“Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth's environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there's a prevailing feeling among many people that they don't belong here or that something "just isn't right".
He is an Ecologist, I am sure he is aware of the challenges..
Blaming him that he is doing it for popularity has no logic. Anyway, lets see.. I am looking forward to see some of his debates.
Anthropologists will challenge if he sends his technical paper to their forum. Books are written for reading and reflecting. Some may challenge his book but it will have no outcome.
Of course you can challenge a book.. like so many did challenge the book "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins.
LLR, I try to read everything I come across but conclude only based on evidence and reasons. Dr. Ellis is probably trying to get some popularity by writing a book based on the thoughts he is not sure of. He says he wants to start a debate! I say, if he is sure of his research results, submit a technical paper in the forum of anthropologists...why write a book that nobody will be able to challenge?
KR Keep the learning options open. Perhaps
every generation had a thought that they are the turning point in the history.
My advice to Dr. Ellis Silver "Please don't smoke too much weed before you sit down to type..."
Well, Using Biblical/Quranic references to our ancestral lineage, many religionists believe the Earth was created and Adam and Eve were “placed” upon it.
Lol You look like you are from black holes :))) martians had big heads in movies :))
Some theory that!
Lol KR :)
I still remember your words
"These are the indirect evidences of evolution:
1.Similarity in features and behavioural traits in apes and humans.
2.Similarities in their DNA.
3.Availability of fossils that prove the evolutionary changes.
4.Understanding of genetic mutation by scientists.
5.Experiments on mitochondrial DNA to show all human beings originated from central Africa.
6.Tracking down of culture and origin of languages.
What else do you need to believe unless you have decided you will not budge from the adam and eve anecdote.
Read more:
What's new? Didn't John Gray say men were from Mars and women were from Venus?
I have no choice.. Our planet began to over heat when the nearest binary suns began to go supernova ..
We managed to transport most of our people to this place you call earth.. We have no choice but to live here but are hoping to send the Lawyers and Real estate agents amongst us back into space one day..
we should be in the anals of space ^_^