Friday The 30th June
I am all booked up and ready to roll, i have a job with QP, and i also have a evening job, so i wont get to do alot of the things, you guys talk about. i am sure when i get time i will try and check them out.
The day job is the bread and butter the , evening job is what i am here for really, hard slog is going to be a understatement, i am also quitting smoking from the moment i take off from Heathrow, hot weather is hard enough add 2 jobs, i am pushing it, 40 a day smoker as well is just plain sucide, IMHO
I just wanted to say that this site has been a eye opener, well done site admin (Qatari i think)
I was going to post all my links in one page, but due to some infantile idiot that thought it would be great to name a file Mobile Master (a must to sync phones with outlook) which was a Fatal trojan/malware/spybots/virus claymore (no more file sharing for me) which completely wrecked my drive, 401 infections later all the system file are damaged and i didnt make a ASR recovery disk DOH!!! - so i just built on another drive, sorry i will post them when i recover my drive when i get to Doha.
Anyway your posts have been interesting and entertaining and i learnt some about the culture too, its all good.
Best regards,
Many thanks for you comments/concerns but i will be working my second job for a sheik, an AL-Thani i believe with his blessing, i was invited to come and work for him, via his business partner based on recomendations from my best friends father, who also work for the Saudi royals.
They are sorting my Job and my accomadation/car and what not. I have already 3 projects on the boil for these guys, i have spent the last 4 days travelling all over Holland and Germany on their behalf.
I think i am safe with these guys - they run major projects in Qatar and they are connected to me via family and good friends.
Anyway i dont mind taking a risk, nothing ventured nothing gained.
Thanks people
hopefully be there soon.
All the best for you.
I think even an idea of persuing a second job while working in QP is a dangerous one..There is an "ethics" document which is on the website...
Only Locals are allowed to practice other business interests..which do not clash with their "position" or in anyway "influence" the interest of companies...
Good luck in Qatar but beware London Boy.
Have you obtained permission from QP to take up your second job? You could find yourself in difficulty, especially if it's one that puts you in a prominent position. This has also in the past applied to "honorary" positions.
I think you may find reference to it in your contract, if not it is certainly referred to in the Personnel Policy & Procedure Manual.
Good luck in Qatar.