India upper house passes cheap food plan
By landloverreview •
The Food Security Bill proposes to make food a legal right and seeks to provide 5kg of grain every month to some 800 million poor people.
The bill proposes to provide a kilo of rice at three rupees (six cents; four pence), wheat at two rupees and millet at one rupee.
Millions live below the poverty line and many children are malnourished.
The scheme is likely to cost 1.3 trillion rupees ($19.7bn; £12.6bn) every year.
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MODs are very eager to delete some comments..and conveniently ignore RIP's obvious comments…. Hope you have degree from Howard for Moderating the forums..
you can delete this too...
I better stop commenting and wasting my energy here
HGL's comment got deleted .. and mine once again
Of course Painther Conversation needs humility but if someone takes it personal and bring the same critique in every thread and talks about my nationality whenever I talk about Global issues is something stupid and irrational.
LLR..instead.. you should have asked a simple question to yourself.. “Why my other two beloved IDs were Oooopsed?” contemplating on that answer would give you a better perspective on the global issues
one of my post deleted????????????
LLR, now dont tell you're Mod too...wallahi that's dangerous recipe..:):)
agree with zaheer; and for any official work there's always an ambassador from GoI.
And my previous comment gets deleted
Being an Indian don't expect me to give justification for everything that my government does or many r.apest did ..
BBC , AJE, Reuters, Huffington, NDTV, OWS and thousands of media reports it.
You can have arguments but you can't stop journalism itself.
There are plenty of negative posts on this thread. But which of them are negative about India?
problem is, some people see only darker side, ALWAYS.
"you know; its terribly amusing how some people who gleefully take digs at other cultures/religions/countries are now all molten when their country is the topic"
Too true. Isn't this thread supposed to be about food security for the poor, rather than bashing one another for posting a thread about India?
Yes Painther, it is more funny because people take it personal. I posted a simple question which has no hate and my mind was very clear .
I did made it clear that dont hijack with anti_indian comments.
recent intellectual love of OP ..:):):)
I dont see any hate in my post or any of my other post. It is your mind at the end, not my post.
how easy it is to call others stupid, irrational, why? because they dont talk what Op wishes to, funny!
Haters gonna hate ..always
Very good. Keep it itching. You can buy some itching cream to get rid of it.
Thank you.
Tinker, "Bigotry and judgment are the height of insecurity." as simple as that.
Maybe you can just remember those threads which I am sure not more than 10 whereas I have posted more than 650 threads.
My interest is conversation and awareness, I can't change your pessimistic insecure thoughts.
you know; its terribly amusing how some people who gleefully take digs at other cultures/religions/countries are now all molten when their country is the topic
Tinku, What is anti_Indian in discussing poverty and food bill? My question is very simple, "Will it make the dream of Hunger Free India into a Reality"? as simple as that.
Thread was perfectly going fine until the irrational patriots came out.
Yes. Have your views, thats it.
We should at least appreciate the efforts, the country is taking to feed the poor.
Very interesting question Gypsy, I know there will be anti_indian comments hence I mentioned in the main post that nationality bashing and keep it relevant to the question.
May be you think, discussions have no impact but I dont think so.
These is one of the status you might find interesting "The World will know today that India will keep its promise to feed poor".
Poverty is a global issue which has no border. Any anti-Indian comment has no value for me, as simple as that. Its your problem if you feel insecure, though you said discussing here wont change anything.
TB, Only English in main forum, just be honest with your words. Thank you.
Oh TB...they are research associates, investigative journalists and what else you have whose interests are world poverty, hunger and so many other factors which has no borders, but somehow that world shrinks within the boundaries of India...rofl...India is truly blesssed that such high profile intellectuals care for it so much..
The impact of this decision will go far beyond India, it will drive up rice prices and effect the surrounding poor Asian countries.
India is of importance to the world as it is 1.2 billion people and that has serious implications for the enviroment of the planet we all live on.
tinkerbell10 pani pi lo
what a way to get 'hunterwalii' out from hibernation if OP says be respectful I have to follow it, is it?....That counts for a rofl comment. Hope you would have heard it get respect one needs to respect the other person. Begging for respect doesnt get you respect.
Thatz interesting Thelonius, why did you say that?
what is your purpose of starting this thread? our yes or No is not gonna change anything its already passed in both houses... all you can attain is some negative comments from the usual anti-indian group..if that makes you happy.. please keep posting..
that 1.3 trillion rupees il go back in der pocket ... this il start few months before 2014 election ..n il end after election
No. I am not.
LLR, are you a pakistani?
I said you dont know and even if you know, it would be considered as your assumption and it really does not matter.
Having a piece of land or a small booklet(passport) doesn't mean that you are the owner of the whole country unless your stupidity dominates your rationality. My interests are world poverty, hunger and so many other factors which has no borders, as simple as that.
I think you did share something before losing the interests and the OP has mentioned that keep relevant to the question asked in the picture.
If you really like to discuss Arabic and Sanscrit you can make a new thread, we can have a debate but please dont hijack. Thank you for understanding.
the day OP said Arabic is the "most" efficient' language I lost interest in further discussion :):)
Reason: Over population.
LLR..I very well know where you come from and what you do...
It would have been better if the Govt. had given a fair price to the Farmer...
Government is the main problem for the farmers as they do not get a fair price for their produce...
What will happen is the Politicians will buy all these food grains at low price and hoard it in a warehouse and sell it at expensive price.
...just like Ration shops function.
Vote for AAP... Be the change... you want to see.. ;-)
LLR make sure you tell your Indian friends to vote for
It could be my own window, you really dont know that.
Anyway, it is not my problem if you both dont understand the world of "Journalism" but I appreciate your thoughts though they don't qualify to be rational.
If only they had something interesting or boring stuff happening in their own country... otherwise they will be fanatically monitoring Indian news channels...what a pity....its no less than peeping through neighbor’s window.
Keep going, we are listening to you, Your comment at 10:39 is contradictory to your words and action though.
i agree some people single india out; but i feel you are needlessly hyperventilating in this case..llr clearly posted his notes below the post..and for the most part everyone has been respectful with their comments; even Rip has been decent so far
HGL Take a chill pill. Thanks for letting us know that you want to be a frog. I did have mention this in the main post that "Hunger Free India will play a crucial role in so many other parts of this planet as India accounts for a third of the world's poor and supporters say such assistance will help reduce poverty and hunger."
You can have your say or you can keep silent rather than trying to be a Preacher .
lol fixation and hatred towards India wouldnt take you anywhere but India would keep moving forward irrespective. And as the saying in my part goes "Elephants do not bother for barking street dogs". But anyways am happy that India can invoke so much interest in some people that their day starts and ends with its thoughts and even someone catching flu there is worth discussing. Just wish your godforsaken countries or piece of dirt (in your words) was interesting enough to atleast make you all relate with it rather than relating to some other countries leave aside creating any interest in me or other Indians to even bother to look into them.
double post.
HGL, I guess the largest percentage of population in Qatar is India so it is of interest to them. As for the rest of us from godforsaken lands, India is an interesting place, especially Indian politics.
Fixation of some with India is awesome...:) BTW what has it got to do with even Indians living in Qatar or with Qatarliving leave aside anybody else including the ones from some godforsaken lands. Shouldnt mods be deleting this and warning the individuals to desist from such useless irrelevant posts which have no relevance either with Qatar or Qatarliving.
i'm inclined to agree wit rip and fubar..seems like vote bait..and yes the long term solution mentioned by brit is in fact the weeding out of corruption identified by fubar..lastly, the indians who can buy imported can also buy inflated imported..its the poor who get deflated :-)
A better way to life people out of poverty will be to crack down on corruption by the super wealthy.
But giving food to the poor isn't without its merits.
It will help push the rupee lower though, which isn't going to be good for domestic Indians buying imported goods.
It's a smoke screen and just trying to buy votes of the poor. India needs seriously reforms, not just a destablising, expensive piece of nonsense like thsi.
on the need for more sustainable solutions. Th ideal move is to enroll this huge number of people in a productive scheme to be capable of earning live needs.
"Fishing rather than a Fish"
As a start, it is a Good job indeed
I think there is many poor people who can't even find something ti eat.
But I second brit, next step should be "more sustainable solution"
A good move by the government to help the needy. However, it will be a drain on an already weak economy. Longer term , more sustainable solution needs to be found.
Indias economy then yes.
Dear Mr. Mod,
Hope you are doing good.
Please delete the other thread.
Thank you.