Home Centre

We bought 2 set of lights from Home Centre. One of them for hubby's bar and one for my desk. Neither of them we can buy the bulb around Doha.
The light for the bar ... we found similar one in Carrefour, when hubby put it on it blown up. Apparently it was identical, except only 12volt, should have been 240volt. When we ask in Home Centre, they said they don't bring the same type of bulbs, they said we can only get the same bulbs in the souk area near Arab R/A. When we ask about bulb for desk light, same answer - even thoughh the lamp still on sale!!! We do not usually go there coz of hassle parking etc.
Why can't they sale the light and the bulb in the same place ???
I know that... is why I added "with good intentions", because I saw your reply to his comment... but anyways, now we know he was a troll :-(
well - at least it has been instructive to see that this place has not improved on its customer service - same s**t happens now
Colt45 honestly it was not me..It was Sai Kiran who comments has disappeared by the grace of the Mods..:)
With good intentions I'm sure :-P
wow - how did we get onto a really old topic!!
I feel well and truly hoodwinked!
this was almost 5 years ago, I'm sure they would have learned from that by now :-(
i think times for people here to do their homework properly. I feel for your friend have to buy another bed :-(
the bulb was working when we got it, it expired a few weeks later. Yes we were a bit naive assuming that a light and bulb shop would also the same bulb.
Hubby did make a fuss, but it did not bother them.
For the bulb part you should have tested it from them and also enquired about the availability with them.
Some of the shops over here do the same thing. 'cos they know for sure you will not go and make a fuss nor is there a proper consumer redressal forum here.
A friend of mine had the same problem with a bed he bought there. The size was not standard and when he went back to get a new mattress to fit it they said they didn't have the size in. He had to buy another bed eventually!