Advise Please
a company in doha has offered me the following package:
basic - 4,490
housing - 2,700
transpo - 300
location allowance - 528
furniture allowance - 13,700
vacation - 24 working days annually
bonus eligibility
medical and dental
if family status:
education assistance
+ family airfare
housing - +2,300
furniture - +9,000
are there any flats i can crash in and rent\board a room? if so, any idea how much it will cost a month?
is there any brand new car i can get on installment at 800/month?
i already have a driver's license here in saudi arabia. is it difficult to get a qatari driver's license?
can anybody please help me out with the prices of the following items:
1. single bed\mattress, comforters, bedsheets, pillows,
2. 21" tv
how much is a liter of gasoline? (here is SR0.65/liter @ 1SR=1QR)
is kabsa bukhari also available there? :-)
curfew times?
can i bring PC periperals with me through the customs; external USB hard disk, CD\DVD software\apps collection.
...but I would probably stay away from those. Sharing the rent on a bed just a bad idea all around.
2bhk for 5000 or more and if you share you pay only 2500-3000.
yup the cars you mentioned are small cars and if your company gives you interest free problem ,they usually have dealing with the car agency and they give you a good price.
car purchase is pretty flexible but you need to read the fine print.
furniture allowance could be better if you want to save.
i would advise, buy as required once you are here.slowly you can do the whole place up.
you may get the kabsa bukhari here.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
so you mean, a 2BR flat is available for 3000-3500? and i can share that flat 50/50 with somebody? great!
when you say small car, how small? an echo? chevrolet aveo? hyundai accent? 5-7 years? wow! so, what if the company i am joining provides an interest free car loan? how does actually work? any experience guys?
kabsa bukhari is the roasted chicked they serve with yellowish rice with all the spices. my favorite. hehehe!
that so?! i guess the furniture allowance really isn't bad, is it? could be saving some in the end, right?
thanks guys!
been really of great help.
basic - 4,490---------------LOW COULD BE 6000+ FOR FAMILY
housing - 2,700-------------+2300=5000. ITS OK.
transpo - 300 --------------LOW
location allowance - 528----OK
furniture allowance - 13,7000OK
vacation - 24 working days annually-COOL ITS THE USUAL DEAL
airfare,bonus eligibility,medical and dental
if family status:
education assistance
+ family airfare
housing - +2,300
furniture - +9,000
are there any flats i can crash in and rent\board a room? if so, any idea how much it will cost a month? DEPENDS ON WHERE U GET A PLACE, GETTING A PLACE IS DIFFICULT THESE DAYS.IT COULD BE 1000-2500 PER MONTH FOR A 2BED SHARING FALT.
is there any brand new car i can get on installment at 800/month? YES ITS POSSIBLE..SMALL NEW CAR FOR 5-7YEARS LOAN.
i already have a driver's license here in saudi arabia. is it difficult to get a qatari driver's license? SHOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM
can anybody please help me out with the prices of the following items:
1. single bed\mattress=400-700, comforters=140-350, bedsheets=35-120, pillows=20+,: ALL DEPENDANT UPON QUALITY,CARREFORE PROVIDES EVERYTHING.
2. 21" tv= SORRY NOT SURE.
how much is a liter of gasoline? (here is SR0.65/liter @ 1SR=1QR) =SORRY NOT SURE
is kabsa bukhari also available there? :-) I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BUT THEE IS DIWANIYAT AL BUKHARI. IS IT THE SAME?
curfew times? CURFEW???????????
can i bring PC periperals with me through the customs; external USB hard disk, CD\DVD software\apps collection. =SHOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
thanks man!
well, going through those checks might definitely be a breeze for you considering you're an american. for a southeast asian guy like me, probably "a little" different. :)
just checked gulf-times website. great info. but when they say
"bedspace", does that mean i have to share the room with someone else?
thanks again.
I've only been here about a week and a half, but I will try to answer some of your questions the best I can:
Go to and check out the classified ads to find info about sharing an accomodation. They have several ads in there for people looking to share a place with someone. Not sure about cost, but 2700QR may be enough to cover a shared accomodation. It's certainly not enough to get your own place...not right now. The Gulf Times classifieds can also give you an idea of what rent prices are like.
The only thing I know about buying new cars here is that getting a loan is difficult. From what i've been told, banks require your company to cosign you will basically have to write them an indivdual check for EVERY payment that is to be made on your loan and leave all of those checks with the bank. They will simply use one everytime your payment is due. Aside from all that, you wouldn't be able to do any of that stuff until you get your residency i'm pretty sure. I've been told from multiple sources that the residency process can take anywhere from 2-6 weeks.
Your Saudi driver's license may acceptable here, but i'm not sure. I know someone who used their Kuwait license here, and I assume a Saudi license would work the same, but I don't know since I had neither when I got here. Your residency is required for a Qatari driver's license as well.
Unfortunately I can't really help you out with prices too much. From what I have seen, electronics are slightly more expensive than I was used to them being in the US, but I may have just been looking in the wrong place. As far as I know, Petrol is very cheap here, but I can't quote a specific price.
Not sure what bukhari is, but just last night I noticed a few places with signs outside that said "Bukhari", so I would assume it is available here.
There are no curfews in place that I am aware of.
When I got off the plane I had two carry-ons loaded down with electronic equipment. I carried in a laptop, camera, 3 lenses, 3 external hard drives, a spindle of blank DVDs, 2 seperate notebook style CD cases with about 50 CDs split between them, 2 webcams, and a boatload of other random cables, power supplies, and battery chargers. I had no problems at all getting through customs. I don't think they care about what is burned on your DVDs and CDs because they definitely don't look through them. From what I hear, unless it is very obvious that you have some major contraband in your bags (meaning drugs, liquor, or porn), you will have no problems. Weapons too, of course, but you wouldn't exactly be getting off of a plane with weapons anyway. Your bags will be x-rayed as you leave the baggage claim area though, so be prepared and don't try to sneak anything in.
I hope this helps. Feel free to post any other questions and I will do my best to answer.