Children are beating parents

Children are beating parents, warns CPS boss
Children as young as 11 are being convicted after attacking their parents in London, the capital’s top prosecutor warned today.
Alison Saunders said the impact of poor upbringing and bad examples elsewhere in society was being seen in the courts as she revealed that more than 50 boys and girls aged 13 or under have been prosecuted for domestic violence since 2010.
One 11-year-old boy was convicted of assault by beating this year after punching, spitting and throwing a drawer at his mother in a row over an unpaid phone bill.
In another case, a 13-year-old boy with previous convictions was found guilty of the same offence after an incident in which he also threatened his mother with a knife after she refused him pocket money to stop him spending it on drugs.
Nearly 850 older juveniles, aged 14 to 17, have also been prosecuted for domestic violence in the past three and a half years. Some of those incidents also involved attacks within the family, as well as assaults on girlfriends, threats and harassment of former partners.
Ms Saunders, who will leave her role as London’s chief crown prosecutor next month to become the new Director of Public Prosecutions, said the scale of the abuse being perpetrated by teenagers was disturbing.
She said some of the causes were difficult to establish, but that diminished respect for authority was playing a clear role.
“One thing about domestic violence is that it is not just in dysfunctional families or just the ones on benefits, it goes across everyone. Some of those we see are from really badly dysfunctional families, but you also have middle class and upper class people involved,” she said.
“There is a lack of respect and a lack of regard for authority. When I was growing up the thought of striking a parent was beyond the pale. Is that peers, is that TV, is that the general environment in the house? You are not born to commit domestic violence. It’s really about nurturing. That’s what we as a society need to discuss.”
"So now members cannot discuss anything unrelated to Qatar?
Technically this is related to Qatar as both Saudi and Qatar are members of the GCC.
Stop being a do-gooder."
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What's this thread got to do with Saudi?
So now members cannot discuss anything unrelated to Qatar?
Technically this is related to Qatar as both Saudi and Qatar are members of the GCC.
Stop being a do-gooder.
noted holy mother of liberation
reported for non-relevance to Qatar
not to you, a liar!
Flor obviously your intelligence meter is not on today...
Rip's senseless comments?
was clearly written a long time ago. The society opted for the other way around. Are you surprised of the outcome?
Good Going Gents ...
?? children beating up parents??
why has this turned into a discussion about race again?
Because RIP cannot debate intelligently without bringing race in it.
why has this turned into a discussion about race again?
i could understand the drug-addicted teenager being violent to his mother, he's on drugs after all. but recent generations' lack of respect to their elders is the result of bad upbringing. i don't think it matters whether it's a single parent household or not, or if it's too much tv. i was practically raised by our tv since both of my parents worked long hours but (i think) i turned out fine.
could it perhaps be that kids don't get spanked or at least punished properly when they do wrong anymore? my friend who's now a mom seems to think so. i remember the viral blog post about a mom's open letter to her daughter after miley's twerk
Yupp.. I had notice it in India as well.. where hubby uses bad words to his wife.. and kids do the same after few days..
hubby beats his wife or throws the food plate do the same after few days..
I second that , it's a problem every community faces and through this case it's evident that it's the norm even in the developed countries as well.Therefore instead of focusing on bad parenting,if we start to blame the minority or the majority living in the community for everything wrong with the it, I don't see a positive outcome from the whole exercise.
Boys copy their fathers from a young age. I have seen it with my own child. If I yell at the dog, a few minutes later, he yells at the dog. I, like most parents let out the occasional swear word. I do it quietly when I am driving for example...but my son hears everything and he repeated the F word once. I didn't go mad at him as he heard it from me so I explained that sometimes adults are stupid and not to copy my foul language.
It absolutely is the parents fault. No doubt. Some of the parenting just in my local town in the UK is shocking. 4 year old kids smashing bottles, swearing, spitting.
Some adults should be sterilized.
or color or creed, it's about bad parenting. Simple as that. I know firsthand families in Sri Lanka where kids do the same, verbally abuse and even beat their parents. And majority if not all the time it's due to the misdeeds and mistakes of the parents themselves. They neglected their responsibilities, let kids mess around and have their way, allowed them to use all the expletives under the sun, and pretty much gave them the impression that their parents were their slaves. You reap what you sow..
are we discussing RIP here if so he must be one disobedient kid
Que the usual suspects losing their Sh*t over his comment...just the type who are only too eager to blame the west for the local imam getting up late and failing to find a matching pair of socks.
The phrase 'using a thief to catch a thief' comes to mind.
Once RIP explained his comment, still the penny didn't drop - it's the general low IQ on QL I blame.
A simple comparison for you:
On a thread I wrote about Iraqis blowing up Iraqi children in Iraq, I was greeted with the reposte........" it's the west's fault!", or words to that effect.
When this post mentions British children beating up British parents in Britain, RIP commented " I guess that is what happens when you let in a lot of immigrants from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent"
A deliberately racist comment.....but one with a point.
This proves rip cannot debate in a professional and logical manner without hitting under the belt and attacking a particular race.
Yes so true shows your true color.
If we cut RIP or Boxbe or Marco, the color of the blood is same. :))
Topic is completely hijacked. :)
Well, I am pretty sure it is White Brit kids that are doing this. I seriously doubt that this would happen in a Brit/Asian/African etc, household.
Parents need to get off their asses and actually BE a proper parent...otherwise do not have kids...simple.
What I have seen how some kids behave towards their parents, makes my hair stand up...if my child would even display just a whiff of that kind of thing (my child never has though), that child would regret that very fast. For sure.
But, it's the parent's fault, not the kids.
Mind you, here I have seen boys hit their mothers too....and those where not white people.
I say again
So you want to become a donkey like them? Is this what they teach you in your so called wonderful west ...
And just because somebody is racist one does not target his race but rather the person who is racist.
and finally you get the racists against the Filipinos making snide remarks about KFC and hala cards. I guess they can't be racist because they are not white....
Sometimes it's just fun messing with people.
Indians and Pakistanis are just so super nationalistic, if you saying anything about their country they just explode.....
and then some of the stuff I read on this idiots paradise is beyond contempt, justifying rape and blaming the victim, support for stoning people to death and generally supporting lack of choice, lack of freedom and very harsh censorship.
Then you get the people that cry racism if someone questions their religion, (ha racism!) but then attack other people's faiths as they don't believe in the one true God.
TCOM - the very first comment on this thread is fundamentally racist - all Americans will kill you with guns. All Brits will knife you on a street.
"What more can you expect" - Generalise much?
Rip Cord just took the bait.
If you lie down with dogs you'll eventually get fleas.
You don't have to swim/see to know how it smells..even if you close your eyes, you can sense a smell. :))
This is not the first time you have brought racism in a topic.
Or do I assume that your western education has failed you, that you cannot debate in a professional and logical manner .
I thought I would swim in the sewer and see if smells so good....
You are right TCOM.
Why stoop to their level?
i doubt about the man thing
I hope you are man enough what you said was wrong.
So you want to become a donkey like them? Is this what they teach you in your so called wonderful west ...
Mr Coffee.. you missed this.
Hey I'm just acting like some of the guys on here, but instead of blaming west I'm going to blame Africans and people from the Indian Subcontinent.... see how silly it seems now when it is close to home?
Read more:
Why did we jump to racism here? :)
The report does not say their ethnic breakdown You straight away assumed they were from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent.
If this is not assuming what is it
Care to explain
coffee I don't need to assume anything, look up the ethnic breakdown of London and you will see why my statement is correct.
n1v9n likes to keep quiet about racism as he knows there is nothing he can do about it. As he said, he gets a fat pay cheque so they have bought his silence. The friend of racists.
As for beating their maids, not many families in the west have maids. That is a middle eastern and asian thing, as is the beating of maids.
if they abuse parents u think they will spare their maids
Since you have said "
I guess that is what happens when you let in a lot of immigrants from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent "
Just tell me how did these Asian and African people even reach the west. If you know the answer to this question.
I hope you will understand who poke their nose in MENA and ASIAN region.
Is it any better if the children abuse their maid, rather than their parents?
As some of these cases happened in london, they could be ethnically from any part of the world.
So how come you assumed
I guess that is what happens when you let in a lot of immigrants from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent.
Have you become so shallow and forgotten all the good things about not being racist, that was thought to you in your western education.
I agree with you 100 % ....
Police needs to use a heavy hand ...
At first I thought it's about children beating their parents - in mathematics .... LOL ....
I'm not happy about it but I'm keeping quiet about it because I know I can't do anything about it . But by deeming the Asians, Middle easterners and Indians as racists your instigating other people to be racist and if you would stop being a racist yourself you could have saved others from acting racist.
Bad parenting or non parenting, parents that would rather sit and get drunk than raise their kids. Sorry but there is something seriously wrong when a 12,13,14 year old child attacks a parent. Weak parenting is all.
Get a grip and sort your kids out, stop drinking, stop watching TV and actually discipline your kids. Really boils my urine.
I think British teenagers are the worst in Europe (white, black, Asian whatever), considering the opportunities they have compared to say kids in Albania or Romania.
And all these folk talking about racism....Most crimes in London involving guns/drugs/rape are committed by minorities/immigrants. Sorry, but its a fact...or it was in 2012.
That's very true .... broken homes are where everybody suffers ....
So you are happier with institutional racism rather than the acts of some derranged individuals. Interesting.
we were discussing children beating their parents
You don't need to peek in someone's wallet to know that they get 60% more because of their nationality.
Atleast around here people don't attack you or call you OSAMA if your brown. And yeah I'm brown and I've been to malls during the weekend . Infact I go to a church where black , brown , yellow , white are all mixed together. And regarding my pay , I'm getting enough to live a happy life , hence I don't go around peeking into another person's wallet.
Haha best quote ever
Racial discrimination is not a problem of the middleeast or Asia.
Read more:
So salaries in the Middle East are not based on passport?
Ever tried getting into a mall on the weekend if you are a man and a bit brown?
Thanks for the laugh man.
Britain is the European leader when it comes to children being raised by just one parent.
Children who grow up in one-parent homes are more likely to suffer poor health, do badly at school and fall into crime or drug abuse when they are teenagers.
The latest figures show that the number of single parent families with dependent children in the UK went up from 1,745,000 in 2001 to 1,958,000 last year.
Read more: 1.
He himself seems to be a racist!
As some of these cases happened in london, they could be ethnically from any part of the world.
So how come you assumed
I guess that is what happens when you let in a lot of immigrants from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent.
Have you become so shallow and forgotten all the good things about not being racist, that was thought to you in your western education.
Even US has touched some good headlines about Racism. :)
It was interesting to read Madonna's post about life yesterday.
I didn't mention anyone , I meant the community . You spelled out Asians and Indian community , and now you called the middle easterners and the Asians racist.
Racial discrimination is not a problem of the middleeast or Asia.Yet it's still eminent in the so called West , why do you think it's so ? I'm not pointing fingures but your contradicting yourself.
Have you read the comments in their entirety on this thread? There is plenty of racism to go around.
tcm, I think you know the proverb regarding the tail of the dog.
You are absolutely right bro. .....
It’s basically because of people like who can’t read an article properly and start blaming people and teach kids how to be racists from the word go.
Lol , I get your point .
But when it's clearly mentioned which community is facing the problem , why usher other communities into the pit too?
Moreover this case wasn't reported by a foreig news agency either , hence there is no question regarding who is facing the problem and who is the culprit.
So you want to become a donkey like them? Is this what they teach you in your so called wonderful west...
"Children will become masters of their parents"...
Hey I'm just acting like some of the guys on here, but instead of blaming west I'm going to blame Africans and people from the Indian Subcontinent.... see how silly it seems now when it is close to home?
top to bottom approach will work to improve the situation ....
Indian & Asian gangs are in news from time to time for street killings of their opponents .... in Europe & around ....
TCOM, it was not Ripyy's they believe on evolutionary biology for morality, perhaps natural selection went wrong. :)))
Eyes { whatever they see around }are the main source from where these type of ills enter in one's mind ....
Correct, { his } mistake is nothing if mirrored against { his } daily blunders ...
There are multiple reasons for this. Lack of respect, bad parenting and perhaps most importantly lack of discipline.
Good observation ....
If at 13 one carries a knife ..... what will happen at 31 ?
do stray but most of them realise their fooly & come back to senses ...
the drugs so expensive there that a girl has to resort to violence to take out money from a parent .... ?
Where is it mentioned immigrants from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent families were involved. Is your mind so twisted that you assume that all the ills of the world are caused by people from Africa and the Indian Sub Continent.
I thought you had more common sense and education in order not to base your assumption based on caste creed or religion.
mutual trust is missing which binds a family together ...
For the first time I'm with Boxbe here . People in Africa and the Indian Sub continent are allowed to beat there kids , therefore no kid dares to beat their parents.
This happens only around the west where "your not allowed to beat your kid's " , but your kids are allowed to beat you . Weird.
i find this kid amusing
he also threatened his mother with a knife after she refused him pocket money to stop him spending it on drugs.
that girls too have come to this level ..... !
drugs / alcohol are not far behind as being a major cause .....
would say TV { and its allies ... }.
pathetic ..... the article again
one place they use gun and other place they use knife....what more can you expect