The greatest threat to mankind-Climate change
Climate change refers to the interaction between the warming planet and other environmental/socio-economic/political and survival issues this is bringing about. Issues such as frequent extreme weather events , such as floods ,tropical storms ,heat waves and droughts could cause decline in crop yields leading to increase in tensions regarding food security, loss of coral reefs and tropical forests, plant and animal extinctions, reduced water availability and wide spread of vector born diseases such as malaria.
Human activity is creating an increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere, particularly carbon di oxide(Co2) from extensive use and depletion of non renewable resources such as the fossil fuels. Carbon di oxide and other gases form the ozone layer around the surface of the earth, like a blanket which traps the sun's energy from being reflected back into space. Originally this was and still is the life maintaining factor of earth, since every living organism on earth requires the sun's energy for their survival. The Co2 in the atmosphere was previously being consumed by the rich vegetation we possess on planet earth. And eventually when the plants and trees die, the carbon that is trapped in the dead leaves and twigs get buried under earth and after thousands of years and after the many combinations and processes it turns into the fossil fuels we use. When the fossil fuels get burned, the trapped carbon get’s released back into the atmosphere where it combines with the oxygen to form Co2. But due to excessive logging and deforestation , our trees are no longer able sustain and consume according to our planets growing emissions. Now back to the atmosphere, the Co2 content which was around 270-280 ppm (parts per million) before the industrial revolution forms a blanket known as the ozone layer around the earth which traps the sun's energy. But this blanket has been growing thicker and thicker due to the emissions from our industries, rapidly increasing the Co2 content to 380ppm and counting today. Thus causing the entrapment of more heat and conversely increasing the temperature on earth.
The global average in temperature increase is estimated to be between 2-4 degree centigrade by the end of the century. As the oceans absorb more heat , seawater expands and causes rise in sea levels which is a major threat to the coastal areas and port cities around the world. And simultaneously it is also a serious threat to the various organisms within it. A global average increase of 2-4 degrees means at least 10 degrees increase in the northern regions and when the full glacial and ice sheets start melting due to this rise in temperature, the rise in sea levels could be as high as a meter or more by the end of the century.
Extreme weather has such a great impact on human beings that it will result in socio-economic damage that is also concerning. This will include loss of infrastructure(ports ,communication , transport and energy supply networks ) resource scarcity (food and water) and mass displacement of people. The global population will increase to 9 billion by 2050 from today's 6 billion. It is certain that drought, food shortages and flooding will lead to mass movement of people with perhaps 200million environmental refugees by the middle of the century , this number may bring a total of 1 billion displaced due to natural disasters by 2050. These factors will interact with each other and with existing tensions to generate serious risks. This could cause serious civil unrest , inter communal violence and international instability. Climate -change related issues can also cause international disputes on the world stage as developing and under developed nations start pointing fingers at the developed industrialized nations. This resentment by those who will be worst affected by climate change feel towards the industrialized nations that have been responsible for vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions to date can cause major international and communal issues. Furthermore, many of the countries that will be affected by the affects of climate change are weak and fragile states. Therefore these countries have reduced capacity to respond effectively , meaning that they are also likely to be greatly affected by the resulting socio-economic and security consequences. There is a concern whether the international governance systems will be able to cope with this issue ,if international institutions such as UN are weakened then countries under pressure may turn away and resort to armed conflict to settle disputes.
This issue is far too important to be left to the politicians who have proved themselves woefully inadequate to the task. Each and every one of us can introduce our own personal emission cuts, reducing the carbon footprint and individual impact on the environment to a minimum. We can support those non-governmental organizations working to find ways to prevent and mitigate climate change. We can prepare for local impacts of climate change and help others to do so elsewhere. We can supply unprecedented pressure and support for our politicians to stop their petty squabbling. The dinosaurs which inhabited earth once perished because of the climate change , yet the earth adapted and after many permutations and combinations the earth produced us. The difference between us and the dinosaurs is that we have the ability to think and innovate and this very trait can prevent our future generations from suffering the fate of the dinosaurs.
The following video depicts the efforts put forward by Qatar regarding the issue of climate change trying to develop an ecosystem in the desert by spreading the green.
The next video shows the efforts of a small non government organization against the efforts of a giant corporation regarding the issue. It’s time for us to decide who deserves our vote , the corporation or the future.
“The response should be not to defend a way of life but to change it. Climate change can bring us together if we are wise enough not to let it drive us apart, this will be our greatest test "
-Margaret Beckett the former Foreign Secretary of UK.
Thelo has become English Professor from physics professor after MODS deleted his old ID LP ROFL..................
No worries. You are welcome to correct the grammar mistakes, anytime. It is really appreciable. Most of the time it used to be a Typo. I personally prefer to read their thoughts and I feel it more effective.
Have a nice weekend Guys
Sulie, English does not belong to the English anymore it has long since become a global language with many varities.
Even Babu's mangled English we can just about understand, although most of the things he says are not correct.
Thelonius ,, How many Jordanian Sulieman in the world? Too much
Are you sure that I am Jordanian? No
Is my name really Sulieman? Who knows!
Bro, I wasn't asking and I am not looking for an answer from you, but I was just guessing :)
sulie weekend will start soon mate, waz up with u waz the plan
thelo have a great weekend bro !
BG ,, How are you buddy
Did you start your weekend yet? :)
i love the timing and communication between u both (thelo n RIP )
Thelonius ,, Yes it doesn't sound nice when you hear/see a raped language.
But If you really care, PM the one who did the mistake
No need to embrace people :)
But the English people have the right to defend their language,, you are not English, are you?
Not even Greek I think :)
Thelonius don't say the Indians are raping the English language, they are very sensitive to rape...
Thelonius,, English Teacher
Why does everybody has to be fluent in English while it is not his/her mother tongue ?
Sorry for the Hijack
You are right. Perfection is important as well. I prefer to understand their thoughts than their words.
It is going to be hotter and hotter and hotter. We will adapt to the situations though as I read that Sun will come close to earth.
Thanks. Edited. For me meaning is more important than words both in real and virtual worlds.
The other fact that we must be conscious about is that major disaster ain't far away.We can expect the adverse effects to start by the year 2050, which means that before most of us die , we can expect a lot to happen.
Climate change will not only usher whether related disasters, instead it can instigate major wars , socio-economic issues and security related challenges.
It's true that the earth has been through many cycles of weather changes.The last time earth heated up,we humans weren't alive,but the dinosaurs were and they perished. After that came the ice age and that's when man evolved through a series of missing links.Therefore man does have the capability to survive,.
But currently there is clear evidence that we'r not heading towards another ice age,instead the earth is getting warmer.So only if we start preparing for it,we can survive.
And the other fact is that when it get's warmer, the water level will rise and affect coastal areas,but futher inland ,the land will be affected by severe droughts and other extreme conditions.
It is the cycle of life... The earth cools and warms. Mankind adapts in some regions, perishes in others.
Global warming is here. We can take steps to minimise the effects, but in the long run nature will take its course.
Mankind will find other planets to inhabit and one day the Earth will be no more ...
There are so many rich live as poor, anyway, simplicity and not being lazy are the keys to prevent any such disasters, we have to try , it is our job.
I didn't say Qatar is poor that word was used in a different sentence. (However Bangladesh is certainly poor)
When or if the seas rise how will Qatar survive? Build a huge wall around the country, lol.
ROFL...........asking question to Rip and answered by thelo good partners supporting back to back Lols
Rip I hope you are not bangali or qatari to be matter to you and how can you decide them as poor countries...?
This inherent desire of man to exist for ever...either as a species or an individual probably gave rise to the concept of souls and spirits. Egyptian kings couldn't accept the idea that one day, after death, their body would decay and be eaten by worms. Now this world walks on this beaten track.
So it gets a bit warmer, who cares. We can deal with it, some poor people will suffer but they always suffer anyway. Bangladesh might get wiped out and Qatar might sink below the ways, but none of these countries actually matter.
Why do we have to be so selfish and want to rule on this earth for long. After all we don't own this planet. Like dinosaurs and humans, let some other better species evolve in the next million years on a hotter earth and enjoy themselves.
yes the Koran is full of vauge statements but this is not relevant to this thread.
they wish the people to go back to jungles , they are mistaken ....
You'r right with highly valuable input ...
It's common false statistics are popularised to collect huge funds .
The primary source of all Islamic thought and practice, the Holy Qur’an, is full of exhalation of nature, its beauty and the need to protect it. Nature is portrayed as God’s glory, a gift of sustenance and humanity is divinely ordained responsibilities to care for the natural world and keep the harmony and balance placed within it.In the Qur’an there are “ample instructions as well as warnings to the faithful not to abuse their power in dealing with the environment. Distortion of the natural order and ill-treatment of God’s creatures, whatever they are, are considered as sins that lead to punishment.Wastefulness is discouraged
Yes let's get back to weather (pun intended) it is man made or part of the Earth or sun's natural cycle.
There are so many variables in the earth's climate our predictions have a very high degree of inaccuracy. Even Al Gore's famous doc contains many factual errors even though people want to believe.
I am not convinced by the evidence put forward it is man made and I reserve my judgement for the moment.
However having a cleaning planet is a good goal anyway!
Stop the hijacking now!
real son prays only .....
A son .... while sitting in his father's lap can't blame against him .... ! How can he ! ?
So MM we can blame God for climate change and extreme weather events. Why would he do this to us and kill the most vunerable?
He is behind each & everyone of us ...
Man and animals have survived the past millennia whilst adapting to the climate cycles.. I am sure we will continue to do so.
Or we can just say God did it.
Is it part of the Earth 4.5 billion year history or man made? The earth has gone through hotter periods and even cooler, so cold in fact the whole world was covered in ice. (Snowball Earth).
The fact is we just don't know.
no technology yet design to prevent what GOD wanted to happen, its just a waste of money...ex. america can't prevent cyclone or tornado, although they owned new technology & maybe the most poweful nation today.
thought provoking and alarming as well. Yes it appears we may sooner or later face much calamities and scarcities unless we truly commit ourselves to take all the necessary steps in our power to do what we can in bettering our surroundings, and minimizing the damages done to the environment. No effort must be belittled, and it is upon us to educate and inspire those around us as well as practicing what we preach. TFS n1v9n!
we look at death rate of people around the globe ...
Who will be living here to breath O-2 ?
Who will believe if they' seriously honest ?
is the law of nature .....
Is that false ?
need to loose sleep on a hoax ....
biggest threat is the modern way of pick-pocketing .....
way or other .... they are definitely after your money !