URGENT!! Someone please take this dog

My neighbor told me his sister brought this dog, fed him, then decided to get him out. Now he keeps coming to our property and we're stuck with him. We dont want him and we wanna get rid of him one way or another. I'd say the dog has less than a day. Come pick up the dog in Muaither. I hope thats not too far for you. He's a male brown dog. Id say medium size. Message me.
Anyone who can help the dog is free to PM the OP
My Qatari Landlord asked me "why do you take these dogs in?"
My reply "because God recognized that if he sent them to me I would look after them, if He sent them to you you would not!"
I've had 23 dogs, NONE OF WHOM I sought to BUY or adopt, in the 16 years of living in Qatar, God sent them to me, or maybe they knew where to go to get a sympathetic reception. Muslimman please think that maybe God has sent him to you for a reason. Be glad, the love of a dog is the best teaching experience for an adult and especially for a Child. The dogs God sent me have cost me a lot of money, but this is repaid in their effect on my mind and my life.
Some of my info is not true and i have a sense of humor. But im really a Muslim
Some of my info is not true and i have a sense of humor. But im really a Muslim
What's the need to go so deeply behind someone ?
every one sits on his arse...what is wrong in that
As bizarre as MuslimMan's way of announcing his need for help, it is actually working on his favor. I'm sure many animal lovers are looking and reading this thread and could sense the impending doom of this poor animal.
He should continue replying to the posts and be as unsympathetic as he could pretend to be. Hopefully, someone will be upset enough to want to "rescue" the dog from his "irresponsible caretakers".
captain: kudos to you!
Very well done (:
muslim man..i faced a bigger stituation when the female dog next to my house put 6 puppies!! i'v put a post and a lady called and took them to a place next to airport road.. feed the dog untill the help comes ( you have to do this as muslim i guess ) thank you
Many are urging the OP to keep the dog, thinking of the Dog's conditions.
But aren't you pushing your ideals to a person, who may have an underlying reason (which you should politely ask), which is why he is asking for anyone's assistance to take it from them.
Dogs are man's best friend, but aren't you showing to him that QL poster are not?
Dogs are good for security, Indians are scared of them and keep them away from your house.
Amitabh, salman etc all have dogs...they are indians...so r they scared
URGENT!! Someone please take this dog
Is he ordering or shouting..if he told it politely he will get polite answers
mast kalandar : I know this is a MASSIVE generalization, but yes most Muslims don’t like dogs and for religious reasons. But yes I know not everyone Muslim hates dogs (:
BTW he calls himself Muslim man.
Dogs are good for security, Indians are scared of them and keep them away from your house.
I felt it as a threaten.
We dont want him and we wanna get rid of him one way or another. I'd say the dog has less than a day
Does this look requesting to you ?
If he has a family then I am sure he must have been more stressed as some ladies don't even go near to a dog because they are afraid.. so it is an unnecessary tension for him.. he is kind enough that he created a thread to ask inform his owner.. we really don't know how big his home is..might be it is not sufficient for their own living..
I wud agree with brit as the OP is requesting somebody to take the dog free of cost and MN assuming all muslims hate dog ...........
I don’t think Muslim man is Chinese or Korean.
That said. I found what you say kind of stereotypical…..
Just so you know, far eastern cultures were actually among the first to keep dogs for fellowship and centuries before the idea spread out to other parts the world.
Yes, traditionally dogs are consumed in some Asian cultures, but let me ask you this, would you call me a cow hater just because I like my beef steak?
Brit: I think you got it all twisted here. Antagonism is what the OP is expressing towards a helpless poor animal.
He has the choice to stop being such a dog hater and call QAWS to pick up the dog.
Remember, you can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
"Remember, you can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
What does this say about Koreans and Chinese then ?
Why the antagonism ?
The dog is NOT his.
He doesn't want the dog. He does not have to take the dog.
So, if there is a caring animal out there, then please help the dog find a better home..
Your comments reflects your character.....
What the hell?! How the hell is this relevant to my post? The crap you wrote about criticism.
Keep the dog, dogs are a man's best friend. Either that or the Korean resturant in Al Sadd will take him
Be nice to the poor animal or just give it to Doha animal shelter.
he keeps coming back to you is enough proof of a previous bond with you .... it's upto you to recognise it or not ......
Do you wanna take it?
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. - Mahatma Gandhi.
While you are waiting for a good samaritan to adopt this loving animal, please provide him with tender loving cate.
Upload clearer photo please...
Be good with animals...take care of it...god bless u