Cat Breeds in Qatar
Hi Everyone,
I got such good help on my last post I thought I would put up another. This has to do with cats. My family and I are moving to Doha on a very nice expat deal. I have lived for seven years in Egypt (originally from the USA). I love cats but had a bad experience with mixed breed/street stock in Egypt. Normally I prefer them to pure breeds but the street stock cats here have bad characteristics that you just can't seem to train or love out of them. It's like trying to domesticate a wolf hybrid or something. They are generally spooky-skittish, trash diggers, and hard to house train. I gave up in despair but the only pure breeds in Egypt (I use that term loosely) are Persians and Siamese. I am not fond of either breed.
Now, my daughter is begging for a cat once we get to Doha and I do as well (actually I want two). Anyone know what breeds are around other than Persian and Siamese? I would love an Abyssinian, Rag Doll, Maine Coon, or a Bombay. Are the street stock cats over there trainable and not half wildcat?
Persian full white female cat....more inf. call 5992141 anytime.
Diamond - totally random :o)
Thanks VW,
That link was very helpful. I'll check that place out when I settle in. I am just real wary of street stock cats. Of course, any cat i take would stay with me no matter where I go. I suspect I will be in Doha five to six years minimum anyway.
As long as you get the street cats when they are still kittens and raise them they tend to be very lovaeable. We have on that my parents got from QAWS and it is very friendly and playful. Our only problem with him is that he is very territorial. I brought my cat over with me and he fights with her all the time, so we may have to give him to someone else. :(
As long as you're planning to take the cats with you when you leave, please check for animals who need homes.