Do you love or hate women like me?

One side of me is like a tasting a hot sticky toffe cookie, the other a plain ryvita with veggie mite spread... not for everyone's taste!
What have I noticed since my arrival in Doha.
Please clarify, critic and suggest I might be wrong!!
I managed to go around the whole of doha in a very short period of time, including short visits to the malls, souks, cafes and hotels!!!!This is a strong indication that soon I will be bored... HELP HELP CAN'T HAVE THAT!!!
Where are the fun expats free man of Doha?
Which bars, cafes, malls do you go to?
... I'm young,funny, free, successful, lonely and looking for friends, lots of friends. Send me an email, leave me a comment PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE bug me, GET IN TOUCH, SAY HELLO!!!! OR EVEN JUST GOODBYE :)
Taking in consideration my introduction and what I have written above I would like to start my forum by asking you all; Do you hate, love or fear women like me?
1. Michelle Palmer doesn't hang out with women.. she is straight and prefers a MAN
2.Michelle Palmer CURRENTLY hangs out in jail... so KOQRIDER can not possibly join her at the Jumeirah Beach
but i will go to Dubai soon to visit my friends .. they can't wait till i come over...
Now there is ideal place just for you kind of woman...Go to Dubai at Al Jumeirah Beach hang out with Michelle Palmer... This is ideal fun for you...
What is the issue with "Asian Chicks" ?
these guys who never pay attention on the date of the original post, sound really funny sometimes..
macky2green, this KOQRIDER could find plenty of friends, even to find a boyfriend, get married, could have a child and even leave country since she posted this topc TWO YEARS
Hello, KOQRIDER! I know how you feel, and I totally agree. Its just normal, and I guess we have to accept the reality that its like that here. Anyhow, you just have to find a way to entertain yourself - find a hobby.
To answer your question, I love a woman like you. ;)
Once you go Mac, you'll never go back!
This kind of girls are available everywhere
we are looking for nice and good minded girls.
you are showing your body without asking to you, that;s proof that you are easy to get and dirty to use...
Who said being bored is WRONG OR BAD in the 1st place?
we have gotton used 2 such a hectic pace of life that simply not having much to do gets on our nurves...which is insain:)
Not having much 2 do is part of the experience of being here...
If u want somewhere busy go to Cairo or NY:)
I have found that living in doha is OPTIMAL, when u have accepted the concept of " little 2 do" and invest ur time ROUTINELY in possitive activities ( working out, readin, a hobby, etc..)
trying 2 change the state of the country is an excecise in futility:)
love it for what it is, or leave it...thats what i say:)
"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat
hey maybe ud like to go out for a drink sometime? rydges or admirals?? we can go together.. contact me if ur interested :)
My foot!!
your fantasy it's really amaising ! KOQRIDER ...hmm
may be elsewhere ... or even here in Doha?
ok ok it's not my business ...
Imagine you have to put uderground, in a place u like, a box that after many years, somebody will accidentally find ...
what should you put into that box to let this one having an idea about you?
bacio le mani a vossia
il padrino
Nice thing, I m going to be in france newt 2weeks i'll be happy if ia meet some french speaking people, is there someone interested?
She has attached a pic for our enterteinment.
What butt pic are u ppl on about?
You are sharpe Scoobydooby. :) :) I'm smiling.
I'm fluent in five languanges, Engligh is one of them.
I think the importance lays in relying the message not in how the message is relayed.
Enjoy Doha and see you around.
[email protected]
most people in this country write like that..they think it's cool
one-nil to the arsenal...
I think Riders first language is idiot.
Rider -- Is English your first language? It sounds like you're translating your thoughts from a foreign language into English. Your writing is very awkward. But then again, everything about you is very awkward.
We are constantly responding to the demands of the enviroment and nearly taking the time to decide what we really want.
It's a man and not a very funny or mature one at that.
This topic is highly depressing. One, I can't believe so many of your are desperate for companionship that you've listed your information in this thread. Two, I can't believe that people are buying this girl's post. The picture is clearly taken from an advertisement. It's touched up. Who keeps a picture of their butt anyway? How do you know she isn't a guy or at the very least an ugly girl?
Let's face it. A woman working in the petrochemicals industry as a business consultant in Doha is probably not that good looking. Her username is pretty disconcerting. I wonder if she's socially autistic based on such a brazen expression of sexuality in a fairly conservative country. Nasty. In all likelihood, the only thing she'll be riding this weekend is a drunk Australian or one of the old orange cabs home from some booze-filled hotel. Let me venture and guess that the originator of this thread is either a man joking around or a not so appealing woman who hasn't got the goods to make a good impression in person.
Bajesus I'm in town lets meet for coffee
I agree with you. But I can't compare your lonliness to that of an expat and you travel a lot. You still have lots of souls around you to talk to.
It's not only expat singles who are suffering ya know!
Mulie-good comments.
KOQ- I think we had done this topic many a times. "Normal" countries with lots of "normal" men either tax you to the last penny or you live a life of mortgage. It may sound harsh but Middle-East is attractive because of the money or saving differential. Lot of pretty young things who are looking for a life of romance along with the saving potential will live a life of misery while counting their dollars. Even in the "free" Dubai the situation is similar. "Young Asian Chicks" either seek money or passport and they are not "normal" either.
Solutions Any?? Since most expats are around "temporarily" this mindsets pervades everywhere.Either come as a couple and enjoy fulfilment in the peaceful life or find forums to vent your frustations.I sympathise with all expat singles in Doha.
Why would anyone hate you?? You sound like a normal person seeking normal life.
A "real woman" should be in control of her own choices.
JoeR, hahaha, you gave a whole new meaning to "real women". Me thinks ladyboys are hilarious.
I'd like to add that a real woman should have a better looking butt than Koq's picture :)
i guess it's not so much a question of finding a 'real' woman as it is about finding the 'right one'
btw i'm 23 yrs old, single so if anyone wants to hang out with me during the eid hols, i'm at [email protected]
one-nil to the arsenal...
Real women, if they are, like you said, fun, outspoken and adventurous, adding to that tender, sensative, and SMART. I think that cud be a good definition, without all the hassle about being submissive, if she has such qualities and the man have similar qualities, there won't be a need for all that fight, and they both will be do things for each other based on understanding.
As for the Arab men, I know for sure not all will want his wife to wear Abaya or treat her like a slave. regardless Muslim or christian. (I guess you just haven't meet much of them, or didn't run into the right ones :)
i feel it in my fingers, i feel it in my toes
love is al around me etc etc etc....
one-nil to the arsenal...
Look, I didn't even have to do the setting up.
He found her on his own.
How sweet :)
KOQ I'm insanely keen to be your FB.
If you are anything like your profile (unlike me) then you sound f*cking perfect.
You fit?
[email protected]
I can think of only one place on this planet where being a "real woman" might mean anything: Nana Plaza in Bangkok.
Yes, but if you have a family, you obviously have one because you want one, therefore you are willing to take on the tasks neccessary for a family to function. This means flexibilty for both partners, sometimes the man has to play the woman's role or vice versa.
What I am trying to imply is that a real women can do these things without being submissive. I don't like it when women are submissive because they think that's what men want. And I don't like men who like submissive women.
I like your answer, but is somewhat an imposible ideal. We cannot always do what we want to do: relationships and more specifically, family relationships, imply a little flexibility, a little subordination if you like, a little selflessness, a little sacrifice.
Things are never that simple.
No butterfly, a real women does what she wants cause SHE wants to do it, not because a man expects her to do it.
Her name is too suggestive, read her profile she's also looking for a fu*k buddy. I think I've got the perfect guy for you KOQRIDER. ;)
DB-I was pretty much just talking about the Muslim married men, and I didn't even say they all try to convert you, just said it's a worry "Not Without my Daughter" ring any bells?
What's wrong with the name? sounds fine to me :D
I'm confused with all this "real woman" talk. So real women travel, refuse to cook and make jumpers, and do not have babies? Is that what being a real woman means????
lol, grow up.
If you are bored than you should look harder for the interesting things the place holds.
Everyday something interesting happens, a place is only boring if you do not make it exciting and sometimes people won't stop you from being bored.
So the overalls definately got me thinking...hmmmm...
...on another note: i don't think i own a red t-shirt (or "top" for that matter)..
Mulie... Although you've got the wrong perception on arabs (since there are christian arabs who don't like wearing sweaters) i still have to admit that you've got an attitude i admire...hehehe.. you must have had a strange experience...
Sofitel...hehehe... I don't wish to publicy denounce the place for the sake of its reputation, but i suggest for all those interested to visit... make sure you are not alone...
Note to self: I don't think that things will get better once you find a routine... that statement implies not having fun, but keeping yourself busy so that you don't wake up one morning and decide to play russian rolet... And concerning the culture shock... its more a "lack of culture" shock...
dunno much bout sofitel, but i did hear that they don't allow females!!!
one-nil to the arsenal...
Your name is too suggestive. Hold on take it easy, give few more weeks you will meet the right people and get into a routine. What you are facing now is what is called Culture Shock. Let it pass and you can ride let it be KOQ, COKE, QIQ or what ever.
baaaaaah babies cry and .....
let's stick to safe s**
You forgot making babies Spoerry
Common Mulie, let's be honest ... Weren't women designed for :
- cooking,
- hoovering,
- looking good,
- being sweet ?
I MEAN that a lot of Western women won't give Arab guys a chance because they are afraid of what will happen if the relationship works out. Wearing an abaya for the rest of your life is not an option for a lot of Western women who don't agree with some of the teachings of Islam.
As for knitting sweaters and making sandwiches I was implying that Western women (and quite a few Asian ones) are not pushovers, yet somehow men in Asia (be they Western or Asian) come to expect that from girls. Any girl that won't behave like a slave is just some cranky Western dyke.
thanks for the good laugh reading this troll :)
Blue & yellow? together?! OVER MY DEAD BODY! :P
What you just said is a disservice to a lot of women, a lot of whom I know. And what exactly do u mean by" Im afraid he'll try to convert me" attitude?
Because you aren't offering to iron their shirts, make them a sandwich and knit them a sweater like some women.
Why have some of you suggested I'm hard work?
" Le contraire mon amis"
We are constantly responding to the demands of the enviroment and nearly taking the time to decide what we really want.
I'm GLAD to know I'm not the only person feeling like the planet is square and I'm seating at the edge.
MULIE I like your attitude. Go girl, the world is your oyster.
AMROLA should we try the t-shirt colour idea? ... a secret society that doesn't even know of its members... imagine we aggree and for the next two weeks we go out looking for people wearing i.e red tops. hmmm
DB12 Overalls can be ALOT of fun my fellow XP.
Why are some of you interested to know how many emails have I received?
I'm starting to have a better understanding on what spectrums of caracthers live here in Doha. Thank you all.
good idea if we gonna meet at the airport road at 7.30 am lol
OMG , after i went through all the comemnts , i can see how big lonly problems ppl feels .. i hope that they do act than they just say i am lonly and i am looking .. let me tell u all . as long as ladies are afraid from the "fox" do not complain.
after 45 days in Doha , i feel lonly too .. but so far i am still busy to search were are the friends (boys & girls). not ready to go to the rydge or alike bars sitting alone watch faces and increase the ratio of 10:1 to 11:1 lol..
KOQ. i can see that u realy started a good discussion .. and i am really currious to know how many mails lol "same as the cat"
so in spite of standing in a Que or sending mails or dreaming of that girl who may fill my lonlyness abd the bla bla bla .. why dont we all meet once a month somewhere as a start to know each others .. singles - married - coupls - just wear one color so we recognize each others easily. and this could be a start for contenous interacting with like minded ppl.. i can see ppl here are talking the same subject and suffering the same prob. .. come on so lets meet .. .. .. any suggestion whts the T shirt Colour ?
No. Here they would be fun, outspoken and adventurous women.
Tender and sensitive only if you get to know them. And most defintely smart!
Real women, are those who are tender, sensative, smart women? if so, do they exist!!
I'm new in Doha, so if that's true, and all the women here are real, then I must have landed in heaven..:)
You sound like you have balls Mulie! :P
Well your also dealing with the "I'm on a permanent vacation" attitude, and the I'm afraid he'll try and convert me attitude.
It is true that real women are the ones who have the balls to travel... i'll give you credit for that comment, however, i would have to disagree with you concerning the "boys here can't handle real women...". The problem all goes back to the large ratio stated earlier...wether its 20:1, 10:1, or 5:1 the ratio has a real effect on the women... because they get approached by soo many men (most of whom are not worth coughing on) when the real men do approach the real women never realize becomes habit to ignore, turn your head, or pretend your having a conversation with the back of the person's head sitting next to you... Single women should be having a ball with the amount of men around them... This is one place that sucks for the single men...single men who don't enjoy going to Sofitel (for those that don't know about the activities that take place at sofitel... i recommend you don't bother asking...)
Doha for a single woman SUCKS! Attitudes like this are why:
"Men generally tend to like girls who are not a lot of work.. you sound like one.
However, men here, as lonely as bored as they are, will put up with almost anything just to get laid. I'm sure you'll find someone who'd be able to catch your eyes or, at least, who would makes you consider a few compromises.."
The boys here can't handle real women, and unfortunatly real women are the only ones that have the balls to travel overseas. :(
well, with the lady started the thread being as smart, and with that kind of look in her pic, there must be a long line of guys out there :)
I always hated long lines, specially when it comes to approaching people.
But who knows, every thing is possible, and a nice start could be any where ;)
what do u think people?? have a nice time...
"you might as well have gone to ramada and danced with the 300 construction workers from the site nearby" - db12
Are you by any chance referring to DAGOC staff ?? ;-)
Personally, I'm never other than too busy. I'm in lots of clubs and I like to get involved. In fact, the availability of interesting things to help with is why I stay. However, if live music, organising stuff, exploring, theatre etc are all too uncool, wait until after Ramadan and you'll get loads of bar culture in Rydges and other such trendy joints. Takes all sorts, you know.
doha is full of surprises and welcome to the company of bored guys and girls , you are the latest member. hope at least you get a chance to meet smart ladies as you mentioned and one of the smartest has started this thread so why dont you start here?? good luck .
I would sure join the club of bored people, almost a month in Doha, and I already feel bored, specially that I have no friends, or relatives here.
Having read all what u guys said, I guess I'm not alone in this.
I'm already thinking about finding my self a hobby, but I guess I need to meet some nice people as well.
and what if u're not the parties, drinking type, but still like to have fun, what are your options around here.
Any chance of meeting cute smart ladies!
I wonder what surprises Doha has for me! if any :)
Goodluck for all...
We are constantly responding to the demands of the enviroment and nearly taking the time to decide what we really want.
Buenas! tienez un bebe muy bonito... heheheh i could learn/practise spanish.
I like your reply, i will comment later, time for a meeting.
We are constantly responding to the demands of the enviroment and nearly taking the time to decide what we really want.
heheheheh Wouldn't you like to know!!
Curiosity killed the cat. HAVE A GOOD DAY!!! or a continuation of one...
We are constantly responding to the demands of the enviroment and nearly taking the time to decide what we really want.
Tell me about it:). I'm suffering from doha overdose already!!!! Someone please pass on the ASPIRIN ... you are right, I NEED A HOBBY or a FB * ANY SUGGESTIONS & OFFERS ??? *. My GOOD friend is on the phone and she reckons I should collect men as there are so many of them over here however she doesn't understand how Mingin'they are.
This place is ideal for married couples not single, young, go geters like me. THEY LIED TO ME, I WANT TO GO BACK!!!!!!
We are constantly responding to the demands of the enviroment and nearly taking the time to decide what we really want.
you need a good circle of freinds oe else doha is very boring and ramdan doesnt help also. so give us the number as to how many thousands of mails did you get ?????? any guesss guys
1. Yes, there is not alot to do...
2. I agree that there may be very little to do..
3. I would add that there are limited options to entertain yourself...
4. As a guy I wish to also place my concern with the "asian chicks"...
5. The ratio of men to women is a little more grand... i would place it at 20:1...but if you were to cut out the labour and construction workers who save up their 50 QR a week to get thier 2 beers...and if you cut out those the sleez balls (usually of a particular background...hmmmm).... the actual ratio of men to women cuts down to a 5:1... I would imagine you would love the options....
6. I would disagree about being impressed by the food... In doha? I thought that due to the lack of options restaurant owners felt that they need not invest in what some like to call customer service...
Moral of the Story:
As a result of the "nothing to do", you find yourself doing things you never imagined... And although at first you question yourself, you realize that if you let go a little you might actually have a lot of fun... there are things to do... that you wouldn't normally call things to do, like fishing or trying strange sports like ultimate frisbee or something like that....what has my life come to!!!....
In order to survive in Doha, you are going to have to let yourself get a little insane... you have to throw out the negativity and start making every interaction fun... laugh at everything because its so absurd that in the end it becomes fun... a new strange fun... and try to meet people... there are alot of house parties that take place....some enjoyable.. others extremely useless (and what i mean by useless is that you walk into the room and you feel like you might as well have gone to ramada and danced with the 300 construction workers from the site nearby and the 4 philipino chicks and their 60+ british boyfriends...
Its all about being with the right people.. joining a good gym/beach is usualy the best way to meet good people.. and keeping yourself busy doing random (and i mean completely random....the type of random that gets you calling your friends back home and tripping out about it..) things that eventualy get you enjoying your time...
And why would anyone hate or fear you....
I am female 35 and have been here 3 years.
Yes, Ramadan can be rather tedious.
Do you like going out dancing etc????
email me: [email protected]
always happy to make new friends :)
I bet emails are rushing into your inbox as I type. You will get any man you want in Doha, they are probably thinking you are too good to be true.
Welcome to Paradise Qatar.
you have to be a sex goddess to get a man to put up with you :))
Men generally tend to like girls who are not a lot of work.. you sound like one.
However, men here, as lonely as bored as they are, will put up with almost anything just to get laid. I'm sure you'll find someone who'd be able to catch your eyes or, at least, who would makes you consider a few compromises..
Enjoy and appreciate the 10 to 1 advantage.. and good luck
like omg already!
enrol urself into a gym or something!
check out the spa at 4 seasons..really awesome..hydrotherapy pools..lap pools (think clean!)..
fantastic..worth every penny..
over the weekends, take a slow drive out of Doha and into Al Wakra..nice beach.lots of kite surfing too..diving perhaps? take up scube at Pearl Divers along Al Nasr (same street as Doha Clinic)..BUT i think Pearl Divers changed management..seems to be a different shop name now..
oh by the way, think u've got something smeared on ur forehead or back of the head..
u're attracting the wrong types!
chill out and embrace the 'exotic' other place (as boring as here) for u to actually learn more about terms of tolerance..patience...self-perseverance.. takes a lot from a person to adjust to Qatar..dun u think?
Have been here 5 weeks.....going crazy!!!
Bored out of my skull and ramadan not helping!!
Not sure where best place to go yet ie;- ,hotels, cafes etc.
Do i hate, love or fear woman like respect you for being yourself!
this is the place where u can see normal people become maniacs the minute they get behind the steering wheel.
cheap thrills is speeding like crazy on a 300m stretch when they know there is a jam right in front of them and they cut, cross as if their life depends on it, just to stop right behind a tiny excuse of a car. can u imagine their frustation.
i enjoy watching their ego crumble especially when they have cut my way. sounds like we were split at birth.......give me a shout.....Im sure we could fun being as strong headed and straight laced as we are.......
Look forward to it as I too am B O R E D szenssssslesss!and still have another 21 months to go and counting.......
totally!!! How do you feel today?
Would you? What will you bring into my life? hmmmm I wonder...
i'd like to be your friend. email me at [email protected]
is this? with that kind of ratio (or even worse if it's single woman against single men), even stevie wonder would've love you if he were to live here.. anyway with your presence, it's now 9.999:1 ratio. Thanks.
did u check
you may just interact with someone ready to challenge you headon.
give it a try with the same may have fun there.
being a strong woman myself, i think people will take you wrong or yup it may border on hatred.but they may just be ready to experiment, why not if you are game for it. like u said not much to do, so this may just challenge them.
take care.
What a waste of a country :-p