the outcome of this case will be but hopefully this is the starting point.. what do you think?
I say let the voice of one be the guiding light for many..
Could you find out the link for this article?
I did a through research for this kind of event and nothing appears for this article.
The peninsula, The gulf news, Qatar tribune nothing is said in this nature.
Do not invite death by the error of your life, nor bring on destruction by the works of your hands; because God did not make death, and he does not delight in the death of the living.
Solomon Chapter 1, verses 12-13
Cannot remember if it was the Peninsular or the GT but it was in the court reports.
may i know which news circulation you are referring to.. i am ntrestd.