pls help me
i have big problem can some one help me on this.i have a friend lady.she told me she need the house maid.i have a i gave her.and she not pay the salary to that lady.the lady complaining i gave her some money.then i went vacation to my contry on feburay.after i left she make problem with that housemaid and she send her to shes asking the money for the air ticket.if i not pay she told me she will come to my working place and make me truble or she will go to the police.pls tell me what i will me on this.
Some friend you have!
Were you the sponsor of that maid?
If you weren't and just knew her as a part-time maid and just introduced/referred her to your "friend" tell your "friend" if she doesn't stop harassing you you'll make a harassment complaint to the police.
If nothing was written down there is no case.