Help getting NOC out from Immigration
By [email protected] •
Does some one know if I can get the NOC submitted into the immigration.
Can come one know who could help me out.
please note the company/Mandoob who submitted wouldn't help me.
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cash flow will be regular there .... !
Im exiting Qatar since the current sponsor/company is not good, Cashflow issue.
Once I exit Qatar I need the NOC from the old sponsor again.
Old sponsor wants the old NOC to issue new one.
Thanks QatariSun.Lets see. I have told the truth to my old sponsor lets see if they would help me out.
thanks a lot.
tell your sponsor the truth, that NOC is submitted to immigration and no way to get it back. what's the problem? and why do you need another one? you don't want to finalize transfer of sponsorship with one company and want to join another company? then you are messing up yourself. stop doing it.
Thanks QatariSun - I understand but my previous sponsor is asking for the original NOC to issue another.
I'm clueless what to do. Thanks anyway.
Immigration never returns any documents, either copies or originals. Once the document is logged into the system it gets destroyed. It is impossible to keep hundreds of thousands physical copies in their premises.