.. Villas for conjugal visits

By Molten Metal •
Villas in Central Prison for conjugal visits ..
Married prisoners in Qatar will be able to spend up to five hours with their wives .... in the privacy of two small villas which have been recently built in the Central Prison for this purpose.
In some cases the visit can be extended even for an entire day ..... Arabic daily Arrayah today excerpts ....
QLers, This will sure give relief to the unfortunate people who are not yet free to go home .....
Whatever...i like the biryani of the prison...yummy yummy...:p
A kind neighbour-ess is helping ....
Instead of having all this Villas for conjugal visits, etc it would be more better and appropriate if the prisoners were treated more humanely and with a little more respect especially the ones caught for petty things or for having little problems with their employers.
Lol Brit. :) on important factor might be to protect the normals to acts as Gays. :)
Lol mast kalandar (rewinding memories at Doha Jadid)
There will be a queue system for sure.
This is sexism.. I have already written to Sepp Blatter regarding this matter and asked him to force Qatar to allow the same for Gays ..
they are married, maybe they don't need it?
Who supplies the rubber?
When did you start reading Arabic newspapers ?
A humane step for the concerned.
Good support for the spouses of the prison persons.
MM bhai only with there wives or also boy friends to rewind the memories at doha jadeed ROFL.......
I dont have an answer for the first question but for the second one.. i think they won't do it so often as emergency hospitals..
Two things:
Does it apply to ALL prisoners having families in Qatar ?
Also, there is a school of thought that prisoners are sent to prison as a punishment for crimes commited. So, such types of visits should not be allowed...
Excellent. Considering the feelings of a criminal's family, this is really a good move.
Relief :O)